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Describe an important river or lake in your country You should say:

Where it is located How big or long it is What it looks like

and explain why it is important.

Plan your talk:

Where it is located:

(Optional) what it is called

(Optional) what do you know about it geographically

How big or long it is:

(Optional) how many cities does it flow through

What it looks like:

(Optional) have you ever been to the river or lake

And explain why it is important:

(Optional) what economical influence this river or lake has

(Optional) what was your feeling when you first saw the river or lake


本题可以先从简单介绍你所要来谈及的这个河流或者湖泊来进行引入,之后在进行课下准备的时候,建议各位同学针对于自己所要描述的主题去进行一些相关的背景知识调查,这样能更好地就你想要描述的湖泊或河流给出背景的描述。比如在下面的范例答案中老师描述的长江,其相关背景信息就是老师特意为了进行相关描述而去查的。在这之后可以描述一下自己和这个河流或湖泊是否有相应的关联,比如之前有没有去过或者第一次听说是在什么时候等等,并可能将你自己和你所要描述的这个地点建立联系·在这之后就要着重描述一下本题最后一个小问“whyit is important?”其实这个问题总体来说还是比较容易回答的主要抓住经济和环境上面的影响来去描述就可以了,而经济层面的影响则可以从旅游,就业等角度来去描述,而环境层面上来说就更容易说了,比如自然生态平衡等。

Sample Answer 1:

Well, when it comes to an important river or lake in my country, the first one that comes to mind is the Yangtze River. It is one of the most important rivers in the world, and is also the longest river in China, the third-longest in the world. The river is over 6000 km long and it flows through a lot of provinces in China, so it is quite difficult to say where exactly it is located. And it is so important that Chinese people even regard it as our "Mother River".

It is actually quite hard to describe its appearance because once you see it, you might feel that there is nothing special about this river. And that was actually my first impression as well. But once I saw the Three Gorges Dam in Yichang city, my opinion about this river was converted.

I still remember the first time that I intentionally go on a trip just for the Yangtze River was right after I graduated from high school. In that summer holiday, I got nothing else better to do, so I thought I might as well just go on a trip, but not somewhere far away, just within the province, after discussing the destination with some of my friends, I finally made up my mind to simply go along with the Yangtze River and see where it could take me to. The trip was kind boring in the beginning, but when we arrived at the dam, I was shocked by that immense construction, I felt that I was so small comparing with it.

What's more, the influence it has was totally a gamechanger. Can you believe it, a single dam like this can help China to save up to 10 billion yuan per year. And this is just one dam on the Yangtze River we are talking about, can you imagine the total amount of money we can save if we add up all the other dams all together? Not to mention the economic benefits they bring. So after all, the advantages the Yangtze River bring to my country is far beyond important.

Sample Answer 2 :

If we are talking about an important river in my country, it has got to be theYangtze River. To tell the truth, 3 years ago I moved to the city Chongqing, which is known as the Mountain City of China where stunning overlook of the confluence of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River can be seen around the shore. So I heard a lot about how thankful the local citizens are towards the rivers and what kind of benefit has the Yangtze River brought to this magnificent city.

The Yangtze River, which are usually called Chang Jiang as its Chinese name, is the longest river in both China and Asia and the third longest river in the world, with a length of roughly 3000 miles. The upper course of the Yangtze flows across the Plateau of Tibet and descends through deep valleys in the mountains east of the plateau, emerging on the border of the Tibet Autonomous Region, then the river flows generally easterly through a shallow, spacious valley, and reached the bottom of Sichuan basin, which is Chinese great granary and contains nearly one-third of the national population.

I've heard about the saying from some local elderlies about how a river could nurture and thrive people from ashore. The Yangtze River is the best example, several decades ago, it used to carry the majority burden of the water transportation in the southwest part of China, while for now the river offers the city a wonderful chance to show its stunning night view with the help of magically designed lights and skyscrapers. It's that kind of place. Steady, not flashy. Pretty, not perfect, yet with all the hustle and bustle so ordinary people like you and me would fall in love with it almost in the first sight. The Yangtze quietly does the work that keeps the rest of the Chinese River system functioning as nature intended.

Part 3:

Question:How can rivers or lakes benefit local people?



Sample Answer:

In fact, lakes and rivers can provide locals with a number of benefits both economically and environmentally. For one thing, rivers can act as an economic driver that favor local businesses and quality of life. For example, people can do fishing and paddling, and go on cruise trips, which can generate thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in revenue. For the other, rivers and lakes are important sources of clean and dependable drinking water and make riverside communities more resilient to flood risks.

