

(1 评分人数)





Describe an interesting neighbour You should say:

Who he/she is

How you knew him/her What you do together

and explain why you he/she is interesting.

Plan your talk:

Who he/she is

(Optional) What characteristics do he/she have

How you knew him/her

(Optional) What happened between you two

(Optional) What has person brought to you

What you do together

(Optional) What he/she has done

Why he/she is interesting

(Optional) What else has this person done

(Optional) How has this person influenced you


本题要求描述一位有趣的邻居,可以先介绍人物背景,如居住楼层、人物年龄和职业、家庭情况等,此处用一般现在时。但在描述认识经过时,会需要使用一般过去时或过去进行时,并拓展相关感受。第三个要点可以通过让步拓展,表明自己没有很多时间和邻居相处,但是偶尔会有一定的交集·最后解释邻居有趣的原因可以通过性格( 幽默)、爱好( 广泛)或是职业( 特色)等。

Sample Answer 1 :

Okay, so the person I'd like to talk about is a lady living next door. She is in her 30s, I think. and if I'm not mistaken, she's a college professor in Hunan University, which, by the way, is a top school in this region.

As for how I knew her, well I don't remember when I first saw her, but of course I know her because I often run into her in the elevator. We'd greet each other and chat a little bit. For example, a while ago, we met again, and she told me that she was in the family way. I got really surprised when hearing this, cuz she still looked very slim. I guess it was just the early stage.

Anyway, to be honest, we don't have much contact, cuz we both have busy life, but sometimes, she'd bring some home-made food and share with my family. So as you can see, what a nice lady, right?

okay now let me tell you why I think she's a very interesting lady. I think the reason is to do with her personalities. I mean she's humorous, out-going, and very approachable. And also, she has a wide range of hobbies, for example, making some videos about cooking, and sharing recipes on TikTok. That really knocked my socks off!

So yeah, I think she's really good fun, and we may not be close friends, but I'm happy that she's my neighbour.

Sample Answer 2 :

I must say, I am extremely fortunate to have such a wonderful neighbour, Miss Lee, who is really friendly and always willing to give me a hand whenever I'm in trouble.

Miss Lee and I live in the same building, but we are on different floors. I live on the 9th floor, and she lives on the 24th. We came to know each other when the electricity to the entire building was cut off one evening. Unfortunately, I had run out of candles, so I sent a message to the Wechat group, asking if there was anyone who had some spare candles for me to borrow. By the way, in China it's very common to have a Wechat group where you can find every person living in the same building. And she was the only person who responded, and this was when I first met my neighbour.

She was extremely helpful and I was really grateful for her help. And a few days later, I made some snacks for her as a thank-you gift. Since then, we have become quite close friends.

The more I got to know Miss Lee, the more I began to look up to her. You see, she is married, with 2 kids, and she was once be a stay-at-home mom. But as the kids grew, she started to have her own time, and now she's running a TikTok account, creating very useful content like parenting tips and skills.

From what I know, she's been doing this for 3 years, and it was quite successful. She's got over 60thousand fans already! That totally blew my mind! She's really something!

Anyway, she really is a wonderful neighbour and I know I could count on her if I ever needed to.

Part 3:

Question:Do you think people are familiar with their neighbours?


此题为Part·3的观点类题型,可以有三种回答方式 : yes/·no/itdepends..可以从今夕对比进行拓展,比如过去人们关系很好( close ),现在关系比较疏远( distant )了。

Sample Answer:

Yes, I think that's true, unfortunately. In this day and age, we seem to be experiencing some sort of trust crisis, especially when it comes to neighbours. If a new family moves to a community, few people will knock on their door and send their regards. And similarly, they wouldn't throw a housewarming party and invite their neighbours to join them. However, things were not like this in the past. neighbours were really close and kids were even allowed to play in their neighbours' home for a long time.

Question:How can people improve the relationship with neighbours in a community?



相对万能的思路包括 :



Sample Answer:

I'm not so sure about this. But perhaps one thing we can do is to have a fully functional app, you know, like a community app, so that neighbours can communicate ideas each other more easily. And if there is some kind of friction, problem or even conflict, they can sort it out online instead of face-to- face. But for me, the best way to improve neighbourhood relationship is education. Parents need to encourage their kids to play with their neighbours, or be happy to invite their neighbours to come to their apartments. This can be a great bonding opportunity.

Question:Is it beneficial to get along well with neighbours?



Sample Answer:

Yes absolutely. It's always a good thing to get on well with others, especially our neighbours. In China, people often say a good neighbour matters more than a distant relative. That's to say, they can be our support systems when our family or friends are not close by. This can be particularly important when a disaster strikes, say an earthquake, or something. Our neighbour might be the first one who can do rescue work, even though it might not be the smartest idea. Anyway, I can't think of anything negative about getting along well with neighbours.

Question:How do children build relationships with others in a community?


此题为Part 3典型的建议类题型,要从“儿童”视角进行回答。例如,streetolay街头玩耍,volunteering参加小区志愿者活动,meeting;peopleat·thecommunityplayground在社区游乐场交朋友等。

Sample Answer:

I think there're many things kids can do to help them establish relationships with others in the community. Street play, for instance, can be a great idea. They can spend time with their neighbours, develop independence, I mean, play without their parents tailing them. And another benefit of doing that is that they can meet other adults in the neighbourhood. It's like a big extended family, creating a great sense of community and belonging. As well as that, parents always like it when their community organizes some kind of volunteering activity, like a campaign or something, so that their kids can participate, meet new people, help others, and develop essential interpersonal skills.





Describe an interesting neighbour You should say:

Who he/she is

How you knew him/her What you do together

and explain why you he/she is interesting.

