

(1 评分人数)





Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future You should say:

Where it is How it is like

When you plan to live there

And explain why you would like to live there

Plan your talk:

Where it is

What is special about the city

Is there basic information about this city

What the city is like

What the city is known for

What you can do in this city

When you plan to live in this city

Why you choose to live in this city



Sample Answer 1:

I'm going to talk about a city where I would like to live in the future, which would definitely be Suzhou. It is located in the southern part of Jiangsu province, just in the center of Yangtze Delta.

Actually it used to be an unattractive town, but now it's become a widely known city, attracting lots of tourists all over the globe. The city has been praised as the 'Venice of the Orient' as it is covered by water, with a vast number of ponds and streams. Additionally, Suzhou is an ancient city with a long history, where characteristics of the past still remain today.

To put it in a nutshell, I would like to live in this city for several reasons. First things first, Suzhou enjoys a high reputation as a paradise on earth, boasting classical gardens and ancient water towns. All of these views are attractively stunning. On top of that, what appeals to me the most is Suzhou cuisine, which is praised highly both home and aboard. As one of eight famous cuisines of China, it's been hugely popular due to its unique color, special sweet flavor and delicate shape.

Anyway I would love to live in this city because for me it's the best place to escape from hustle and bustle. For example, I can enjoy the lovely scene on the street or take a boat ride on the river, giving me a chance to chill out. Also,

it's a great place to bond with family as we can enjoy much quieter and more leisurely life.

Sample Answer 2:

Well, this topic totally reminds me of the city which I would love to spend the rest of my whole life living there and it is Melbourne. It's the second largest city in Australia and has been crowned as one of the most livable cities in the world a few times already.

Located in the southeast of mainland Australia, this city has a blend of bustling laneways, finest restaurants and fascinating museums and offered people abundant opportunities to experience art and life. It may kind of elude you why there're few Starbucks in the city or even across this country because coffee in this city can literally trump any name brand coffees in quality and taste and nobody would ever be able to talk about Mel without talking about its mellow, rich, and aromatic coffee.

It would cost me a fortune to emigrate there for sure, for which reason I guess I would have to wait until the time when I save up enough and I figure it's probably sometime over my 50 or maybe younger, I don't know, if I'm lucky enough.

Um, last, I shouldn't forget to mention why to live there. First, like I said earlier, it's the world's livable city, in which people are friendly, lifestyle is great and not too stressful, and the weather is fine and agreeable all year round.

Second, this city has the best coffee in the world and the whole city is full of artistic vibe, which is brimming with graffiti walls, sculptures, architectures, wandering musicians and museums. So, I would say there's literally not even a single reason I can find not to move there, if possible.

Part 3

Question:Why do more and more people live in the city?


这是一道(explain )解释原因的题目·题目问“为什么现在越来越多的人选择居住在城市”?首先考生可以给出一个总结性的答案,比如这里有诸多因素其次,分别罗列出来具体的因素是什么。首先,可能的原因是城市的就业资源更好,对比与农村地区。其次,孩子的教育问题也可能是一个原因,特别是对于有孩子的家庭。最后,生活方式也有可能是另一原因,比如城市的生活更加有趣多样。

Sample Answer:

Well, I think there could be a number of reasons why people move to the city for living. First of all, the biggest one is that there is a greater chance for them to land a more decent job, compared with living in the countryside. Another reason would be related to education. Families with kids would try hard to make sure their kids would get the best education possible, and normally there're better education resources in the city. Lastly, I'd say that lifestyle could be another reason, since everyone knows life in the city is so much more vibrant and exciting.

Question:How does this affect the environment and nature?


这是一道评估(assess ) 的题目·题目问人口城市化对“环境与自然”的影响首先,考生可以考虑给出一个总结性的答案,比如只会有负面的影响。其次,可以进一步进行阐述为什么。首先,更多的人口意味着更多的生活垃圾以及资源使用,结果就会产生更多的污染·其次,为了满足更多人的居住需求,更多的土地会被利用开发,这在一定程度上也破坏自然环境以及自然栖。

Sample Answer:

As far as I can see, it can only negatively influence the environment. To be more specific, greater population in the city mean that there could be more waste disposal and more use of resources. And this will further lead to all kinds of pollutions, say, water pollution and air pollution. What's worse, the destruction of natural habitats could be another possibility since more places are needed to build houses to accommodate a greater number of people, which may surely annoy and infuriate some environmentalist, I guess.

Question:Is there a way to balance city and nature?


