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Describe a person who likes to dress fashionably You should say:

Who he/she is

What job he/she does

What kind of dresses he/she wears and explain why he/she likes fashion.

Plan your talk:

Who he/she is:

(Optional) What his/ her name;

(Optional) How you knew (about) this person;

(Optional) How long you have known (about) this person;

What job he/she does:

(Optional) Whether she/ he works in fashion business;What kind of dresses he/she wears

(Optional) What color/ feature his/ her clothes has;

(Optional) What is special about the clothing he/ she wears;and explain why he/she likes fashion

(Optional) What fashion means to him/her.


这道题目描述一个穿着时尚的人,及核心限定条件是Dress fashionably .考生在选择描述对象时,只要符合该条件即可,可以是身边的人,也可以是从事时尚行业的人,为了满足限定条件的描述,在表达方面我们,尽量考虑对于外形的描述以及与时尚的关系,例如此人的穿衣风格是否足够前卫,是否与众不同,是否能够带来他人,怎样的评价以及,是否能够在时尚行业有一席之地,同时也可以详细展开一个过去的经历,注意要与时尚挂钩.在完成该题目的练习时,特别需要关注人称的准确,避免he·she的混淆,以及上下文之间的衔接如逻辑关系或提升流利度的filler的使用。

Sample Answer 1 :

Well,the stylish person I would like to talk about today is definitely my cousin Lisa who is currently an art student, working as an assistant in a designer

studio in BJ.

Actually, she's been my role model for a long time since we were both little girls.

As far as I know, Lisa is around 22, always wearing a pair of glasses and crew cut, which makes her stands out from the crowd for it makes her look pretty individual and stylish, you know, quite different from other girls at this age.

However, from where I stand, I've usually found Lisa really creative and super innovative. I mean, she never follows the rules, instead, she's got her own style on what to wear and how to wear them in an extremely trendy way, which totally shows her individuality, by that I mean, the vividly colors, tassels and even the tiny little pins would easily grab everyone in public. This is amazing.

To be more specific, several years ago, me and my cousin Lisa went to an art exhibition featuring Van Gogh and other celebrated masters. Guess what!

Suddenly Lisa got the Eureka moment from the oil painting Daisy, and several days later, she designed this dress with the inspiration of Vincent, which created the vogue in her college for weeks!

This is why I'd like to share some interesting things about Lisa, she's got the passion and effort in art and fashion, I wish she could go from strength to strength in this business. I'm so proud of her.

Sample Answer 2 :

Okie, when it comes to this person who dresses fashionably, the first one

pops in my mind is absolutely Wen Liu, who is an international fashion supermodel best known for the work for Victoria's Secret lingerie, Estée Lauder among other high profile brands. As a matter of fact, it's been over a decade since she appeared in Victoria's Secret Fashion shows for the first time in the year of 2009.

I suppose Wen Liu is already 34 with slender figure, sharp jawline and delicate features, making her the natural material for the runway. I mean, on the catwalk, wearing the cutting-edge design, Wen's stardust is irresistible! I guess this is why she's the capital darling and designers' favorite of all time. For example, even though the clothing would be of too much avant-garde style with odd modeling, it would be just a piece of two cake and this is exactly why she has appeared on the cover in a wide range of fashion magazines including Vogue, GQ and something like it. Sometimes only in T-shirt and jeans, Wen is still the fashion icon.

I still remember that once I read a news report about Wen, to my surprise, she was first East Asian face to walk the Victoria's Secret fashion show and to achieve supermodel status in the the industry.

That was ... Wow!

To cut to the chase, I'm such a big fan of Wen Liu, not only because of her striking beautiful appearance, but also she's set the bench mark for modeling and fashion. This is why I'd like to share something with you.

Part 3

Question: Do you think online shopping will replace in-store shopping in the future? Why?



Sample Answer:

Honestly, I don't think so. As least in the next 50 years, it's not gonna happen. And the reason why I AM so confident is that. First of all, they indoor shopping enjoys so much convenience and possibilities. For example, you can have the package deal including dining, shopping, window shopping, watching the film in the cinema and something like that. Sometimes most of us need to get up from the couch and walk out to enjoy the shopping the atmosphere, I mean, otherwise, what's the point for our ancestor to go out of the cave to start the civilization? What's more, there are always the ones who have a hard time fiddling with electronic devices, it would be so cruel to force them to stick to the screen and doing shopping online. These people are apparently the most favorite consumers to the real shops in the future. You know what they usually say, where there is need, there is business.

