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Describe a photo you took that you are proud of You should say:

When you took it Where you took it What is in this photo

and explain why you are proud of it.

Plan your talk:

When you took it

Whether you took it on special event

Where you took it

Whether it was in a tourist attraction or somewhere special

In what occasion you took the photo

What is in this photo

Who is in this photo

What color is it

and explain why you are proud of it

Whether it is rare or not



Sample Answer :

Well, the special photo I would like to talk about today is absolutely a landscape photograph of sunrise. Actually, it has been hanging on the wall in my living room for years since I took it when I was in primary school.

This photo was actually taken on the top of the Taishan mountain as soon as the sun, the golden globe popped out of the skyline. So when you look at it, you may see vivid colors including lavender, orange and even navy blue on the same picture. Amazing, right?

As for why I am so proud of this picture, let me give you three reasons. First of all, as I mentioned before, when I took this picture, I was only a 8-year-old little girl who could barely figure out the functions of buttons on the camera, you know, it could be rocket science for me, but I did it! Guess what! I even got the 2nd-prize in a competition for because of it. This is extremely cool, right?

Secondly, I just captured the Jesus light! Many years later, I realized that this is called Tyndall effect, but back then, can you imagine how strikingly beautiful it was? I mean I would always feel so blessed when I pressed the shutter.

So all in all I really love this photo not only because it's it's really pretty, but also it is this one that cultivates my interest in photography and it enables me to show off in front of all the guests for many years.

Sample Answer :

Well, when it comes to this topic, I would like to describe a group photo of my roommates which is one of the all time favorite in my mind. As a matter of fact, this photo was snapped in September back in 2020, 2 months later after our graduation from university.

When you see the picture, you may find it pretty average, just four young girls with dazzling smile, standing on the lawn, right in front of the statue ofConfucius in our campus, wearing bachelor gowns and academic caps, bathed in the brilliant sunshine. Behind the girls in the distance is wispy clouds drifting across the sky and the gowns fluttering with gentle breeze off the sea. It sounds picturesque and a little bit cliche, right? From a closer look into the background, you may realize that this photo is not easy peasy.

Approximately 8 months earlier, the highly contagious Covid-19 broke out, then here came the quarantine period. Actually, it had been almost 1 year we said "Happy New Year" and "See you next year" to each other. We even had graduation ceremony online, can you believe it? This is why we were determined to take this group photo even after we graduated even though we were actually in different parts of this country. This is the compensation as well as the closure of our campus life and the witness of whatever we had been through together.

To cut to the chase, every time when I see the photo, it would remind me of the glorious moment and the inseparable sisterhood between us. More importantly, this photo will always mark the fair and stormy weather in this land.

Part 3

Question:Why do some people like to record important things with photos?



Sample Answer:

I guess there are must have been some compelling reasons for this.

To start with, it is evidently such a fantastic way to savor the moment of our lives, especially the extraordinary moments such as family gathering proposals or coming of age ceremonies, and t was easy easy for almost all these groups to snap a shot and post it on the social media therefore gathering thumb-ups and likes. This is absolutely appealing.

Another inexplicable fact is that our memory could be unreliable to some extent when it comes to something really significant such as data, insurance number, or even business contracts,this is relatively a better way to capture the information, As you know, the palest visual aids is better than the worst memory.

Question:What can people learn from historical photographs?


这是一道非常典型的事实类题目,人们能够从历史的照片中学到什么? 这里,我们不妨将人们进行群体的划分,例如普通人,历史学家,政治家等不同的身份不同的视角能够从历史的照片了解的内容也大相径庭,我们可以以史为鉴,吸取教训,避免犯同样的错误,例如在战争环保等方面同样,照片也可以作为史学家们研究历史的重要工具,甚至很多历史悠久的企业组织学校或者团体,也会保留一些古老的照片作为承载,进行教育,缅怀等。

Sample Answer:

As far as I know, old photographs are an amazing source of information about the people of the past, revealing even more details like the technologies, art, and social life etc. thanks to photo restoration, this is amazing researching and interpreting tools for the historians, along with manuscripts and maps, experts could take advantage of these documents, therefore making breakthroughs in academy.

In addition, regular people like you and me can also learn our lessons from the historical records and realize the essence of life, wars and world peace. For instance, we could see how cruel the wars are, how powerful the nuclear explosion would be, and what dire consequences discrimination would bring to human race. As a result, probably we can cherish what we've got now.

Question:Is taking photos the best way to remember something?



Sample Answer:

Yes and no. On the one hand, to a certain extent, that may be true, according to some scientific research,photos help us remember the visual aspects of the moment better especially the phone numbers or address etc. On the other hand, when it comes to long-term memory such as mathematical formulae or something like that, I'm not quite convinced it would be reliable enough. It still requires repetition or drilling to curve the stuff in your mind.

Question:What do you think of beautiful selfies?



Sample Answer:

From where I stand, beautiful selfies is absolutely a positive think, creating source for social media, propelling the technologies and industries like filters and selfie sticks, even creating a vogue in this era. Besides, it could be accessible whenever and wherever, it's 100% up to you. However, sometimes, people, especially the teenagers or tourists are easily prone to be driven by the photo exclusively rather than life or tour itself. I'm afraid this could lead to some pities along the way.





Describe a photo you took that you are proud of You should say:

When you took it Where you took it What is in this photo

and explain why you are proud of it.

