雅思口语素材库-Part2&3范文及解题思路: 激励你的人

雅思口语素材库-Part2&3范文及解题思路: 激励你的人

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Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting

You should say:

Who he/she is

How you knew him/her

What interesting thing you did

and explain how he/she inspired you to do something interesting.

Plan your talk:

Who this person is:

(Optional) How you got to know this person

(Optional) Was there anything funny to mention when you met this person

(Optional) Some basic information of this person: age/occupation/ interest and hobbies

(Optional) His appearance but make sure to keep it concise

What this person does:

(Optional) how long has this person been doing his job:

What things did this person exactly do to encourage you:

In what ways did he/her help you

And explain how you feel about this person

What this person is generally like in your opinion



Sample Answer:

Well, for this topic, I would have to talk about my Uncle Tom, who has a great impact on me. My uncle runs a small restaurant in New York and works all year round. What I see in him is perseverance, which has motivated me when I feel like I want to give up.

Four years ago, I decided to study abroad, but my English score was quite low. My mother had to let me go to English cram school, which required me to recite words every day. At first, I thought it was very boring and useless. Gradually, I thought that only talented people could learn English well. I started to envy my uncle because his English was fairly nice.

I began to want to give up. I felt that I didn't have the same talent as my uncle. When my uncle heard about this, he called me and asked me to go to the room where he used to live. When I saw a notebook full of words on the desk,

I was shocked. I didn't expect that my uncle had insisted on it. I decided to accumulate footprints step by step recite words.

In the end, my English score has been greatly improved, and I have obtained the qualification to exchange for studying abroad. My uncle's affairs have affected me, and let me understand that those who have no talent can make up for their congenital deficiencies through the efforts of the day after tomorrow.

Sample Answer :

Well, for this topic, I would have to talk about my mum, who has always been a source of inspiration for me. My mother runs her own small business and still does this job day in and day out with only a few breaks a year. In her I see patience and persistence, which has encouraged me a lot, especially every time I feel like I'm kind of fed up with my life.

Two years ago, I had been working for a few years, so I was a bit exhausted for everything and thought that I'd have to stop and get a master degree overseas because at that particular time, I really needed time to figure things out and also needed a higher degree for career development. So, I found an opportunity to tell my mum my plan. At first, I was thinking that she would kind of disagree because she was not ready for it and also, she might have thought my job was stable and it was unwise just to quit it and go abroad. However, to my surprise, she was totally on board with my plan and said she actually saved up a bit for my education and as long as I was ready, she would surely support me in any possible way. Well, to be completely honest, I didn't see it coming at all and my tears came pouring down on my check. And at that time, I was actually not very certain about my decision but my mother's unexpected response to it encouraged me in a way I would never imagine that it could do.

So, as you know, getting a degree overseas costs a great deal. Although I saved up a bit myself, it was only good enough to cover my tuition. However, with my mum's financial support as well as mental support, I managed to get into my dream university and completed my degree, for which I think I owe my mum everything.

Part 3

Question:How do people achieve a goal?


这是一道(explain )解释类的题目,人们如何实现目标·那么首先人们可能会起草一些计划,细化到每一步。此外,人们也有可能去预测问题,并给出相关的处理方法·此外,人们可能还要在施行计划过程中,懂得调节。此外,人们可能还需要一些心理因素支持,比如保持动机以及坚持不懈的心态,这对实现目标而言,是不可或缺的。

Sample Answer:

Well, in order to realize a goal, people always have to draft a plan in the first place, like outlining what they need to do and try to detail every single step probably. Also, people might anticipate what problems they may encounter all along the way and try to come up with solutions to deal with them. Plus, plan is just plan and things can happen all of a sudden, so people always need to be flexible and make adjustments. In addition to this, people would also have to be very motivated and persistent, since success is not a straight line and covers a lot of blunders instead. So, this mentality is also an important element of one's achievement.

Question:How can children be encouraged to study?


这是一道( explain ) 解释类的题目,如何励小孩学习。可以从两个方面进行讨论,刺激他们的内在动机和外在动机两个方案·首先,内在动机,小孩可以因为做好任务获得一些奖励,比如少做家庭作业,得到自己想要的东西,其次,内在动机,教育小孩学习这件事跟他们本身发展有很大联系,他们需要意识到重要性,并认同,这样可以刺激到不断学习,是为了自己.

