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Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positive way You should say:

What it is

What benefits it has brought

How it influences people of different ages and explain how it changed people's lives.

Plan your talk:

What it is

(Optional) Who invented it

(Optional) When it was invented

(Optional) What it looks like

(Optional) How you knew it

(Optional) What features / functions this invention has

What benefits it has brought

(Optional) Why it has these benefits

How it influences people of different ages

(Optional) How it influences young people

(Optional) How it influences old people

(Optional) Why people at different ages have different reactions to this invention

And explain how it changed people's lives

(Optional) Why it can change people's lives

(Optional) How you think of this invention



Sample Answer 1 :

Well, actually it's really hard to choose one item to talk about, as there're too many of them which have made a difference in our life. But what really impressed me is the electric car, I mean, those cars powered by renewable energy rather than petrol. I think there're many advantages of using them to replace traditional vehicles. Firstly, they're green, I mean, more environmentally friendly compared to traditional cars. As I've mentioned, you just need to charge them with electricity and there's zero emission. Another good thing is that they cost less, simply for the price of electricity is much lower than gas. So it's money-saving.

In my view, the introduction of electric cars has brought a big change to people in my country, especially young people. I mean, I've seen more and more of them driving electric cars, like Tesla these days on the road. But I barely see senior drivers traveling by them, I guess this is probably for that they are not willing to make a change right at the moment or maybe they live in old communities where no charging points can be found. In a nutshell, electric cars are revolutionary I think. They're just like those life-changing items which have made our life better than before. More importantly, they're forward-looking, but it takes time to shine.

Sample Answer 2 :

Okay, I would like to talk about the electric car. Actually, this is not a new concept, someone had come up with this idea centuries ago, but it is not until recently that the mass production of electric cars became available. Now, on a traditional car, you have a combustion system to drive the engine cylinders fueled by gas or diesel. The idea for electric cars is simple: you remove the oil tank and the gas engine, and you replace them with electric motors and batteries. A lot of advantages come with the electric car. For car owners, it is much cheaper. Given the skyrocketing gas prices these days, the maintenance of a gasoline car is becoming a luxury, while the cost of electricity makes electric cars more affordable. The only downside is perhaps you have to wait much longer for your battery to get fully charged than you would for your oil tank to be refilled. Another real plus point is that the streets have become considerably quieter as electric motors generate much less noise, which is super friendly to people living in the cities. In China, at least in my city, most buses and taxis now run on gas, and many people don't notice this because the change is so subtle, but one thing for sure is that this transition to electric vehicles is an environmentally friendly, as well as healthy, one.

Part 3:

Question: What is the most helpful innovation at home?


这道题在问 : 家中最有帮助的发明是什么?在答的时候要注意限定词 : 在家中,所以比较合适的答案应该为家用电器。我们可以先罗列一系列能够提高我们生活品质的发明,然后再挑选出其中你认为最有用的那一个,接下来使用例子和原因来支持自己的观点即可。在具体答的时候,我们可以多使用一些表达举例子的连接词。

Sample Answer:

Well, it's hard to choose among all the great inventions, like, the dishwasher, which rules out one of the biggest contributors to family conflicts, or, AC and heat, which greatly improve our quality of life in summer and winter. I'd say the most useful of all is the fridge because it extends the shelf life of fresh foods. Thanks to the fridge, we get to enjoy food that we wouldn't be able to access had it not been invented, say seafood for inland people or fresh fruits and vegetables for those in the desert. It also allows us to store more food at home so we could save time and money for otherwise frequent grocery shopping.

Question:What household appliances make us lazy?


这道题在问: 哪些家用电器让人们变懒? 需要我们罗列一系列让我们变懒的家用电器·本题的构思并不难,关键是在回答的时候我们要说明这些发明是如何让我们变懒的,比如让我们减少了做家务事的时间,让我们足不出户等。可以结合具体的例子进行扩展。语言上的难点是各类家用电器的名称如果不会说可以通过描述来传达意思。

Sample Answer:

There's a bunch of them. There are pieces of equipment that do things for us, like the robot vacuum, the rice cooker, and the washing machine. And there are devices that keep us at home, so that includes the fridge, like I mentioned before, which prevents frequent grocery shop visits, and the treadmill, which allows you to work out at home. Apart from that, we have things that reduce our work, such as the electronic toothbrush, the electric fan, and the vacuum cleaner.

Question:What kind of invention can be used at school?