Plan your talk:

Who he/she is

(Optional) What characteristics do he/she have

How you knew him/her

(Optional) What happened between you two

(Optional) What has person brought to you

What you do together

(Optional) What he/she has done

Why he/she is interesting

(Optional) What else has this person done

(Optional) How has this person influenced you


本题要求描述一位有趣的邻居,可以先介绍人物背景,如居住楼层、人物年龄和职业、家庭情况等,此处用一般现在时。但在描述认识经过时,会需要使用一般过去时或过去进行时,并拓展相关感受。第三个要点可以通过让步拓展,表明自己没有很多时间和邻居相处,但是偶尔会有一定的交集·最后解释邻居有趣的原因可以通过性格( 幽默)、爱好( 广泛)或是职业( 特色)等。

Sample Answer 1 :

Okay, so the person I'd like to talk about is a lady living next door. She is in her 30s, I think. and if I'm not mistaken, she's a college professor in Hunan University, which, by the way, is a top school in this region.

As for how I knew her, well I don't remember when I first saw her, but of course I know her because I often run into her in the elevator. We'd greet each other and chat a little bit. For example, a while ago, we met again, and she told me that she was in the family way. I got really surprised when hearing this, cuz she still looked very slim. I guess it was just the early stage.

Anyway, to be honest, we don't have much contact, cuz we both have busy life, but sometimes, she'd bring some home-made food and share with my family. So as you can see, what a nice lady, right?

okay now let me tell you why I think she's a very interesting lady. I think the reason is to do with her personalities. I mean she's humorous, out-going, and very approachable. And also, she has a wide range of hobbies, for example, making some videos about cooking, and sharing recipes on TikTok. That really knocked my socks off!

So yeah, I think she's really good fun, and we may not be close friends, but I'm happy that she's my neighbour.

Sample Answer 2 :

I must say, I am extremely fortunate to have such a wonderful neighbour, Miss Lee, who is really friendly and always willing to give me a hand whenever I'm in trouble.

Miss Lee and I live in the same building, but we are on different floors. I live on the 9th floor, and she lives on the 24th. We came to know each other when the electricity to the entire building was cut off one evening. Unfortunately, I had run out of candles, so I sent a message to the Wechat group, asking if there was anyone who had some spare candles for me to borrow. By the way, in China it's very common to have a Wechat group where you can find every person living in the same building. And she was the only person who responded, and this was when I first met my neighbour.

She was extremely helpful and I was really grateful for her help. And a few days later, I made some snacks for her as a thank-you gift. Since then, we have become quite close friends.

The more I got to know Miss Lee, the more I began to look up to her. You see, she is married, with 2 kids, and she was once be a stay-at-home mom. But as the kids grew, she started to have her own time, and now she's running a TikTok account, creating very useful content like parenting tips and skills.

From what I know, she's been doing this for 3 years, and it was quite successful. She's got over 60thousand fans already! That totally blew my mind! She's really something!

Anyway, she really is a wonderful neighbour and I know I could count on her if I ever needed to.

Part 3:

Question:Do you think people are familiar with their neighbours?


此题为Part·3的观点类题型,可以有三种回答方式 : yes/·no/itdepends..可以从今夕对比进行拓展,比如过去人们关系很好( close ),现在关系比较疏远( distant )了。

Sample Answer:

Yes, I think that's true, unfortunately. In this day and age, we seem to be experiencing some sort of trust crisis, especially when it comes to neighbours. If a new family moves to a community, few people will knock on their door and send their regards. And similarly, they wouldn't throw a housewarming party and invite their neighbours to join them. However, things were not like this in the past. neighbours were really close and kids were even allowed to play in their neighbours' home for a long time.

Question:How can people improve the relationship with neighbours in a community?



相对万能的思路包括 :



Sample Answer:

I'm not so sure about this. But perhaps one thing we can do is to have a fully functional app, you know, like a community app, so that neighbours can communicate ideas each other more easily. And if there is some kind of friction, problem or even conflict, they can sort it out online instead of face-to- face. But for me, the best way to improve neighbourhood relationship is education. Parents need to encourage their kids to play with their neighbours, or be happy to invite their neighbours to come to their apartments. This can be a great bonding opportunity.

Question:Is it beneficial to get along well with neighbours?



Sample Answer:

Yes absolutely. It's always a good thing to get on well with others, especially our neighbours. In China, people often say a good neighbour matters more than a distant relative. That's to say, they can be our support systems when our family or friends are not close by. This can be particularly important when a disaster strikes, say an earthquake, or something. Our neighbour might be the first one who can do rescue work, even though it might not be the smartest idea. Anyway, I can't think of anything negative about getting along well with neighbours.

Question:How do children build relationships with others in a community?


此题为Part 3典型的建议类题型,要从“儿童”视角进行回答。例如,streetolay街头玩耍,volunteering参加小区志愿者活动,meeting;peopleat·thecommunityplayground在社区游乐场交朋友等。

Sample Answer:

I think there're many things kids can do to help them establish relationships with others in the community. Street play, for instance, can be a great idea. They can spend time with their neighbours, develop independence, I mean, play without their parents tailing them. And another benefit of doing that is that they can meet other adults in the neighbourhood. It's like a big extended family, creating a great sense of community and belonging. As well as that, parents always like it when their community organizes some kind of volunteering activity, like a campaign or something, so that their kids can participate, meet new people, help others, and develop essential interpersonal skills.


Previous: 雅思口语素材库-Part2&3范文及解题思路:想一起共事的家人 Next: 雅思口语素材库-Part2&3范文及解题思路:征求意见


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