Sample Answer:

Well, as far as I can see, there are a lot of ways to stimulate and motivate students in the course of their learning. First, children can be extrinsically motivated, which means that parents as well as teachers can give them some tangible rewards once they manage to complete their tasks, say, they may be allowed to skip some homework or they may get something they eager to have, like a pair of shoes or something. Plus, educating children about the important of learning and associating it with their personal future gains and future development is also a fantastic way to do so, as it can potentially generate their intrinsic motivation, like they have to study for themselves, like their life really depends on it.

Question:Who plays a bigger role in encouraging children, teachers or parents?


这是一道( compare ) 对比类的题目,鼓励小孩,谁具有更大的责任,老师还是家长·这道题建议可以说双方都有很大的作用·最好是双方可以协作,在这个问题上·在家,家长可以多和小孩子沟通,了解倾听他们的需求,并提供相应的帮助·此外,也需要顾及到小孩的面子问题,不要在外公开批评小孩。在学校,老师也可以做相同的事。此外,也有做到跟家长充分沟通.

Sample Answer:

I figure that both roles are quite important in this regard, simply because home and school are pretty much the two places students spend most of their time in. So, it might work the best when teachers and parents complement their roles, so children can be constantly encouraged. For example, at home, parents should try to communicate with their children and to understand and listen to their needs so as to provide them with support accordingly. Also, parents need to take into account the face problem and avoid criticizing their

kids when they make mistakes in the public, and this can turn out very humiliating and discouraging. And at school, teachers could pretty much do the same.

Question:Are teachers always right?


这是一道( opinion ) 解释类的题目,老师永远都是正确的吗。当然有always’这样的限定条件,我们一般都能会不认同,并能找到一些比较好切入的观点。比如在课堂场景,老师持续上课很久感觉到疲乏,讲课的时候可能就去出错。这样的情况下,其实学生应该更加通融,课后跟老师进行反馈纠正,是不错的方法·此外,根据个人而言,老师在处理一些情况的是否,有时候会带入个人情绪,比如在学校两个学生打架的时候·每一个人都不是完人,所以老师也不可能永远是正确的·

Sample Answer:

This is definitely a fallacy. Nobody can be right all the time, and teachers are no exception. For example, when teachers are exhausted, say probably teaching for a few hours straight, it seems quite common that teachers may make some mistakes in class since human tend to make mistakes under the condition of tiredness. In this case, students, I guess, should be understanding and tolerant. And probably they can kindly remind the teachers of the mistakes after class. Also, teachers are also humans and no human is perfect. Some days, teachers might also let their feelings take the best side of them or cloud their judgement. When they handle some situations, like two boys who fight, they may bring in some personal feelings, which is definitely not correct.

Question:Is competition a good thing?


这是一道( assess ) 评估类题目,竞争是否是好事。答案可能的切入点事,竞争可能是把双刃剑,有好有坏·好的是可以刺激人的创造力和生产力。比如,很多公司能发展,就是因为同行的竞争压力压迫·从反面看,竞争带给人很多焦虑感,如果处理不好,还有可能抑郁。比如,很多公司的员工因为处理不好这样的情绪,最终跳楼自杀,这样的例子在新闻当中也经常可以看见。

Sample Answer:

Well, the answer would be yes and no. First, competition is absolutely good and necessary in many instances on the grounds that if handled properly, it can generate one's creativity and efficiency. For example, many businesses can flourish and can constantly come up with innovative ideas to keep their market share, which is somehow driven by competition. However, on the flip side, competition can also bring people anxiety, which may worsen into depression if they fail to cope with it. For example, we can always hear some news that some workers in a company jump off the building or commit suicide due to the fact that they fail to deal with this mentality.

Question:Does competition play an important role in one's work?


这是一道(assess ) 评估类题目,竞争在工作中的必要性。·一个切入点是当然很重要,没有竞争,员工可能就没有压力,这样他们就可能对于自己的工作不足够重视,所以他们做自己的工作就不会有高的效率·最终给公司就会带来后果,比如在竞争强的市场,份额就会同行公司吞没·此外,对于员工而言,适当的竞争其实可以刺激他们做得更好,对自己的发展,对公司的发展,其实都是好事·

Sample Answer:

It's an absolute necessity in workplaces. Without some amount of competition, I would say that most employees may not feel pressure, in which case they will take their job lightly and will not do their job efficiently. This may lead to severe consequences for a company, like in some highly competitive market, their share would be swallowed by other competitors. Also, for employees themselves, competition can push and motivate them to do better, which is not only beneficial to a company's development and also their personal development, say if they aim for some promotion in the company.

Question:Do you think money could motivate people to work harder?


