Describe a positive change that you made in your life You should say:
What it is Why you did it
Who you did it with
and explain how you feel about the change.
Plan your talk:
What it is
(Optional) When you did it
(Optional) Where you did it
Why you did it
(Optional) What you did in order to make this change
(Optional) Whether it was difficult for you to make this change
Who you did it with
(Optional) Why you did it with him/her/them
And explain how you feel about the change
(Optional) How you felt before you made this change
(Optional) How you felt when you were making the change
(Optional) How you felt after you made this change
Sample Answer 1:
Well, one positive change I made in my life recently was to cut down the amount of sugar I take in for my daily diet. I used to be a person who has a sweet tooth, I mean, I would binge on things like desserts, milk tea, ice cream, and sugary fruit. Simply for that, I regarded them as comfort food to ease my nerve especially when I was feeling stressed.
I hadn't realized the threats of taking in too much of it until I happened to read an article from a subscription account I followed earlier this year. According to it, too much sugar in the blood will lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes as well as cardiovascular disease. I got shocked immediately and then I made up my mind to make a change for the sake of my own health.
To get started I asked for advice from one of my classmates, who was doing medicine in his college. He recommended I download an app that could present me with the amount of sugar contained in processed food I usually eat, then I can choose what to eat based on the data I got. I also joined a WeChat group featured on healthy eating with over a hundred active members. There is a daily clock-in system, which I found pretty helpful by sharing pictures of my daily diet with the group. That way I can supervise myself and get more self-disciplined when I want to give in.
So far, I've been keeping it for a couple of months and things turned out well, I mean, I've lost several pounds of weight without too much effort and I can feel more energetic during the day. In a nutshell, it is a life-changing habit that I adopted and I think I'll keep it for good.
Sample Answer 2
I want to talk about a positive change that I made recently. So, I've been busy,and I didn't manage my stress well enough. Consequently, my weight went out of control. I mean, it went up by 10 kilograms, which is kind of crazy. So, I began to worry about my health, not because I wanted to, but for the sake of my own health. You know, with weight going into the dangerous territory, comes a series of complications like hypertension, arthritis, and diabetes. So, I figured it was time for some exercise. Being a lazy person, I didn't head outside and play some pickup basketball. Instead, I chose an app called Keep to assist with my training. To use this app, you basically type in your health data, like age, sex, height and weight, activity level, that kind of thing, and the app will calculate the right intensity level for you and will recommend some drills based on whether you want to lose weight or build muscle. The good thing with using a health app is that you can set reminders for certain times and days of every week to kind of push you, which is particularly useful for someone like me. At this point, I haven't seen any physical changes. I weigh myself every morning after I empty my bladder and my weight has been stable, which is normal, I suppose, considering I've just started. I guess it's just one of those subtle things that you can only notice in the long run. That being said, I do feel better. I feel fresh and energetic now when I study, and I feel optimistic about observing further improvements in my health as I keep going.
Part 3:
Question: Is it easy for young people to change?
这道题目在问:年轻人是否容易改变 ? 本题需要你给出观点,并且使用原因和例子来支撑自己的观点。我们可以从年轻人的特征说起,比如相对年长的人来说,年轻人更容易接受新的信息,也更容易适应变化的环境。接下来我们可以给出一些具体的例子来支撑,比如对电子产品的使用,对新观点的接受等。另一个原因可以是年轻人的学习能力更强,这也帮助他们更快地适应变化以及拥抱变化。
Sample Answer:
I would say yes. I think our brain is just a lot more malleable before, say, 25 years old, meaning we are more able to adapt to changes to the environment around us the younger we are. And this can be manifested in a variety of ways. I mean, kids, teenagers, and young adults can just get hold of new functions when they upgrade their electronic devices or change the way they see the world when a new theory or concept is introduced to them at school. So, yeah, I would agree.
Question:Is it easy for old people to change?
这道题在问 : 老年人是否容易改变? 和上一题相似,我们可以从老年人的特征开始分析,比如当年岁渐长,人们会更倾向于依赖自己的经验和已有的知识,这就会导致不喜欢变化·除了给出原因外,我们还可以进一步说一说“老年人不愿意改变”的一些表现以及结果。
Sample Answer:
I think they're not, comparatively. Old people are known to be stubborn. The reason is that they gain knowledge and experience over decades, which shapes their view and set things in stone. Consequently, you'll see old people flicking through TV channels instead of watching TikTok content or dressing up "the elderly's way" instead of following the trend.
Question:How can people change their daily routine if they want to?
Sample Answer:
I think the key is to start small and work your way up. Let's say, if you want to go to bed earlier, it's unrealistic to go from change your bedtime from 2 am to 10 pm straight away. Rather, you should probably move your bedtime forward by 30 minutes each week, and gradually adjust your circadian rhythm so your body, especially your endocrine system, can adapt to the change. Another key point would be to carry out a plan. Back to the bedtime example, in order to sleep early, you'll need to make sure that things can be done, lights are dimmed, and you are relaxed. So, in short, I would say you shouldn't push yourself too hard and you need a good plan.
Question:What are the disadvantages when people keep making changes?
这道题目在问: 不断做出改变的缺点是什么 ?这道题需要我们给出不断变化的缺点。在构思的时候我们可以带入具体的场景进行思考,比如我们可以思考“不断跳槽”有什么坏处,这样我们就可以比较容易想到答案了。在回答的时候我们可以先将例子再进行总结,也可以罗列出各种缺点,最后给出例子进行说明。
Sample Answer:
Well, I think one drawback is that they tend to be short-sighted therefore not being able to see the long-term benefit of things. This could be because they hope to find quick success. But then, it's hard to say whether they constantly change their mind, so they lack foresight, or the other way round. Another shortcoming would be the amount of time, and potentially money, invested in dealing with changes. For example, someone who switches between different diets in search of the perfect plan to lose weight may find himself/herself spending a lot of time researching as well as money purchasing all the healthy food. The same logic applies to job-hopping when you spend a considerable amount of time going through information about different companies and polishing your resume while losing the money you could have received had you stayed in a company and got promoted.
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