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孩童时期的朋友Describe a friend from your childhood

You should say:

Who he/she is

Where and how you met each other What you often did together

and explain what made you like him/her.

Plan your talk:

Who he/she is

What his/her name is

What he/ she does

Where and how you met each other

How long you have known each other

When you met each other

How you met each other

Whether you are still in touch

What you often did together

and explain what made you like him/her

Whether he/ she makes you happy

Whether he/ she influences you positively


这是一道难度偏低的经典老题,描述一个你的童年友人。在这道题中,考生们在分析题目时,一定要关注童年这个条件,这里不仅是对描述对象的身份限定也在作答时需要凸显时态的多样性,如过去时,如现在是否依然有联系时使用的现在完成时等等。除此以外可以按照: 人物的身份、与你的关系、此人的外貌形象、性格特征,以及你们之发生的互动等方面的框架进行作答,注意衔接的必要性,符合评分标准的一系列要求。

Sample Answer 1 :

So, a friend from my childhood would be James. He's a great person. He owned a small retail shop right across from my primary school. I'm pretty sure he was shorter than me and he wore a pair of glasses. Even before I got into primary school, his shop had already been there and I believe he continued to run his business after I graduated.

His shop sold a bunch of things like drinks and snacks, you know, things a regular shop would offer, but what made his store stand out was that he would offer basketball rental services to us students. So, in my primary school, playing sports was strictly prohibited during lunch break. To make matters worse, our teachers would take away our football or basketball if we got caught. As a result, he was the only source available to me and my friends, who were at that time fanatic about sports. The good thing about him was that he wouldn't charge us a high price because of his monopoly. Instead, we only needed to pay like 1 yuan each time we rented, which was literally nothing. And that made us friends.

I was truly grateful because he was the reason I got to keep fit in my childhood. I mean, I did get tan because of outdoor exercise and my mom complained a lot about that, but it was a small price to pay. I think he truly cared about us and wanted us to enjoy sports because if he had wanted to make money, he would have charged us a lot more than that. Even till now, we are best friends and go to play basketball together or just hang out.

Sample Answer 2 :

Well, the childhood friend I would like to talk about today is probably Lisa who is actually one of my favorite cousins in my family. Actually, we have been bonding for almost my whole life since we were both little girls.

Lisa is about my age with watery eyes and long brown hair, but she always is wearing a ponytail. As a result, when you saw her in any events, you would be impressed by her positive energy. Actually, this vibe has been running in my family for generations and this is why we could quickly get on like a house on fire when we were only toddlers maybe. You know what, people usually said we were like beans and carrots back then.

I still remember that back in primary school, every summer vacation we used to hang out together like 24/7, sitting cross-legged fiddling with the Lego Bricks or crosswords, right on the carpet in the living room, sharing our dreams and resolutions together. She used to mention that she would become the First Noble Prize winner, and I ddin't buy it at all! What a care-free day it was! I guess this is the reason why Liz has already become such a tech-savy girl now.

Although we had been studying and living in separate regions in this country, we have never grown apart or fallen out at all. Well, through fair or stormy weather, Lisa didn't slack of at all, guess what, she is currently working as an expert specializing in marine science, targeting on Fishery Resources and Environment, I mean, somehow she has already realized her ambition.

So, in a word, Lisa is such a doer, a go-getter, a self-made woman, and my best friend for all time!

Part 3

Question:Do you still keep in touch with your friends from childhood? Why or why not?



Sample Answer:

Sure. Why not? Actually, I think it is a very common thing in my country. Although some of our childhood friends would just break away in some first- tier cities,gradually growing apart, most of us would choose to live a slow paced life back in our hometown and sometimes we would meet up every now and then,sharing the ideas of parenting, marital life or something like that. I think this could be called serendipity.

Question:How important is childhood friendship to children?



考生可以从 children的不同年龄不同阶段出发进行论证,例如在年龄较小的阶段,友谊可以帮助孩子们学习一些必要的基本的常识,让他们享受社交的快乐;而在大一点的年纪,孩子们可以通过友谊进一步了解团队合作的重要性,与此同时掌握一些相应的社交技能。

Sample Answer:

As far as I know, that would not be life-and-death important. However, it could play an important role in children's development in both intelligent and emotional aspect. For example, babies, toddlers and younger children enjoy spending time with other children, sharing food, toys and other stuff together, in which way it is an early stage to learn how to show kindness and interact with peers apart from their parents, besides, this is a really good opportunity to for language acquisition.

When it comes to the kids around 6 to 12, friendship works as a vital part in their life as well. They are more involved in teamwork or group study, developing friendship would help children fit in and acquire social skills like apologizing or negotiating. This is absolutely a must-have for their future.

Question: What do you think of online social media?



Sample Answer:

Well, obviously, this is such an efficient and multi-functional tool in our social life in modern society. Let's take international students as an example, through the social media they can share their life abroad with friends and parents back at home or finding the peers who can share the similar project together. And what we should also pay attention to is that occasionally social media could also get utilized by frauds for horrible scheme, so I firmly believe it should be properly supervised.

Question:Do you think online social media will replace face-to-face communication?



Sample Answer:

Honestly, I don't think so. At least in a short period, no.

I mean some functions face-to-face communication could be replaced by it such as chatting or sharing E-photos and so forth,but for the senior citizens, nothing would hold a candle to talking and shaking hands in person. Not to mention the couples stuck in long-distance romantic relationships, dating without cuddling, without holding each other in arms? That would be terribly unacceptable!




孩童时期的朋友Describe a friend from your childhood

You should say:

Who he/she is

Where and how you met each other What you often did together

and explain what made you like him/her.