Question: Why is fashion very important to some people?



Sample Answer:

For regular people like you and me, fashion provides contributing factors of instant boost of confidence, I mean, have you ever watched the movie My Fair Lady or Cinderella, you name it. Even though we should not judge a book by its cover, what we often forget is that confidence comes with feeling good about yourself and how you look, and fashion can play a huge role. For example, the right pair of shoes can make Cinderella feel like a million bucks, while the wrong ones can make her feel like a dollar store mannequin, she could not ever put up the courage to go the ball. Obviously dressing well shows that you respect yourself enough to put forth an effort into looking nice every day. And for those who work in the fashion business or entertainment industry, this is a drop-dead profitable project, I mean, the boutiques, designer store would easily max out your credit card, not to mention the local economy, what lucrative business!

Question:  Are older people as fashionable as young people? Why?



Sample Answer:

I'm afraid not. As least in my country, the underlying cause for this is that a majority of retired people are prone to pay more attention to their children or grand children, as a result, it would not be the top priority for the elderly generation to cultivate their own image. Sadly giving a leg-up to the youngsters with mortgage would also drain their bank account. Compared to the young adults, it is an inescapable fact that they are just more interested in practicability.

Question: Are women more fashionable than men? Why?


Sample Answer:

Wow, I would say that people would certainly have mixed views for this statement. Let me think, well, I would take the view that Yes! Women are definitely more fashionable than guys, for example, when you walk into a mall, you may find more designer shops targeting for ladies while fewer one for men. And the underlying cause is that most men don't event care about their appearance, disheveled hair or beard and unshaven face would be seen as the symbol of manhood. By and large, ladies are relatively more willing to stand in front of the mirror, trying the outfit, refreshing their make-up. Honestly, I'm not quite positive about it, but from where I stand, this is curved in their genes.




Describe a person who likes to dress fashionably You should say:

Who he/she is

What job he/she does

What kind of dresses he/she wears and explain why he/she likes fashion.

Plan your talk:

Who he/she is:

(Optional) What his/ her name;

(Optional) How you knew (about) this person;

(Optional) How long you have known (about) this person;

What job he/she does:

(Optional) Whether she/ he works in fashion business;What kind of dresses he/she wears

(Optional) What color/ feature his/ her clothes has;

(Optional) What is special about the clothing he/ she wears;and explain why he/she likes fashion

(Optional) What fashion means to him/her.


这道题目描述一个穿着时尚的人,及核心限定条件是Dress fashionably .考生在选择描述对象时,只要符合该条件即可,可以是身边的人,也可以是从事时尚行业的人,为了满足限定条件的描述,在表达方面我们,尽量考虑对于外形的描述以及与时尚的关系,例如此人的穿衣风格是否足够前卫,是否与众不同,是否能够带来他人,怎样的评价以及,是否能够在时尚行业有一席之地,同时也可以详细展开一个过去的经历,注意要与时尚挂钩.在完成该题目的练习时,特别需要关注人称的准确,避免he·she的混淆,以及上下文之间的衔接如逻辑关系或提升流利度的filler的使用。

Sample Answer 1 :

Well,the stylish person I would like to talk about today is definitely my cousin Lisa who is currently an art student, working as an assistant in a designer

studio in BJ.

Actually, she's been my role model for a long time since we were both little girls.

As far as I know, Lisa is around 22, always wearing a pair of glasses and crew cut, which makes her stands out from the crowd for it makes her look pretty individual and stylish, you know, quite different from other girls at this age.

However, from where I stand, I've usually found Lisa really creative and super innovative. I mean, she never follows the rules, instead, she's got her own style on what to wear and how to wear them in an extremely trendy way, which totally shows her individuality, by that I mean, the vividly colors, tassels and even the tiny little pins would easily grab everyone in public. This is amazing.

To be more specific, several years ago, me and my cousin Lisa went to an art exhibition featuring Van Gogh and other celebrated masters. Guess what!