Question: Do you think rivers or lakes attract tourists?



Sample Answer:

Definitely yes. I think water has a powerful attraction for people as most water-related tourist destinations often boast not only splendid scenery but also well-developed recreational activities. For instance, Niagara Falls in the US, Loch Ness in Scotland, and Qinghai Lake in China are well-known natural wonders worldwide, attracting millions of tourists a year who would get close to nature and immerse themselves in the stunning views. Besides, when tourists plan vacations, many have a tendency head to water where except for going sightseeing, they can also enjoy activities like freshwater fishing, underwater diving, canoeing and kayaking, white-water rafting and outdoor adventures.

Question:How do rivers or lakes affect local tourism?


这一道题问的是河流或者湖泊会怎样影响当地旅游业,总体上来说是会给城市带来积极的影响的,原因可以从以下来去讨论 :1.当地的河流或者湖泊可以刺激当地经济发展,这个也会刺激当地旅游业的不断推陈出新,形成了一个良性循环:2.有了这么样的一个河流或者湖泊可以对城市的环境结构产生一个积极的影响,而这也会吸引更多的游客到来这个城市,并对经济产生积极影响。

Sample Answer:

Rivers and lakes actually play a very important role in local tourism and there are plenty of reasons. First of all, they help local cities to attract more tourists, that means local economy will boost, which will lead to more job positions be created. Secondly, having a river or a lake in a city can positively change the environmental structure of that city, for example, the urban island heat effect will be decreased, which will make this place a more pleasant city to live or work in, and one of the side effects is that it will attract more tourists as well.

Question: Are rivers or lakes good for transport? Why?



Sample Answer:

Yes, but their importance to transport differs from past to now. Traditionally, waterways were pivotal to transportation links for people and freight. Before the birth of ground-based infrastructure we heavily depend on today like trains and buses, water was the only way to make connections between commerce centers. And that's one of the most important factors deciding where major cities are located nowadays. Apparently, most financially important cities are situated around two or more rivers. However, even though water-based transport is overshadowed by faster ones like airplane and high-speed railway, it is still the most cost-efficient one.





Describe an important river or lake in your country You should say:

Where it is located How big or long it is What it looks like

and explain why it is important.

Plan your talk:

Where it is located:

(Optional) what it is called

(Optional) what do you know about it geographically

How big or long it is:

(Optional) how many cities does it flow through

What it looks like:

(Optional) have you ever been to the river or lake

And explain why it is important:

(Optional) what economical influence this river or lake has

(Optional) what was your feeling when you first saw the river or lake


本题可以先从简单介绍你所要来谈及的这个河流或者湖泊来进行引入,之后在进行课下准备的时候,建议各位同学针对于自己所要描述的主题去进行一些相关的背景知识调查,这样能更好地就你想要描述的湖泊或河流给出背景的描述。比如在下面的范例答案中老师描述的长江,其相关背景信息就是老师特意为了进行相关描述而去查的。在这之后可以描述一下自己和这个河流或湖泊是否有相应的关联,比如之前有没有去过或者第一次听说是在什么时候等等,并可能将你自己和你所要描述的这个地点建立联系·在这之后就要着重描述一下本题最后一个小问“whyit is important?”其实这个问题总体来说还是比较容易回答的主要抓住经济和环境上面的影响来去描述就可以了,而经济层面的影响则可以从旅游,就业等角度来去描述,而环境层面上来说就更容易说了,比如自然生态平衡等。

Sample Answer 1:

Well, when it comes to an important river or lake in my country, the first one that comes to mind is the Yangtze River. It is one of the most important rivers in the world, and is also the longest river in China, the third-longest in the world. The river is over 6000 km long and it flows through a lot of provinces in China, so it is quite difficult to say where exactly it is located. And it is so important that Chinese people even regard it as our "Mother River".

It is actually quite hard to describe its appearance because once you see it, you might feel that there is nothing special about this river. And that was actually my first impression as well. But once I saw the Three Gorges Dam in Yichang city, my opinion about this river was converted.

I still remember the first time that I intentionally go on a trip just for the Yangtze River was right after I graduated from high school. In that summer holiday, I got nothing else better to do, so I thought I might as well just go on a trip, but not somewhere far away, just within the province, after discussing the destination with some of my friends, I finally made up my mind to simply go along with the Yangtze River and see where it could take me to. The trip was kind boring in the beginning, but when we arrived at the dam, I was shocked by that immense construction, I felt that I was so small comparing with it.

