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Hey there, I am looking for speaking partner. Anyone interested kindly send your details of any platform from where we can communicate. Whatsapp or Instagram or anything else.
My email :- rajatpatel1000.rp@gmail.com
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https://ieltsonlinetests.com/wot/result/writing-practice-test-1-1545408 Hello, can you please check my writing, thank you in advance
Hey.. I am searching for the speaking partner. If you preparing for ielts, I will be good to do speaking together.
If you are interested please contact me on pranavsuthar91048@gmail.com
hi there! im prepairing for my ielts test and looking for a speaking partner :) anyone interested please write me on whatsapp (+79118018010), instagram: ivathetree or email: eva.filatieva@gmail.com !
Hi Everyone, Since I am preparing for my IELTS exam, hence looking for a speaking partner. Please do email me if anyone interested. Imrobby9@gmail.com
Hi I am looking for a speaking partner. If anyone interested send me the contact details on my email:
please rate my writing
hey, could anyone evaluate my writing pls https://ieltsonlinetests.com/wot/result/writing-practice-test-1-703550
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