这是一道( opinion ) 个人观点的题目·钱是否能刺激人们努力工作。毋庸置疑,·钱是可以给人带来动机的,一般情况下,在得到金钱奖励是否,人们都看到一股冲击力,这可以刺激他们更加投入工作。钱也是认同别人努力的一种体现方式,给人一种自己的劳动力被认可被尊重的感觉。·但是,这样的感受不会延续很久,来得快去得也很快·所以,承认这是有用的方法,但是有效性值得商榷。

Sample Answer:

First of all, it's an undeniable truth that money can be motivating. People will certainly feel a surge of motivation and encouragement when they are rewarded with an amount of money, for which they will commit even more to their work. Also, it's a great way to recognize people's hard work and injects people with a sense of pride and achievement. However, these kinds of feelings are usually transient, which means that they go as fast as they come. So, the point I try to make is that money can be an awesome way to motivate people to work, but we have to admit that its effectiveness to sustain the motivation should be held questionable.

Question:Is making money the best part of having a job? If not, what's the best part?


这是一道(assess )评估类题目,钱是不是工作最美好的一部分·这道题可能最好的回答就是见仁见智·对于比较向“钱”看的人群,他们会觉得,钱就是最好的一部分,这也可以理解,因为不是所有人都是为了理想而工作,出了工作,其实人们应该需要有自己的生活和家庭,而相关的一些活动都需要钱,所以人们觉得工作为了钱,也不是什么不可说的事。·但是,也有人觉得工作,兴趣是最好的一部分·因为做自己喜欢的事,比钱带来的愉悦感更长久,而且也会更有成就感·结果是你会过得很开心,也会赚到钱,遇到困难的时候,更有积极的心态去解决它·当然,当你做一份工作,又赚钱又是自己爱做的,就是一件很美好的事·

Sample Answer:

Well, this may vary from person to person. For people who are kind of money- driven, they'd say that if money was not the best part, they would not know what the best part could be. This is quite understandable though since people all need money to survive and raise family and life is not just about work, and there're more to life than work, such as shopping, savoring delicious foods, and travelling, all of which needs money. And people can definitely work for that. Of course, besides money, I'd say interest is equally important and for me it could be the best part, like doing what I love. Imagine you are doing a job which brings you money, but you hate a lot, you wouldn't live a happy life and living like this, you may start to question the meaning of life and lose motivation. As a result, you may get really upset and depressed. So, um, I'd say interest comes before money and it literally would be the best when you can have them both at one job.




Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting

You should say:

Who he/she is

How you knew him/her

What interesting thing you did

and explain how he/she inspired you to do something interesting.

Plan your talk:

Who this person is:

(Optional) How you got to know this person

(Optional) Was there anything funny to mention when you met this person

(Optional) Some basic information of this person: age/occupation/ interest and hobbies

(Optional) His appearance but make sure to keep it concise

What this person does:

(Optional) how long has this person been doing his job:

What things did this person exactly do to encourage you:

In what ways did he/her help you

And explain how you feel about this person

What this person is generally like in your opinion



Sample Answer:

Well, for this topic, I would have to talk about my Uncle Tom, who has a great impact on me. My uncle runs a small restaurant in New York and works all year round. What I see in him is perseverance, which has motivated me when I feel like I want to give up.

Four years ago, I decided to study abroad, but my English score was quite low. My mother had to let me go to English cram school, which required me to recite words every day. At first, I thought it was very boring and useless. Gradually, I thought that only talented people could learn English well. I started to envy my uncle because his English was fairly nice.

I began to want to give up. I felt that I didn't have the same talent as my uncle. When my uncle heard about this, he called me and asked me to go to the room where he used to live. When I saw a notebook full of words on the desk,

I was shocked. I didn't expect that my uncle had insisted on it. I decided to accumulate footprints step by step recite words.

In the end, my English score has been greatly improved, and I have obtained the qualification to exchange for studying abroad. My uncle's affairs have affected me, and let me understand that those who have no talent can make up for their congenital deficiencies through the efforts of the day after tomorrow.

Sample Answer :

Well, for this topic, I would have to talk about my mum, who has always been a source of inspiration for me. My mother runs her own small business and still does this job day in and day out with only a few breaks a year. In her I see patience and persistence, which has encouraged me a lot, especially every time I feel like I'm kind of fed up with my life.