What's more, the influence it has was totally a gamechanger. Can you believe it, a single dam like this can help China to save up to 10 billion yuan per year. And this is just one dam on the Yangtze River we are talking about, can you imagine the total amount of money we can save if we add up all the other dams all together? Not to mention the economic benefits they bring. So after all, the advantages the Yangtze River bring to my country is far beyond important.

Sample Answer 2 :

If we are talking about an important river in my country, it has got to be theYangtze River. To tell the truth, 3 years ago I moved to the city Chongqing, which is known as the Mountain City of China where stunning overlook of the confluence of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River can be seen around the shore. So I heard a lot about how thankful the local citizens are towards the rivers and what kind of benefit has the Yangtze River brought to this magnificent city.

The Yangtze River, which are usually called Chang Jiang as its Chinese name, is the longest river in both China and Asia and the third longest river in the world, with a length of roughly 3000 miles. The upper course of the Yangtze flows across the Plateau of Tibet and descends through deep valleys in the mountains east of the plateau, emerging on the border of the Tibet Autonomous Region, then the river flows generally easterly through a shallow, spacious valley, and reached the bottom of Sichuan basin, which is Chinese great granary and contains nearly one-third of the national population.

I've heard about the saying from some local elderlies about how a river could nurture and thrive people from ashore. The Yangtze River is the best example, several decades ago, it used to carry the majority burden of the water transportation in the southwest part of China, while for now the river offers the city a wonderful chance to show its stunning night view with the help of magically designed lights and skyscrapers. It's that kind of place. Steady, not flashy. Pretty, not perfect, yet with all the hustle and bustle so ordinary people like you and me would fall in love with it almost in the first sight. The Yangtze quietly does the work that keeps the rest of the Chinese River system functioning as nature intended.

Part 3:

Question:How can rivers or lakes benefit local people?



Sample Answer:

In fact, lakes and rivers can provide locals with a number of benefits both economically and environmentally. For one thing, rivers can act as an economic driver that favor local businesses and quality of life. For example, people can do fishing and paddling, and go on cruise trips, which can generate thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in revenue. For the other, rivers and lakes are important sources of clean and dependable drinking water and make riverside communities more resilient to flood risks.

Question: Do you think rivers or lakes attract tourists?



Sample Answer:

Definitely yes. I think water has a powerful attraction for people as most water-related tourist destinations often boast not only splendid scenery but also well-developed recreational activities. For instance, Niagara Falls in the US, Loch Ness in Scotland, and Qinghai Lake in China are well-known natural wonders worldwide, attracting millions of tourists a year who would get close to nature and immerse themselves in the stunning views. Besides, when tourists plan vacations, many have a tendency head to water where except for going sightseeing, they can also enjoy activities like freshwater fishing, underwater diving, canoeing and kayaking, white-water rafting and outdoor adventures.

Question:How do rivers or lakes affect local tourism?


这一道题问的是河流或者湖泊会怎样影响当地旅游业,总体上来说是会给城市带来积极的影响的,原因可以从以下来去讨论 :1.当地的河流或者湖泊可以刺激当地经济发展,这个也会刺激当地旅游业的不断推陈出新,形成了一个良性循环:2.有了这么样的一个河流或者湖泊可以对城市的环境结构产生一个积极的影响,而这也会吸引更多的游客到来这个城市,并对经济产生积极影响。

Sample Answer:

Rivers and lakes actually play a very important role in local tourism and there are plenty of reasons. First of all, they help local cities to attract more tourists, that means local economy will boost, which will lead to more job positions be created. Secondly, having a river or a lake in a city can positively change the environmental structure of that city, for example, the urban island heat effect will be decreased, which will make this place a more pleasant city to live or work in, and one of the side effects is that it will attract more tourists as well.

Question: Are rivers or lakes good for transport? Why?



Sample Answer:

Yes, but their importance to transport differs from past to now. Traditionally, waterways were pivotal to transportation links for people and freight. Before the birth of ground-based infrastructure we heavily depend on today like trains and buses, water was the only way to make connections between commerce centers. And that's one of the most important factors deciding where major cities are located nowadays. Apparently, most financially important cities are situated around two or more rivers. However, even though water-based transport is overshadowed by faster ones like airplane and high-speed railway, it is still the most cost-efficient one.


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