这道题在问: 学校可以使用哪些发明? 需要我们罗列一系列在学校场景中可以使用到的发明。我们可以先想想学校由哪些人,他们需要做些什么,有哪些发明可以帮助他们做得更好? 比如学校需要教学,那么老师就可以使用·VR或者AR的技术来展示所教授的内容,在它的帮助下,老师可以取得更好的教学效果。再比如学生,需要记笔记和写作业,那么平板电脑可以帮助学生更快捷地记笔记和完成互动作业等。按照这个思路对信息进行罗列即可。

Sample Answer:

I think to apply something, it has to either solve a problem or improve what we already have. For problem-solving, we could use adjustable desks since students nowadays live a sedentary life, which can lead to potential health issues like back problems, migraine, or arthritis, and adjustable desks provide students with opportunities to stand while taking classes. As for things to improve, I would say we can introduce VR and AR technology into classrooms because they are perfect for demonstrating concepts and objects that we cannot see in our daily lives. By that, I mean things that are either macroscopic or microscopic, like molecules and astronomical bodies, or activities involving high levels of danger, like some chemistry experiments using toxic gases.

Question:Do you think AI will replace human teachers? Why?


这道题在问:人工智能是否会替代教师 ?这是一道经典考题,我们在构思的时候要去思考AI和老师分别由什么优势,这些优势中是否有无法被取代的部分。比如老师和AI都可以教授知识,但是老师可以和学生进行更多的交流互动并且可以给到学生知识以外的更多内容,比如精神方面潜移默化的影响。“而这一块内容是AI目前无法达到的·回答问题的时候我们可以先使用让步再给出自己的观点,接下来使用原因和例子进行支撑即可。

Sample Answer:

Well, it's hard to say what AI will be capable of in the future given its huge potential. I suppose that in the short run, this may not the case. For one thing, teaching is a complex task: you need to plan a lesson, observe students' performance, correct homework, provide feedback, etc, and AI is not particularly effective when it comes to multi-tasking. For another, teachers serve as role models and students learn important social concepts like gender, responsibility, and hierarchy from getting on with their teachers. AI may have a hard time filling that role. That being said, if one day AI technology becomes more developed and mature, or capable of perfectly replicating a teacher's appearance and behaviors, nobody knows what will happen. But on top of that, when we put the technical issues aside, parents and students may not accept AI teachers, as it can be disturbing to witness a human-like, man-made object. So, it's really hard to say.





Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positive way You should say:

What it is

What benefits it has brought

How it influences people of different ages and explain how it changed people's lives.

Plan your talk:

What it is

(Optional) Who invented it

(Optional) When it was invented

(Optional) What it looks like

(Optional) How you knew it

(Optional) What features / functions this invention has

What benefits it has brought

(Optional) Why it has these benefits

How it influences people of different ages

(Optional) How it influences young people

(Optional) How it influences old people

(Optional) Why people at different ages have different reactions to this invention

And explain how it changed people's lives

(Optional) Why it can change people's lives

(Optional) How you think of this invention



Sample Answer 1 :

Well, actually it's really hard to choose one item to talk about, as there're too many of them which have made a difference in our life. But what really impressed me is the electric car, I mean, those cars powered by renewable energy rather than petrol. I think there're many advantages of using them to replace traditional vehicles. Firstly, they're green, I mean, more environmentally friendly compared to traditional cars. As I've mentioned, you just need to charge them with electricity and there's zero emission. Another good thing is that they cost less, simply for the price of electricity is much lower than gas. So it's money-saving.

In my view, the introduction of electric cars has brought a big change to people in my country, especially young people. I mean, I've seen more and more of them driving electric cars, like Tesla these days on the road. But I barely see senior drivers traveling by them, I guess this is probably for that they are not willing to make a change right at the moment or maybe they live in old communities where no charging points can be found. In a nutshell, electric cars are revolutionary I think. They're just like those life-changing items which have made our life better than before. More importantly, they're forward-looking, but it takes time to shine.

Sample Answer 2 :

Okay, I would like to talk about the electric car. Actually, this is not a new concept, someone had come up with this idea centuries ago, but it is not until recently that the mass production of electric cars became available. Now, on a traditional car, you have a combustion system to drive the engine cylinders fueled by gas or diesel. The idea for electric cars is simple: you remove the oil tank and the gas engine, and you replace them with electric motors and batteries. A lot of advantages come with the electric car. For car owners, it is much cheaper. Given the skyrocketing gas prices these days, the maintenance of a gasoline car is becoming a luxury, while the cost of electricity makes electric cars more affordable. The only downside is perhaps you have to wait much longer for your battery to get fully charged than you would for your oil tank to be refilled. Another real plus point is that the streets have become considerably quieter as electric motors generate much less noise, which is super friendly to people living in the cities. In China, at least in my city, most buses and taxis now run on gas, and many people don't notice this because the change is so subtle, but one thing for sure is that this transition to electric vehicles is an environmentally friendly, as well as healthy, one.