Plan your talk:

Who he/she is

What his/her name is

What he/ she does

Where and how you met each other

How long you have known each other

When you met each other

How you met each other

Whether you are still in touch

What you often did together

and explain what made you like him/her

Whether he/ she makes you happy

Whether he/ she influences you positively


这是一道难度偏低的经典老题,描述一个你的童年友人。在这道题中,考生们在分析题目时,一定要关注童年这个条件,这里不仅是对描述对象的身份限定也在作答时需要凸显时态的多样性,如过去时,如现在是否依然有联系时使用的现在完成时等等。除此以外可以按照: 人物的身份、与你的关系、此人的外貌形象、性格特征,以及你们之发生的互动等方面的框架进行作答,注意衔接的必要性,符合评分标准的一系列要求。

Sample Answer 1 :

So, a friend from my childhood would be James. He's a great person. He owned a small retail shop right across from my primary school. I'm pretty sure he was shorter than me and he wore a pair of glasses. Even before I got into primary school, his shop had already been there and I believe he continued to run his business after I graduated.

His shop sold a bunch of things like drinks and snacks, you know, things a regular shop would offer, but what made his store stand out was that he would offer basketball rental services to us students. So, in my primary school, playing sports was strictly prohibited during lunch break. To make matters worse, our teachers would take away our football or basketball if we got caught. As a result, he was the only source available to me and my friends, who were at that time fanatic about sports. The good thing about him was that he wouldn't charge us a high price because of his monopoly. Instead, we only needed to pay like 1 yuan each time we rented, which was literally nothing. And that made us friends.

I was truly grateful because he was the reason I got to keep fit in my childhood. I mean, I did get tan because of outdoor exercise and my mom complained a lot about that, but it was a small price to pay. I think he truly cared about us and wanted us to enjoy sports because if he had wanted to make money, he would have charged us a lot more than that. Even till now, we are best friends and go to play basketball together or just hang out.

Sample Answer 2 :

Well, the childhood friend I would like to talk about today is probably Lisa who is actually one of my favorite cousins in my family. Actually, we have been bonding for almost my whole life since we were both little girls.

Lisa is about my age with watery eyes and long brown hair, but she always is wearing a ponytail. As a result, when you saw her in any events, you would be impressed by her positive energy. Actually, this vibe has been running in my family for generations and this is why we could quickly get on like a house on fire when we were only toddlers maybe. You know what, people usually said we were like beans and carrots back then.

I still remember that back in primary school, every summer vacation we used to hang out together like 24/7, sitting cross-legged fiddling with the Lego Bricks or crosswords, right on the carpet in the living room, sharing our dreams and resolutions together. She used to mention that she would become the First Noble Prize winner, and I ddin't buy it at all! What a care-free day it was! I guess this is the reason why Liz has already become such a tech-savy girl now.

Although we had been studying and living in separate regions in this country, we have never grown apart or fallen out at all. Well, through fair or stormy weather, Lisa didn't slack of at all, guess what, she is currently working as an expert specializing in marine science, targeting on Fishery Resources and Environment, I mean, somehow she has already realized her ambition.

So, in a word, Lisa is such a doer, a go-getter, a self-made woman, and my best friend for all time!

Part 3

Question:Do you still keep in touch with your friends from childhood? Why or why not?



Sample Answer:

Sure. Why not? Actually, I think it is a very common thing in my country. Although some of our childhood friends would just break away in some first- tier cities,gradually growing apart, most of us would choose to live a slow paced life back in our hometown and sometimes we would meet up every now and then,sharing the ideas of parenting, marital life or something like that. I think this could be called serendipity.

Question:How important is childhood friendship to children?



考生可以从 children的不同年龄不同阶段出发进行论证,例如在年龄较小的阶段,友谊可以帮助孩子们学习一些必要的基本的常识,让他们享受社交的快乐;而在大一点的年纪,孩子们可以通过友谊进一步了解团队合作的重要性,与此同时掌握一些相应的社交技能。

Sample Answer:

As far as I know, that would not be life-and-death important. However, it could play an important role in children's development in both intelligent and emotional aspect. For example, babies, toddlers and younger children enjoy spending time with other children, sharing food, toys and other stuff together, in which way it is an early stage to learn how to show kindness and interact with peers apart from their parents, besides, this is a really good opportunity to for language acquisition.

When it comes to the kids around 6 to 12, friendship works as a vital part in their life as well. They are more involved in teamwork or group study, developing friendship would help children fit in and acquire social skills like apologizing or negotiating. This is absolutely a must-have for their future.

Question: What do you think of online social media?



Sample Answer:

Well, obviously, this is such an efficient and multi-functional tool in our social life in modern society. Let's take international students as an example, through the social media they can share their life abroad with friends and parents back at home or finding the peers who can share the similar project together. And what we should also pay attention to is that occasionally social media could also get utilized by frauds for horrible scheme, so I firmly believe it should be properly supervised.

Question:Do you think online social media will replace face-to-face communication?



Sample Answer:

Honestly, I don't think so. At least in a short period, no.

I mean some functions face-to-face communication could be replaced by it such as chatting or sharing E-photos and so forth,but for the senior citizens, nothing would hold a candle to talking and shaking hands in person. Not to mention the couples stuck in long-distance romantic relationships, dating without cuddling, without holding each other in arms? That would be terribly unacceptable!


Previous: 雅思口语素材库-Part2&3范文及解题思路:穿着时尚的人 Next: 雅思口语素材库-Part2&3范文及解题思路:来⾃不同⽂化的⼈