Suddenly Lisa got the Eureka moment from the oil painting Daisy, and several days later, she designed this dress with the inspiration of Vincent, which created the vogue in her college for weeks!

This is why I'd like to share some interesting things about Lisa, she's got the passion and effort in art and fashion, I wish she could go from strength to strength in this business. I'm so proud of her.

Sample Answer 2 :

Okie, when it comes to this person who dresses fashionably, the first one

pops in my mind is absolutely Wen Liu, who is an international fashion supermodel best known for the work for Victoria's Secret lingerie, Estée Lauder among other high profile brands. As a matter of fact, it's been over a decade since she appeared in Victoria's Secret Fashion shows for the first time in the year of 2009.

I suppose Wen Liu is already 34 with slender figure, sharp jawline and delicate features, making her the natural material for the runway. I mean, on the catwalk, wearing the cutting-edge design, Wen's stardust is irresistible! I guess this is why she's the capital darling and designers' favorite of all time. For example, even though the clothing would be of too much avant-garde style with odd modeling, it would be just a piece of two cake and this is exactly why she has appeared on the cover in a wide range of fashion magazines including Vogue, GQ and something like it. Sometimes only in T-shirt and jeans, Wen is still the fashion icon.

I still remember that once I read a news report about Wen, to my surprise, she was first East Asian face to walk the Victoria's Secret fashion show and to achieve supermodel status in the the industry.

That was ... Wow!

To cut to the chase, I'm such a big fan of Wen Liu, not only because of her striking beautiful appearance, but also she's set the bench mark for modeling and fashion. This is why I'd like to share something with you.

Part 3

Question: Do you think online shopping will replace in-store shopping in the future? Why?



Sample Answer:

Honestly, I don't think so. As least in the next 50 years, it's not gonna happen. And the reason why I AM so confident is that. First of all, they indoor shopping enjoys so much convenience and possibilities. For example, you can have the package deal including dining, shopping, window shopping, watching the film in the cinema and something like that. Sometimes most of us need to get up from the couch and walk out to enjoy the shopping the atmosphere, I mean, otherwise, what's the point for our ancestor to go out of the cave to start the civilization? What's more, there are always the ones who have a hard time fiddling with electronic devices, it would be so cruel to force them to stick to the screen and doing shopping online. These people are apparently the most favorite consumers to the real shops in the future. You know what they usually say, where there is need, there is business.

Question: Why is fashion very important to some people?



Sample Answer:

For regular people like you and me, fashion provides contributing factors of instant boost of confidence, I mean, have you ever watched the movie My Fair Lady or Cinderella, you name it. Even though we should not judge a book by its cover, what we often forget is that confidence comes with feeling good about yourself and how you look, and fashion can play a huge role. For example, the right pair of shoes can make Cinderella feel like a million bucks, while the wrong ones can make her feel like a dollar store mannequin, she could not ever put up the courage to go the ball. Obviously dressing well shows that you respect yourself enough to put forth an effort into looking nice every day. And for those who work in the fashion business or entertainment industry, this is a drop-dead profitable project, I mean, the boutiques, designer store would easily max out your credit card, not to mention the local economy, what lucrative business!

Question:  Are older people as fashionable as young people? Why?



Sample Answer:

I'm afraid not. As least in my country, the underlying cause for this is that a majority of retired people are prone to pay more attention to their children or grand children, as a result, it would not be the top priority for the elderly generation to cultivate their own image. Sadly giving a leg-up to the youngsters with mortgage would also drain their bank account. Compared to the young adults, it is an inescapable fact that they are just more interested in practicability.

Question: Are women more fashionable than men? Why?


Sample Answer:

Wow, I would say that people would certainly have mixed views for this statement. Let me think, well, I would take the view that Yes! Women are definitely more fashionable than guys, for example, when you walk into a mall, you may find more designer shops targeting for ladies while fewer one for men. And the underlying cause is that most men don't event care about their appearance, disheveled hair or beard and unshaven face would be seen as the symbol of manhood. By and large, ladies are relatively more willing to stand in front of the mirror, trying the outfit, refreshing their make-up. Honestly, I'm not quite positive about it, but from where I stand, this is curved in their genes.


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