

(1 评分人数)





Describe something you do that can help you concentrate on work/study You should say:

What it is

How it helps you concentrate When you do it

and explain how you feel about it.

Plan your talk:

What it is

(Optional) How you discovered it

(Optional) Any of your friends are using it

How it helps you concentrate

(Optional) On which occasions you can use it

(Optional) if it is effective from the beginning

When you do it

(Optional) How often you do it

And explain how you feel about it

(Optional) Explain why it works for you

(Optional) List more benefit of it


本题可以选择的题材还是比较多的,一般有助于我们集中注意力的可以是一些习惯的养成,比如手机app,去图书馆学习,冥想,瑜伽,甚至在工作时放一些舒缓的音乐,都有助于将我们和身边的一些distraction( 分散注意力)的事物隔开。在描述你如何使用这些方法的时候,可以通过时间的顺序少做描述,比如开始的时候,还是有些困难,但是后来越来越能集中注意力·然后再谈一·下,集中注意力后的感受和好处,比如工作效率的提升,更有成就感,会将其推荐给朋友等等。

Sample Answer 1 :

I'd like to share something that helps me concentrate better when I study or work. Actually, it's listening to some instrumental music, you know, a kind of music without lyrics and only has acoustic melody. My cousin recommended me to try it as the problem of having a short attention span had been bothering me for a long time.

Honestly, I doubted if it would work at the beginning. However, when I actually started to try it, it really worked well. As the gentle melody could just block background noise easily and some of other elements added into the songs, like sound of spring water, birds' twittering, or tinkle of wind chimes are truly helpful for calming my nerves, making me feel I were studying or working alone in a forest. So gradually, I don't get distracted that easily and have built a habit of focusing on one thing. Now, whenever I'm studying or working in a public place, like a library or a cafe, I will put on some instrumental music to stay efficient.

Moving on to how I feel about it...well, definitely, I will recommend it to my friends who are experience the same problem cos it really works well. Also, it does not cost anything and we can get some many songs in that genre. Plus, I love the atmosphere and ambiance created by it. Every time I put on my headphone, I will just feel like an elf living in a forest on the top of a snow mountain, far away from the hustle and bustle of urban life. It is a method that worth trying.

Sample Answer 2 :

I had been experiencing the problem of having a short attention span for a long time and to be honest, I had tried several things to help me focus better, like meditation, playing some instrumental music, doing yoga, and so on.

However, the problem did not get tackled until last December, when I found this app called 'Forest'. Basically, it' s a kind of app that has a timer in it and we can start with 25 mins. As long as we do not use the phone within the set time, some virtual coins which can be used to grow a tree in the real world will be rewarded to us.

As to how it stops me from getting distracted, well, first of all, it effectively prevents me from mindlessly scrolling through social media when studying. I mean, every time I pick up my mobile, the big timer on the screen would remind me of how many working minutes are left before the next break. So what happened a lot at the beginning was that I just picked up the phone and then put it down straight away. Then gradually, my attention span gets considerably extended, and I got used to just focusing on one thing. Basically, I turn on the app whenever I need to concentrate on my assignment, like writing an essay, preparing for a presentation or reading some documents.

Moving onto how I feel about this app. Definitely, I would say it's an app worth trying. The design of the app is a workable solution as it helps us build a habit of dividing our time into smaller pieces, pushing us to go back on what we are working on. Not being distracted by my mobile phone, I become more productive, and enjoy a peaceful state of mind. Plus, it gives me a sense of achievement when I can contribute to growing trees in the real world.

Part 3:

Question:Why is it more difficult for children to concentrate nowadays than in the past?



Sample Answer:

Well, the first reason I can think about are electronic devices, like iPad, mobile phones, computers. Children can get access to those devices really easily as they are commonly seen in our lives now. Also, apps are usually designed to engage people to spend more time on them so children who usually have a power self-controlling might spend hours on them, forgetting to finish their homework. In contrast, less multimedia was used in children's education or entertainment. Therefore, kids in the past got more used to just focusing on one task without distraction like TV show noises or video games.

Question:Do you think technology will harm children's ability to concentrate?



Sample Answer:

I guess, yes. Although technology helps children to learn in a more engaging and interesting way, it harms their ability to focus to some extent. When using computers or mobile phones, children can switch between tasks really easily, which means along as some ideas pop into their head, they can just jump out of what they are doing now and go to another app or page without hesitation. After minutes, even hours of mindlessly scrolling on those media, they might have forgotten what they were originally doing. I believe this is how technology distracts children.

Question:What kinds of jobs require high concentration at work?



Sample Answer:

I believe high concentration is required in almost every field if we want to have good productivity and efficiency. However, for some jobs, concentration can play an even more important role, like a surgeon. Usually, they need to focus well, have stable hands during an operation because even one minor mistake or distraction may be critical to a patient's life. Also, drivers or pilots need to have a more extended attention span as their jobs can be a bit boring and tiring sometimes. However, if they get distracted, some big accidents can happen.

Question:Can exercise help people improve concentration?



Sample Answer:

I believe so. Many exercises, like yoga or meditation can make us start to focus on our breath, then establishing a peaceful status of mind. Once we get used to it, the status can continue and we might feel easier to hinder a split of focus. Also, I would say to improve concentration, we can definitely train ourselves in the daily life, doing something like turning off our mobile phones while working, or setting a period of time, during which we can only do one task. These kinds of changes can help ups to build better habits and get used to concentrating.





