雅思口语素材库-雅思口语part1范文:Reading habits

雅思口语素材库-雅思口语part1范文:Reading habits

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Reading habits Question 1:

Do you read books?

Sample answer:

Yes, I've been a huge reader. I've been interested in all sorts of books, in particular, history books, biography and science fiction. I've been into reading books, the thing is, it's educational as I can acquire a wide range of knowledge from books. Besides, reading stimulates my mind, inspiring my creativity.

Question 2:

Do you read differently now than you did before?

Sample answer:

There is a world of difference between my reading habits now than before. First things first, I tend to read electronic books on the smartphones or tablets, as I can access to a range of free books while in the past, I went for paper books. On top of that, foreign books get my vote now as it's a great opportunity to acquire a foreign language from reading.

Question 3:

Have you ever read a novel that has been adapted into a film?

Sample answer:

Yes definitely. I've ever read a novel that has been adapted into a film. It's journey to the west, which's regarded as one of four classic books in China. The film has been immensely popular due to its fantastic characters and gripping stories, which also grabs my attention.

Question 4:

How often do you buy a book?

Sample answer:

I normally buy a book on the weekly basis. I tend to go to bookstores to select books to read, in particular, recently published books. Sometimes I buy books from online shops, which provide delivery services. Besides, books from online shops are more economical.


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