Two years ago, I had been working for a few years, so I was a bit exhausted for everything and thought that I'd have to stop and get a master degree overseas because at that particular time, I really needed time to figure things out and also needed a higher degree for career development. So, I found an opportunity to tell my mum my plan. At first, I was thinking that she would kind of disagree because she was not ready for it and also, she might have thought my job was stable and it was unwise just to quit it and go abroad. However, to my surprise, she was totally on board with my plan and said she actually saved up a bit for my education and as long as I was ready, she would surely support me in any possible way. Well, to be completely honest, I didn't see it coming at all and my tears came pouring down on my check. And at that time, I was actually not very certain about my decision but my mother's unexpected response to it encouraged me in a way I would never imagine that it could do.

So, as you know, getting a degree overseas costs a great deal. Although I saved up a bit myself, it was only good enough to cover my tuition. However, with my mum's financial support as well as mental support, I managed to get into my dream university and completed my degree, for which I think I owe my mum everything.

Part 3

Question:How do people achieve a goal?


这是一道(explain )解释类的题目,人们如何实现目标·那么首先人们可能会起草一些计划,细化到每一步。此外,人们也有可能去预测问题,并给出相关的处理方法·此外,人们可能还要在施行计划过程中,懂得调节。此外,人们可能还需要一些心理因素支持,比如保持动机以及坚持不懈的心态,这对实现目标而言,是不可或缺的。

Sample Answer:

Well, in order to realize a goal, people always have to draft a plan in the first place, like outlining what they need to do and try to detail every single step probably. Also, people might anticipate what problems they may encounter all along the way and try to come up with solutions to deal with them. Plus, plan is just plan and things can happen all of a sudden, so people always need to be flexible and make adjustments. In addition to this, people would also have to be very motivated and persistent, since success is not a straight line and covers a lot of blunders instead. So, this mentality is also an important element of one's achievement.

Question:How can children be encouraged to study?


这是一道( explain ) 解释类的题目,如何励小孩学习。可以从两个方面进行讨论,刺激他们的内在动机和外在动机两个方案·首先,内在动机,小孩可以因为做好任务获得一些奖励,比如少做家庭作业,得到自己想要的东西,其次,内在动机,教育小孩学习这件事跟他们本身发展有很大联系,他们需要意识到重要性,并认同,这样可以刺激到不断学习,是为了自己.

Sample Answer:

Well, as far as I can see, there are a lot of ways to stimulate and motivate students in the course of their learning. First, children can be extrinsically motivated, which means that parents as well as teachers can give them some tangible rewards once they manage to complete their tasks, say, they may be allowed to skip some homework or they may get something they eager to have, like a pair of shoes or something. Plus, educating children about the important of learning and associating it with their personal future gains and future development is also a fantastic way to do so, as it can potentially generate their intrinsic motivation, like they have to study for themselves, like their life really depends on it.

Question:Who plays a bigger role in encouraging children, teachers or parents?


这是一道( compare ) 对比类的题目,鼓励小孩,谁具有更大的责任,老师还是家长·这道题建议可以说双方都有很大的作用·最好是双方可以协作,在这个问题上·在家,家长可以多和小孩子沟通,了解倾听他们的需求,并提供相应的帮助·此外,也需要顾及到小孩的面子问题,不要在外公开批评小孩。在学校,老师也可以做相同的事。此外,也有做到跟家长充分沟通.

Sample Answer:

I figure that both roles are quite important in this regard, simply because home and school are pretty much the two places students spend most of their time in. So, it might work the best when teachers and parents complement their roles, so children can be constantly encouraged. For example, at home, parents should try to communicate with their children and to understand and listen to their needs so as to provide them with support accordingly. Also, parents need to take into account the face problem and avoid criticizing their

kids when they make mistakes in the public, and this can turn out very humiliating and discouraging. And at school, teachers could pretty much do the same.

Question:Are teachers always right?


这是一道( opinion ) 解释类的题目,老师永远都是正确的吗。当然有always’这样的限定条件,我们一般都能会不认同,并能找到一些比较好切入的观点。比如在课堂场景,老师持续上课很久感觉到疲乏,讲课的时候可能就去出错。这样的情况下,其实学生应该更加通融,课后跟老师进行反馈纠正,是不错的方法·此外,根据个人而言,老师在处理一些情况的是否,有时候会带入个人情绪,比如在学校两个学生打架的时候·每一个人都不是完人,所以老师也不可能永远是正确的·

Sample Answer:

This is definitely a fallacy. Nobody can be right all the time, and teachers are no exception. For example, when teachers are exhausted, say probably teaching for a few hours straight, it seems quite common that teachers may make some mistakes in class since human tend to make mistakes under the condition of tiredness. In this case, students, I guess, should be understanding and tolerant. And probably they can kindly remind the teachers of the mistakes after class. Also, teachers are also humans and no human is perfect. Some days, teachers might also let their feelings take the best side of them or cloud their judgement. When they handle some situations, like two boys who fight, they may bring in some personal feelings, which is definitely not correct.

