雅思口语Part 1素材库有助于提高口语表达能力,增加流利度,确保答案的逻辑性和连贯性,提供备选答案,增强考试的自信心。
Singing Question 1:
Do you like singing? Why?
Sample answer:
Not really, I'm a terrible singer. I mean I can't carry a tune. I almost never sing in public. I think it's embarrassing and I get very shy. But sometimes I do find myself humming some pop songs, like when I'm taking a bath or doing other things by myself.
Question 2:
Do you think the lyrics of a song are important?
Sample answer:
Well, that's a tricky question. These days many songs are popular simply because of their catchy beat, but I'd say lyrics are one of the most important things about a song, because you know, when I listen to a song, I want to connect with it, to be aware of the theme or purpose of the music.
Question 3:
Where do you usually sing? Why?
Sample answer:
As I was saying, I'm not a very talented singer, so I'd only sing in private, like in the bathroom or places like that. But I remember in childhood I was brave enough to sing on stage, like performing at school. That was a long time ago, though.
Question 4:
How often do you sing?
Sample answer:
Only once in a while, perhaps once a week or less. Like I said, I almost never sing in front of others, and to me I'm kind of tone-deaf, so I wouldn't want to embarrass myself. But I have friends who sing almost all the time, like when they're on their way to school and during class breaks, but I'm not like that.
Question 5:
What's your favorite song? Why?
Sample answer:
Well, there're so many lovely songs out there, so it's hard to pick just one. I mean at the moment, I don't have a particular favorite tune. But in general, I love soothing music, something that brings me peace.
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