Plan your talk:

When you took it

Whether you took it on special event

Where you took it

Whether it was in a tourist attraction or somewhere special

In what occasion you took the photo

What is in this photo

Who is in this photo

What color is it

and explain why you are proud of it

Whether it is rare or not



Sample Answer :

Well, the special photo I would like to talk about today is absolutely a landscape photograph of sunrise. Actually, it has been hanging on the wall in my living room for years since I took it when I was in primary school.

This photo was actually taken on the top of the Taishan mountain as soon as the sun, the golden globe popped out of the skyline. So when you look at it, you may see vivid colors including lavender, orange and even navy blue on the same picture. Amazing, right?

As for why I am so proud of this picture, let me give you three reasons. First of all, as I mentioned before, when I took this picture, I was only a 8-year-old little girl who could barely figure out the functions of buttons on the camera, you know, it could be rocket science for me, but I did it! Guess what! I even got the 2nd-prize in a competition for because of it. This is extremely cool, right?

Secondly, I just captured the Jesus light! Many years later, I realized that this is called Tyndall effect, but back then, can you imagine how strikingly beautiful it was? I mean I would always feel so blessed when I pressed the shutter.

So all in all I really love this photo not only because it's it's really pretty, but also it is this one that cultivates my interest in photography and it enables me to show off in front of all the guests for many years.

Sample Answer :

Well, when it comes to this topic, I would like to describe a group photo of my roommates which is one of the all time favorite in my mind. As a matter of fact, this photo was snapped in September back in 2020, 2 months later after our graduation from university.

When you see the picture, you may find it pretty average, just four young girls with dazzling smile, standing on the lawn, right in front of the statue ofConfucius in our campus, wearing bachelor gowns and academic caps, bathed in the brilliant sunshine. Behind the girls in the distance is wispy clouds drifting across the sky and the gowns fluttering with gentle breeze off the sea. It sounds picturesque and a little bit cliche, right? From a closer look into the background, you may realize that this photo is not easy peasy.

Approximately 8 months earlier, the highly contagious Covid-19 broke out, then here came the quarantine period. Actually, it had been almost 1 year we said "Happy New Year" and "See you next year" to each other. We even had graduation ceremony online, can you believe it? This is why we were determined to take this group photo even after we graduated even though we were actually in different parts of this country. This is the compensation as well as the closure of our campus life and the witness of whatever we had been through together.

To cut to the chase, every time when I see the photo, it would remind me of the glorious moment and the inseparable sisterhood between us. More importantly, this photo will always mark the fair and stormy weather in this land.

Part 3

Question:Why do some people like to record important things with photos?



Sample Answer:

I guess there are must have been some compelling reasons for this.

To start with, it is evidently such a fantastic way to savor the moment of our lives, especially the extraordinary moments such as family gathering proposals or coming of age ceremonies, and t was easy easy for almost all these groups to snap a shot and post it on the social media therefore gathering thumb-ups and likes. This is absolutely appealing.

Another inexplicable fact is that our memory could be unreliable to some extent when it comes to something really significant such as data, insurance number, or even business contracts,this is relatively a better way to capture the information, As you know, the palest visual aids is better than the worst memory.

Question:What can people learn from historical photographs?


这是一道非常典型的事实类题目,人们能够从历史的照片中学到什么? 这里,我们不妨将人们进行群体的划分,例如普通人,历史学家,政治家等不同的身份不同的视角能够从历史的照片了解的内容也大相径庭,我们可以以史为鉴,吸取教训,避免犯同样的错误,例如在战争环保等方面同样,照片也可以作为史学家们研究历史的重要工具,甚至很多历史悠久的企业组织学校或者团体,也会保留一些古老的照片作为承载,进行教育,缅怀等。

Sample Answer:

As far as I know, old photographs are an amazing source of information about the people of the past, revealing even more details like the technologies, art, and social life etc. thanks to photo restoration, this is amazing researching and interpreting tools for the historians, along with manuscripts and maps, experts could take advantage of these documents, therefore making breakthroughs in academy.

In addition, regular people like you and me can also learn our lessons from the historical records and realize the essence of life, wars and world peace. For instance, we could see how cruel the wars are, how powerful the nuclear explosion would be, and what dire consequences discrimination would bring to human race. As a result, probably we can cherish what we've got now.

Question:Is taking photos the best way to remember something?



Sample Answer:

Yes and no. On the one hand, to a certain extent, that may be true, according to some scientific research,photos help us remember the visual aspects of the moment better especially the phone numbers or address etc. On the other hand, when it comes to long-term memory such as mathematical formulae or something like that, I'm not quite convinced it would be reliable enough. It still requires repetition or drilling to curve the stuff in your mind.

Question:What do you think of beautiful selfies?



Sample Answer:

From where I stand, beautiful selfies is absolutely a positive think, creating source for social media, propelling the technologies and industries like filters and selfie sticks, even creating a vogue in this era. Besides, it could be accessible whenever and wherever, it's 100% up to you. However, sometimes, people, especially the teenagers or tourists are easily prone to be driven by the photo exclusively rather than life or tour itself. I'm afraid this could lead to some pities along the way.


Previous: 雅思口语素材库-Part2&3范文及解题思路:最近的户外活动 Next: 雅思口语素材库-Part2&3范文及解题思路:喜欢的节目


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