Part 3:

Question: What is the most helpful innovation at home?


这道题在问 : 家中最有帮助的发明是什么?在答的时候要注意限定词 : 在家中,所以比较合适的答案应该为家用电器。我们可以先罗列一系列能够提高我们生活品质的发明,然后再挑选出其中你认为最有用的那一个,接下来使用例子和原因来支持自己的观点即可。在具体答的时候,我们可以多使用一些表达举例子的连接词。

Sample Answer:

Well, it's hard to choose among all the great inventions, like, the dishwasher, which rules out one of the biggest contributors to family conflicts, or, AC and heat, which greatly improve our quality of life in summer and winter. I'd say the most useful of all is the fridge because it extends the shelf life of fresh foods. Thanks to the fridge, we get to enjoy food that we wouldn't be able to access had it not been invented, say seafood for inland people or fresh fruits and vegetables for those in the desert. It also allows us to store more food at home so we could save time and money for otherwise frequent grocery shopping.

Question:What household appliances make us lazy?


这道题在问: 哪些家用电器让人们变懒? 需要我们罗列一系列让我们变懒的家用电器·本题的构思并不难,关键是在回答的时候我们要说明这些发明是如何让我们变懒的,比如让我们减少了做家务事的时间,让我们足不出户等。可以结合具体的例子进行扩展。语言上的难点是各类家用电器的名称如果不会说可以通过描述来传达意思。

Sample Answer:

There's a bunch of them. There are pieces of equipment that do things for us, like the robot vacuum, the rice cooker, and the washing machine. And there are devices that keep us at home, so that includes the fridge, like I mentioned before, which prevents frequent grocery shop visits, and the treadmill, which allows you to work out at home. Apart from that, we have things that reduce our work, such as the electronic toothbrush, the electric fan, and the vacuum cleaner.

Question:What kind of invention can be used at school?


这道题在问: 学校可以使用哪些发明? 需要我们罗列一系列在学校场景中可以使用到的发明。我们可以先想想学校由哪些人,他们需要做些什么,有哪些发明可以帮助他们做得更好? 比如学校需要教学,那么老师就可以使用·VR或者AR的技术来展示所教授的内容,在它的帮助下,老师可以取得更好的教学效果。再比如学生,需要记笔记和写作业,那么平板电脑可以帮助学生更快捷地记笔记和完成互动作业等。按照这个思路对信息进行罗列即可。

Sample Answer:

I think to apply something, it has to either solve a problem or improve what we already have. For problem-solving, we could use adjustable desks since students nowadays live a sedentary life, which can lead to potential health issues like back problems, migraine, or arthritis, and adjustable desks provide students with opportunities to stand while taking classes. As for things to improve, I would say we can introduce VR and AR technology into classrooms because they are perfect for demonstrating concepts and objects that we cannot see in our daily lives. By that, I mean things that are either macroscopic or microscopic, like molecules and astronomical bodies, or activities involving high levels of danger, like some chemistry experiments using toxic gases.

Question:Do you think AI will replace human teachers? Why?


这道题在问:人工智能是否会替代教师 ?这是一道经典考题,我们在构思的时候要去思考AI和老师分别由什么优势,这些优势中是否有无法被取代的部分。比如老师和AI都可以教授知识,但是老师可以和学生进行更多的交流互动并且可以给到学生知识以外的更多内容,比如精神方面潜移默化的影响。“而这一块内容是AI目前无法达到的·回答问题的时候我们可以先使用让步再给出自己的观点,接下来使用原因和例子进行支撑即可。

Sample Answer:

Well, it's hard to say what AI will be capable of in the future given its huge potential. I suppose that in the short run, this may not the case. For one thing, teaching is a complex task: you need to plan a lesson, observe students' performance, correct homework, provide feedback, etc, and AI is not particularly effective when it comes to multi-tasking. For another, teachers serve as role models and students learn important social concepts like gender, responsibility, and hierarchy from getting on with their teachers. AI may have a hard time filling that role. That being said, if one day AI technology becomes more developed and mature, or capable of perfectly replicating a teacher's appearance and behaviors, nobody knows what will happen. But on top of that, when we put the technical issues aside, parents and students may not accept AI teachers, as it can be disturbing to witness a human-like, man-made object. So, it's really hard to say.


Previous: 雅思口语素材库-Part2&3范文及解题思路:节约时间的方法 Next: 雅思口语素材库-Part2&3范文及解题思路:人生中积极的改变


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