Describe something you do that can help you concentrate on work/study You should say:

What it is

How it helps you concentrate When you do it

and explain how you feel about it.

Plan your talk:

What it is

(Optional) How you discovered it

(Optional) Any of your friends are using it

How it helps you concentrate

(Optional) On which occasions you can use it

(Optional) if it is effective from the beginning

When you do it

(Optional) How often you do it

And explain how you feel about it

(Optional) Explain why it works for you

(Optional) List more benefit of it


本题可以选择的题材还是比较多的,一般有助于我们集中注意力的可以是一些习惯的养成,比如手机app,去图书馆学习,冥想,瑜伽,甚至在工作时放一些舒缓的音乐,都有助于将我们和身边的一些distraction( 分散注意力)的事物隔开。在描述你如何使用这些方法的时候,可以通过时间的顺序少做描述,比如开始的时候,还是有些困难,但是后来越来越能集中注意力·然后再谈一·下,集中注意力后的感受和好处,比如工作效率的提升,更有成就感,会将其推荐给朋友等等。

Sample Answer 1 :

I'd like to share something that helps me concentrate better when I study or work. Actually, it's listening to some instrumental music, you know, a kind of music without lyrics and only has acoustic melody. My cousin recommended me to try it as the problem of having a short attention span had been bothering me for a long time.

Honestly, I doubted if it would work at the beginning. However, when I actually started to try it, it really worked well. As the gentle melody could just block background noise easily and some of other elements added into the songs, like sound of spring water, birds' twittering, or tinkle of wind chimes are truly helpful for calming my nerves, making me feel I were studying or working alone in a forest. So gradually, I don't get distracted that easily and have built a habit of focusing on one thing. Now, whenever I'm studying or working in a public place, like a library or a cafe, I will put on some instrumental music to stay efficient.

Moving on to how I feel about it...well, definitely, I will recommend it to my friends who are experience the same problem cos it really works well. Also, it does not cost anything and we can get some many songs in that genre. Plus, I love the atmosphere and ambiance created by it. Every time I put on my headphone, I will just feel like an elf living in a forest on the top of a snow mountain, far away from the hustle and bustle of urban life. It is a method that worth trying.

Sample Answer 2 :

I had been experiencing the problem of having a short attention span for a long time and to be honest, I had tried several things to help me focus better, like meditation, playing some instrumental music, doing yoga, and so on.

However, the problem did not get tackled until last December, when I found this app called 'Forest'. Basically, it' s a kind of app that has a timer in it and we can start with 25 mins. As long as we do not use the phone within the set time, some virtual coins which can be used to grow a tree in the real world will be rewarded to us.

As to how it stops me from getting distracted, well, first of all, it effectively prevents me from mindlessly scrolling through social media when studying. I mean, every time I pick up my mobile, the big timer on the screen would remind me of how many working minutes are left before the next break. So what happened a lot at the beginning was that I just picked up the phone and then put it down straight away. Then gradually, my attention span gets considerably extended, and I got used to just focusing on one thing. Basically, I turn on the app whenever I need to concentrate on my assignment, like writing an essay, preparing for a presentation or reading some documents.

Moving onto how I feel about this app. Definitely, I would say it's an app worth trying. The design of the app is a workable solution as it helps us build a habit of dividing our time into smaller pieces, pushing us to go back on what we are working on. Not being distracted by my mobile phone, I become more productive, and enjoy a peaceful state of mind. Plus, it gives me a sense of achievement when I can contribute to growing trees in the real world.

Part 3:

Question:Why is it more difficult for children to concentrate nowadays than in the past?



Sample Answer:

Well, the first reason I can think about are electronic devices, like iPad, mobile phones, computers. Children can get access to those devices really easily as they are commonly seen in our lives now. Also, apps are usually designed to engage people to spend more time on them so children who usually have a power self-controlling might spend hours on them, forgetting to finish their homework. In contrast, less multimedia was used in children's education or entertainment. Therefore, kids in the past got more used to just focusing on one task without distraction like TV show noises or video games.

Question:Do you think technology will harm children's ability to concentrate?



Sample Answer:

I guess, yes. Although technology helps children to learn in a more engaging and interesting way, it harms their ability to focus to some extent. When using computers or mobile phones, children can switch between tasks really easily, which means along as some ideas pop into their head, they can just jump out of what they are doing now and go to another app or page without hesitation. After minutes, even hours of mindlessly scrolling on those media, they might have forgotten what they were originally doing. I believe this is how technology distracts children.

Question:What kinds of jobs require high concentration at work?



Sample Answer:

I believe high concentration is required in almost every field if we want to have good productivity and efficiency. However, for some jobs, concentration can play an even more important role, like a surgeon. Usually, they need to focus well, have stable hands during an operation because even one minor mistake or distraction may be critical to a patient's life. Also, drivers or pilots need to have a more extended attention span as their jobs can be a bit boring and tiring sometimes. However, if they get distracted, some big accidents can happen.

Question:Can exercise help people improve concentration?



Sample Answer:

I believe so. Many exercises, like yoga or meditation can make us start to focus on our breath, then establishing a peaceful status of mind. Once we get used to it, the status can continue and we might feel easier to hinder a split of focus. Also, I would say to improve concentration, we can definitely train ourselves in the daily life, doing something like turning off our mobile phones while working, or setting a period of time, during which we can only do one task. These kinds of changes can help ups to build better habits and get used to concentrating.


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