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Describe something that surprised you You should say:

What it is

How you found out about it What you did and explain whether it made you happy.

Plan your talk:

What it is

How you found out about it

Whether someone told you or you just found it by yourself

What you did

What you said

What you heard

How you reacted when you found it

And explain whether it made you happy

Whether you would remember this event

Whether you would share this experience with others



Sample Answer 1 :

Okay, when it comes to this special experience, I would like to say that quite a few years ago, it was my 14th birthday, my parents prepared this huge surprise for me!

I still remember vividly that we had a deal that we were going to celebrate the birthday at a restaurant, but the night before my dad told me that he had changed his mind, which was such a letdown, right? But in the next morning when I opened my eyes, for seemingly no reason I just had this instinct that something big was gonna happen!

So I sneaked out from my room to the living room. Right in front of me is a large cardboard box with slight meows coming from the inside! I was like really? are you kidding me? I had long for this for like centuries! And when I turned around my mom and dad were just smiling at me saying "open it", OMG! it was the sweetest moment ever in my life! This scenario had been in my mind for thousands of times, I literally couldn't believe my eyes! There was this tiny little fluffy kitty inside,a total surprise! For that my parents had been saying no to a cat for a long time, but they did it! This is the best present ever!

So basically, this is how I got my first cat Blackie! Obviously, my parent Later in my life, we have been through a lot, but I would never forget this moment ever!

Sample Answer 2 :

The most unexpected thing that happened to me recently was a phone call from my father.

It was in the late evening, when my father sent me a message asking whether I was still awake or not. I was very stressed about my work at that time, and because of that, I was struggling with insomnia those days. Then, as soon as I replied to his message, he made a phone call to me.

He started by asking how I had been and whether everything was OK in my life. So I shared with him about what was going on in my life, what I was busy with, and how stressful I had been. Then, he said something out of his character, cause he was a traditional and typical Chinese father who seldom shared his intimate feelings with his daughter, but in that evening, he implicitly expressed that he had always been very proud of me, that I didn't have to work extra hard to achieve something, because I was already doing great enough in his heart, and that his only expectation was for me to stay alive and healthy.

I was extremely touched when he tried to tell me how proud he was of having me as his daughter. I remember the tears were flooding in my eyes, because I knew how hard it was for a person like him to say something sweet and intimate like that. I was trying to hold back my tears since I didn't want him to notice. But soon, I burst into laughter when he mentioned the 'staying alive' part. Of course, I would stay alive, but I could feel that he said this to ease my pressure and he succeeded. After that phone call, I felt more peaceful and loved.

Part 3:

Question:How do people express happiness in your culture?



Sample Answer:

I guess it depends. For young people, if they feel extremely happy and excited, they would post pictures or words on their social networking account, to share the happiness and excitement with their families or friends. But for middle-aged or old people, I think they tend to hold in their feelings a lot and keep their feelings to themselves. They might shed some tears when their children have done something sweet for them, but they would do it secretly and quietly, not wanting to be noticed.

Question:Do you think happiness has any effect on people? How?


你认为幸福的情绪对人会有任何影响吗?如何影响 ? 幸福的情绪当然会对人产生很多积极影响啦(想想哈佛大学最有名的“幸福课”有多受欢迎就知道啦)。比如,一个人经常感到开心和满足,说明TA看事情的视角比较积极如果有半杯水,TA会认为这杯水是半满的状态,而不是悲伤地认为是只剩一半水了。因此,这种积极的态度会帮助TA吸引更多朋友,抓住更多机会,会继续感到积极和幸福。

Sample Answer:

Yes, of course. Happiness has many positive effects on people. If a person could easily feel happy and content, it means that this person tends to focus on the positive side of things, seeing the glass of water as 'half full' rather than 'half empty'. Therefore, he or she would attract more friends, catch more opportunities and continue to feel even happier in the future.

Question:How can people be happy?



Sample Answer:

First of all, as I just mentioned, happiness is a perspective, so in order to be happy and feel positive, when we meet some troubles and problems in life, we can try and shift our perspective, to find the hope and meaning behind them. Then, we would be happier. Besides, we could spend some time watching comedies or amusing TV programs like talk shows, stand-up comedies and so on, since if we keep listening to jokes for an hour, there's bound to be some funny one which would make us laugh.

Question:Is it good for people to be unhappy? Why?



Sample Answer:

Well, I think every emotion has its meaning, so I wouldn't label any of them 'good' or 'bad'. If someone feels unhappy, it means that he has some needs which have not been seen and satisfied. This unhappy feeling is a just way to remind him to notice his needs and do something to take care of them. For instance, if a child feels unhappy when he fails to get good grades in the final exam, it means, at the bottom of his heart, he wants to get good grades or he wants to receive recognition from his teacher, parents and friends, so what he needs to do is to work hard in the next term to achieve his academic ambition next time. Therefore, this unhappy feeling is also very important for him.





Describe something that surprised you You should say:

What it is

How you found out about it What you did and explain whether it made you happy.