这是一道提建议 ( suggest) 的题目·题目问这里是否有什么方法可以平衡城市和自然。首先,考生可以给出一个总结性的答案,比如这里有一些办法。其次给出具体的例子。首先,政策制定者可以做的事,比如给予环境保护足够的重视,任何情况下也不要以牺牲自然环境为代价,发展城市。其次,城市中也可以多引入更多的自然元素,直接的好处是人们有更多机会亲近自. ..然,心情也会好,压力也会少。

Sample Answer:

I bet there is one way or two to ensure the balance between urbanity and nature. First, policy makers should attach enough importance to nature conservation and urban development shall never be at the expense of overexploiting or even damaging natural environment and resources. Second of all, more green spaces could be built in urban areas, so urban residents may have more green places to go to instead of always getting stuck in or going back and forth from home to workplace in the lifeless city concrete jungle, in which way I'm also sure people will be less likely to feel moody, stressed or frustrated about life. And this is beneficial to their health and well- being.

Question:What can be done to prevent damage to nature?


这是一道提建议( suggest) 的题目,题目问可以预防破坏自然环境的方法·首先,考生可以给出总结性的答案,比如有很多方法可以帮助。首先,个人而言,我们可以减少碳足迹,比如少开车,少买“快时尚”衣服等 。其次,政府层面,可以制定相关的政策,约束不良的社会行为,比如乱砍乱伐,污水乱排放等。

Sample Answer:

I'm sure there are a plethora of things that can be done for mother nature. To start with, as individuals, we could reduce our carbon footprint daily and there are lots of ways to do so, such as drive less car, stop buying 'fast fashion' outfits, unplug our devices, and eat less meat if possible. Also, for governments, they may enact some relevant policies in order to prevent irresponsible companies and factories from doing harmful things to nature, such as discharging wasted water into lakes, cutting down trees for profits, or killing animals for sales and everything.

Question:Are governmental controls more important than businesses?


这是一道比较( compare ) 的题目。首先,考生可以考虑给出自己的观点-比如我认为政府管控至关重要。其次,给出自己的观点。比如,政府没有商业活动相关的管控,那么这里会出现很多问题,比如跟环境,广告,健康安全等。比如以“健康安全”为例,如果没有政府管控,那么食品安全谁去把控 ?人们的健康如何得到保障 ? 可能的结果是运气不好的人,可能会“吃”进医院所以,政府的适当把控是非常有必要的。

Sample Answer:

Well, from my point of view, they are more important than any business and I do believe the governments should regulate the activities of businesses, otherwise there could be problems more than we could imagine. Normally, the government will regulate the environmental impact, advertising, labor, health and safety and so on so forth. Take health and safety as an example, without governmental control and supervision, how can food safety be ensured and how do the general public make sure they won't end up being hospitalized after eating some food products? So, I' d say that businesses can only go right with right amount of controls from the government.





Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future You should say:

Where it is How it is like

When you plan to live there

And explain why you would like to live there

Plan your talk:

Where it is

What is special about the city

Is there basic information about this city

What the city is like

What the city is known for

What you can do in this city

When you plan to live in this city

Why you choose to live in this city



Sample Answer 1:

I'm going to talk about a city where I would like to live in the future, which would definitely be Suzhou. It is located in the southern part of Jiangsu province, just in the center of Yangtze Delta.

Actually it used to be an unattractive town, but now it's become a widely known city, attracting lots of tourists all over the globe. The city has been praised as the 'Venice of the Orient' as it is covered by water, with a vast number of ponds and streams. Additionally, Suzhou is an ancient city with a long history, where characteristics of the past still remain today.

To put it in a nutshell, I would like to live in this city for several reasons. First things first, Suzhou enjoys a high reputation as a paradise on earth, boasting classical gardens and ancient water towns. All of these views are attractively stunning. On top of that, what appeals to me the most is Suzhou cuisine, which is praised highly both home and aboard. As one of eight famous cuisines of China, it's been hugely popular due to its unique color, special sweet flavor and delicate shape.

Anyway I would love to live in this city because for me it's the best place to escape from hustle and bustle. For example, I can enjoy the lovely scene on the street or take a boat ride on the river, giving me a chance to chill out. Also,

it's a great place to bond with family as we can enjoy much quieter and more leisurely life.

Sample Answer 2:

Well, this topic totally reminds me of the city which I would love to spend the rest of my whole life living there and it is Melbourne. It's the second largest city in Australia and has been crowned as one of the most livable cities in the world a few times already.

Located in the southeast of mainland Australia, this city has a blend of bustling laneways, finest restaurants and fascinating museums and offered people abundant opportunities to experience art and life. It may kind of elude you why there're few Starbucks in the city or even across this country because coffee in this city can literally trump any name brand coffees in quality and taste and nobody would ever be able to talk about Mel without talking about its mellow, rich, and aromatic coffee.

It would cost me a fortune to emigrate there for sure, for which reason I guess I would have to wait until the time when I save up enough and I figure it's probably sometime over my 50 or maybe younger, I don't know, if I'm lucky enough.

Um, last, I shouldn't forget to mention why to live there. First, like I said earlier, it's the world's livable city, in which people are friendly, lifestyle is great and not too stressful, and the weather is fine and agreeable all year round.

Second, this city has the best coffee in the world and the whole city is full of artistic vibe, which is brimming with graffiti walls, sculptures, architectures, wandering musicians and museums. So, I would say there's literally not even a single reason I can find not to move there, if possible.

