雅思口语Part 1素材库有助于提高口语表达能力,增加流利度,确保答案的逻辑性和连贯性,提供备选答案,增强考试的自信心。
Cars Question 1:
Do you enjoy travelling by car?
Sample answer:
Yes. Compared to public transport I prefer travelling by car. It allows me to choose the fastest route and make plans more flexibly. I can enjoy the views and stop to take photos whenever I want.
Question 2:
Where is the farthest place you travelled to by car?
Sample answer:
I think I've travelled to a few far places by car. When I was little, my parents would take family road trips in the summer. I remember spending long hours on the motorway and falling asleep.
Question 3:
Do you prefer to sit in the front or back when travelling by car?
Sample answer:
I like to sit in the front most of the time. I can chat with my friend next to me and enjoy the front views. But if it's a long journey, I prefer siting in the back so that I can take a nap.
Question 4:
What do you usually do when there is a traffic jam?
Sample answer:
Well, there are many ways for you to kill time if you are caught in this kind of a traffic congestion. The simplest way is to take out your mobile phone and just open those applications you often visit like the Weibo. You can get to know some latest news and some gossip of celebrities.
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