Plan your talk:

What it is

How you found out about it

Whether someone told you or you just found it by yourself

What you did

What you said

What you heard

How you reacted when you found it

And explain whether it made you happy

Whether you would remember this event

Whether you would share this experience with others



Sample Answer 1 :

Okay, when it comes to this special experience, I would like to say that quite a few years ago, it was my 14th birthday, my parents prepared this huge surprise for me!

I still remember vividly that we had a deal that we were going to celebrate the birthday at a restaurant, but the night before my dad told me that he had changed his mind, which was such a letdown, right? But in the next morning when I opened my eyes, for seemingly no reason I just had this instinct that something big was gonna happen!

So I sneaked out from my room to the living room. Right in front of me is a large cardboard box with slight meows coming from the inside! I was like really? are you kidding me? I had long for this for like centuries! And when I turned around my mom and dad were just smiling at me saying "open it", OMG! it was the sweetest moment ever in my life! This scenario had been in my mind for thousands of times, I literally couldn't believe my eyes! There was this tiny little fluffy kitty inside,a total surprise! For that my parents had been saying no to a cat for a long time, but they did it! This is the best present ever!

So basically, this is how I got my first cat Blackie! Obviously, my parent Later in my life, we have been through a lot, but I would never forget this moment ever!

Sample Answer 2 :

The most unexpected thing that happened to me recently was a phone call from my father.

It was in the late evening, when my father sent me a message asking whether I was still awake or not. I was very stressed about my work at that time, and because of that, I was struggling with insomnia those days. Then, as soon as I replied to his message, he made a phone call to me.

He started by asking how I had been and whether everything was OK in my life. So I shared with him about what was going on in my life, what I was busy with, and how stressful I had been. Then, he said something out of his character, cause he was a traditional and typical Chinese father who seldom shared his intimate feelings with his daughter, but in that evening, he implicitly expressed that he had always been very proud of me, that I didn't have to work extra hard to achieve something, because I was already doing great enough in his heart, and that his only expectation was for me to stay alive and healthy.

I was extremely touched when he tried to tell me how proud he was of having me as his daughter. I remember the tears were flooding in my eyes, because I knew how hard it was for a person like him to say something sweet and intimate like that. I was trying to hold back my tears since I didn't want him to notice. But soon, I burst into laughter when he mentioned the 'staying alive' part. Of course, I would stay alive, but I could feel that he said this to ease my pressure and he succeeded. After that phone call, I felt more peaceful and loved.

Part 3:

Question:How do people express happiness in your culture?



Sample Answer:

I guess it depends. For young people, if they feel extremely happy and excited, they would post pictures or words on their social networking account, to share the happiness and excitement with their families or friends. But for middle-aged or old people, I think they tend to hold in their feelings a lot and keep their feelings to themselves. They might shed some tears when their children have done something sweet for them, but they would do it secretly and quietly, not wanting to be noticed.

Question:Do you think happiness has any effect on people? How?


你认为幸福的情绪对人会有任何影响吗?如何影响 ? 幸福的情绪当然会对人产生很多积极影响啦(想想哈佛大学最有名的“幸福课”有多受欢迎就知道啦)。比如,一个人经常感到开心和满足,说明TA看事情的视角比较积极如果有半杯水,TA会认为这杯水是半满的状态,而不是悲伤地认为是只剩一半水了。因此,这种积极的态度会帮助TA吸引更多朋友,抓住更多机会,会继续感到积极和幸福。

Sample Answer:

Yes, of course. Happiness has many positive effects on people. If a person could easily feel happy and content, it means that this person tends to focus on the positive side of things, seeing the glass of water as 'half full' rather than 'half empty'. Therefore, he or she would attract more friends, catch more opportunities and continue to feel even happier in the future.

Question:How can people be happy?



Sample Answer:

First of all, as I just mentioned, happiness is a perspective, so in order to be happy and feel positive, when we meet some troubles and problems in life, we can try and shift our perspective, to find the hope and meaning behind them. Then, we would be happier. Besides, we could spend some time watching comedies or amusing TV programs like talk shows, stand-up comedies and so on, since if we keep listening to jokes for an hour, there's bound to be some funny one which would make us laugh.

Question:Is it good for people to be unhappy? Why?



Sample Answer:

Well, I think every emotion has its meaning, so I wouldn't label any of them 'good' or 'bad'. If someone feels unhappy, it means that he has some needs which have not been seen and satisfied. This unhappy feeling is a just way to remind him to notice his needs and do something to take care of them. For instance, if a child feels unhappy when he fails to get good grades in the final exam, it means, at the bottom of his heart, he wants to get good grades or he wants to receive recognition from his teacher, parents and friends, so what he needs to do is to work hard in the next term to achieve his academic ambition next time. Therefore, this unhappy feeling is also very important for him.


Previous: 雅思口语素材库-Part2&3范文及解题思路:丢东西的经历 Next: 雅思口语素材库-Part2&3范文及解题思路:庆祝过的重要活动


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