Part 3

Question:Why do more and more people live in the city?


这是一道(explain )解释原因的题目·题目问“为什么现在越来越多的人选择居住在城市”?首先考生可以给出一个总结性的答案,比如这里有诸多因素其次,分别罗列出来具体的因素是什么。首先,可能的原因是城市的就业资源更好,对比与农村地区。其次,孩子的教育问题也可能是一个原因,特别是对于有孩子的家庭。最后,生活方式也有可能是另一原因,比如城市的生活更加有趣多样。

Sample Answer:

Well, I think there could be a number of reasons why people move to the city for living. First of all, the biggest one is that there is a greater chance for them to land a more decent job, compared with living in the countryside. Another reason would be related to education. Families with kids would try hard to make sure their kids would get the best education possible, and normally there're better education resources in the city. Lastly, I'd say that lifestyle could be another reason, since everyone knows life in the city is so much more vibrant and exciting.

Question:How does this affect the environment and nature?


这是一道评估(assess ) 的题目·题目问人口城市化对“环境与自然”的影响首先,考生可以考虑给出一个总结性的答案,比如只会有负面的影响。其次,可以进一步进行阐述为什么。首先,更多的人口意味着更多的生活垃圾以及资源使用,结果就会产生更多的污染·其次,为了满足更多人的居住需求,更多的土地会被利用开发,这在一定程度上也破坏自然环境以及自然栖。

Sample Answer:

As far as I can see, it can only negatively influence the environment. To be more specific, greater population in the city mean that there could be more waste disposal and more use of resources. And this will further lead to all kinds of pollutions, say, water pollution and air pollution. What's worse, the destruction of natural habitats could be another possibility since more places are needed to build houses to accommodate a greater number of people, which may surely annoy and infuriate some environmentalist, I guess.

Question:Is there a way to balance city and nature?


这是一道提建议 ( suggest) 的题目·题目问这里是否有什么方法可以平衡城市和自然。首先,考生可以给出一个总结性的答案,比如这里有一些办法。其次给出具体的例子。首先,政策制定者可以做的事,比如给予环境保护足够的重视,任何情况下也不要以牺牲自然环境为代价,发展城市。其次,城市中也可以多引入更多的自然元素,直接的好处是人们有更多机会亲近自. ..然,心情也会好,压力也会少。

Sample Answer:

I bet there is one way or two to ensure the balance between urbanity and nature. First, policy makers should attach enough importance to nature conservation and urban development shall never be at the expense of overexploiting or even damaging natural environment and resources. Second of all, more green spaces could be built in urban areas, so urban residents may have more green places to go to instead of always getting stuck in or going back and forth from home to workplace in the lifeless city concrete jungle, in which way I'm also sure people will be less likely to feel moody, stressed or frustrated about life. And this is beneficial to their health and well- being.

Question:What can be done to prevent damage to nature?


这是一道提建议( suggest) 的题目,题目问可以预防破坏自然环境的方法·首先,考生可以给出总结性的答案,比如有很多方法可以帮助。首先,个人而言,我们可以减少碳足迹,比如少开车,少买“快时尚”衣服等 。其次,政府层面,可以制定相关的政策,约束不良的社会行为,比如乱砍乱伐,污水乱排放等。

Sample Answer:

I'm sure there are a plethora of things that can be done for mother nature. To start with, as individuals, we could reduce our carbon footprint daily and there are lots of ways to do so, such as drive less car, stop buying 'fast fashion' outfits, unplug our devices, and eat less meat if possible. Also, for governments, they may enact some relevant policies in order to prevent irresponsible companies and factories from doing harmful things to nature, such as discharging wasted water into lakes, cutting down trees for profits, or killing animals for sales and everything.

Question:Are governmental controls more important than businesses?


这是一道比较( compare ) 的题目。首先,考生可以考虑给出自己的观点-比如我认为政府管控至关重要。其次,给出自己的观点。比如,政府没有商业活动相关的管控,那么这里会出现很多问题,比如跟环境,广告,健康安全等。比如以“健康安全”为例,如果没有政府管控,那么食品安全谁去把控 ?人们的健康如何得到保障 ? 可能的结果是运气不好的人,可能会“吃”进医院所以,政府的适当把控是非常有必要的。

Sample Answer:

Well, from my point of view, they are more important than any business and I do believe the governments should regulate the activities of businesses, otherwise there could be problems more than we could imagine. Normally, the government will regulate the environmental impact, advertising, labor, health and safety and so on so forth. Take health and safety as an example, without governmental control and supervision, how can food safety be ensured and how do the general public make sure they won't end up being hospitalized after eating some food products? So, I' d say that businesses can only go right with right amount of controls from the government.


Previous: 雅思口语素材库-Part2&3范文及解题思路:庆祝过的重要活动 Next: 雅思口语素材库-Part2&3范文及解题思路:安静的地方