Question:Is competition a good thing?


这是一道( assess ) 评估类题目,竞争是否是好事。答案可能的切入点事,竞争可能是把双刃剑,有好有坏·好的是可以刺激人的创造力和生产力。比如,很多公司能发展,就是因为同行的竞争压力压迫·从反面看,竞争带给人很多焦虑感,如果处理不好,还有可能抑郁。比如,很多公司的员工因为处理不好这样的情绪,最终跳楼自杀,这样的例子在新闻当中也经常可以看见。

Sample Answer:

Well, the answer would be yes and no. First, competition is absolutely good and necessary in many instances on the grounds that if handled properly, it can generate one's creativity and efficiency. For example, many businesses can flourish and can constantly come up with innovative ideas to keep their market share, which is somehow driven by competition. However, on the flip side, competition can also bring people anxiety, which may worsen into depression if they fail to cope with it. For example, we can always hear some news that some workers in a company jump off the building or commit suicide due to the fact that they fail to deal with this mentality.

Question:Does competition play an important role in one's work?


这是一道(assess ) 评估类题目,竞争在工作中的必要性。·一个切入点是当然很重要,没有竞争,员工可能就没有压力,这样他们就可能对于自己的工作不足够重视,所以他们做自己的工作就不会有高的效率·最终给公司就会带来后果,比如在竞争强的市场,份额就会同行公司吞没·此外,对于员工而言,适当的竞争其实可以刺激他们做得更好,对自己的发展,对公司的发展,其实都是好事·

Sample Answer:

It's an absolute necessity in workplaces. Without some amount of competition, I would say that most employees may not feel pressure, in which case they will take their job lightly and will not do their job efficiently. This may lead to severe consequences for a company, like in some highly competitive market, their share would be swallowed by other competitors. Also, for employees themselves, competition can push and motivate them to do better, which is not only beneficial to a company's development and also their personal development, say if they aim for some promotion in the company.

Question:Do you think money could motivate people to work harder?


这是一道( opinion ) 个人观点的题目·钱是否能刺激人们努力工作。毋庸置疑,·钱是可以给人带来动机的,一般情况下,在得到金钱奖励是否,人们都看到一股冲击力,这可以刺激他们更加投入工作。钱也是认同别人努力的一种体现方式,给人一种自己的劳动力被认可被尊重的感觉。·但是,这样的感受不会延续很久,来得快去得也很快·所以,承认这是有用的方法,但是有效性值得商榷。

Sample Answer:

First of all, it's an undeniable truth that money can be motivating. People will certainly feel a surge of motivation and encouragement when they are rewarded with an amount of money, for which they will commit even more to their work. Also, it's a great way to recognize people's hard work and injects people with a sense of pride and achievement. However, these kinds of feelings are usually transient, which means that they go as fast as they come. So, the point I try to make is that money can be an awesome way to motivate people to work, but we have to admit that its effectiveness to sustain the motivation should be held questionable.

Question:Is making money the best part of having a job? If not, what's the best part?


这是一道(assess )评估类题目,钱是不是工作最美好的一部分·这道题可能最好的回答就是见仁见智·对于比较向“钱”看的人群,他们会觉得,钱就是最好的一部分,这也可以理解,因为不是所有人都是为了理想而工作,出了工作,其实人们应该需要有自己的生活和家庭,而相关的一些活动都需要钱,所以人们觉得工作为了钱,也不是什么不可说的事。·但是,也有人觉得工作,兴趣是最好的一部分·因为做自己喜欢的事,比钱带来的愉悦感更长久,而且也会更有成就感·结果是你会过得很开心,也会赚到钱,遇到困难的时候,更有积极的心态去解决它·当然,当你做一份工作,又赚钱又是自己爱做的,就是一件很美好的事·

Sample Answer:

Well, this may vary from person to person. For people who are kind of money- driven, they'd say that if money was not the best part, they would not know what the best part could be. This is quite understandable though since people all need money to survive and raise family and life is not just about work, and there're more to life than work, such as shopping, savoring delicious foods, and travelling, all of which needs money. And people can definitely work for that. Of course, besides money, I'd say interest is equally important and for me it could be the best part, like doing what I love. Imagine you are doing a job which brings you money, but you hate a lot, you wouldn't live a happy life and living like this, you may start to question the meaning of life and lose motivation. As a result, you may get really upset and depressed. So, um, I'd say interest comes before money and it literally would be the best when you can have them both at one job.


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