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Describe a time when you received money as a gift You should say:

When it happened Who gave you money

Why he/she gave you money

and explain how you used the money.

Plan your talk:

When it happened:

(Optional) who you were with:

Who gave you money

(Optional) Why he/she gave you money:

Why he/she gave you money:

(Optional) how much money she gave to you:

explain how you used the money:

(Optional) how you felt after receiving the money


通过对题卡进行审题,确定题目考查描述对象是喜欢种植物的人,限定成分是种植物,··所需时态为一般现在式,现在完成时,现在进行时等·关于事件题我们可以从三个部分展开描述,即(1)背景介绍··.(2)扣题描述···(3)原因/感受·首先于(1)背景介绍.·可以从该人物介绍进行展开。其次(2)扣题描述,可以从植物类型和植物地点进行展开,最后结果的思路展开,然后补充细节·其次阐述想进一步了解到原因,最后表达对植物的感受·最后从(3)原因/感受两个方面来去描述喜欢节目的原因·其中关于原因的描述我们也可以利用···Cheers原则进行展开,比如社交· Communication,健康Health,金钱Economy/money,教育Education,娱乐Recreation/entertainment,放松·Stress/relaxation ·

Sample Answer 1:

I'm going to talk about a time when I received money as a gift. It was on my 18th birthday when my best friend Alice gave me money as a gift. We've gifted each other with precious presents on important occasions, like the Spring Festival, or birthday celebrations.

She's got sparkling eyes, cherry lips, and dimples and long hair, so she was good-looking and elegant. She'd been ever such a gregarious and even- tempered girl, who got on really well with our family, right from the word go. As a result, she'd gone back a long way with our family. She's been always there for me in my life. In particular, she's always given me sound advice based on common sense. As a result, I've always been likely to turn to her for help.

So all in all, I'd like to explain how I used the money. I used it to buy a selection of Lindt Chocolate. Lindt chocolate has been famous for its fine quality, with a wide range of flavors catering for needs of different people. I've been obsessed with this chocolate on the grounds that this brand enjoys a good fame due to fine quality and various tastes. On top of that, we've been chocolate lovers and so much chocoholic. The Lindt gets her vote due to smooth texture, being melt in the mouth. Above all else, the chocolate can truly enhance mood, bringing joy for us.

Sample Answer 2:

I'd like to describe a time when I used money as a gift. it was a time when I had an interesting discussion I had about how to make an investment with my grandfather, who used to be an economy teacher. He'd been ever such an approachable person, so he had a way with his students. What prompted us to discuss this topic was that I'd been really into making an investment, so I turned to my grandfather who was full of sound advice on investment based on common sense.

The result of the discussion was that he came up with useful suggestions about investment. As a result, he gave me a small amount of money for me to make an investment. First things first, he was an expert at economy and finance as he'd been reading a great number of economy books, acquiring a wide range of knowledge in this genre. I've found it interesting that how credit cards allure us to spend more. On top of that, he was a blogger in terms of economy. What set him apart from other bloggers was that he shared his alternative views on economic issues in a very matter-of-the-fact way. As a result, his blog attracted a significant number of followers, helping them get insights into economy and finance.

To put it in a nutshell, I'd like to explain how I used the money. I've bought an iPad which's replaced all other devices like a camera, an iPod and an e-book reader, on the grounds that, it's been handy to play games on a nice big screen, lay in bed surfing the web and watch movies. Consequently, when I've been snowed under with study, using my iPad's been a stress-reliever, taking my mind off things. On top of that, I'd been so much satisfied with the iPad, as it was brimmed with a wide variety of apps. I normally used it as a great music player, the thing is, there were a ton of music apps so l could live and breathe music on the daily basis. On top of that, it boasted the best email experience for users with a large screen for reading. When emails were instant on, just touching them on the screen to keep responses effectively.

Part 3

Question:Why do people rarely use cash now?

解题思路:Part 3原因类型题目。题目关键词是人们较少使用现金。答题可以先总网上支付受欢迎的原因,然后按照分次论证原因。从网上支付方便以及有折扣对答案进行拓展,所以可以简单列举几个并给出相应的解释或补充说明。

Sample Answer:

From where I stand, there've been several reasons why people rarely use cash now. First things first, with the widespread use of the online payment, in particular, Alipay, which was the e-wallet for online purchase. Having said that, people can use it to pay bills in department stores, or order takeaways or book a taxi. On top of that, there are so many discounts if you use the online payment. By way of example, if people pay for bills via online payment, they can get ten percent off.

Question:When do children begin to comprehend the value of money?



Sample Answer:

From where I stand, the children begin to comprehend the value of money at the age of three, the thing is, at that time, we will ask for toys or candies for their parents. So in that way, they will know that money can be used to buy those items. So if they ask for pricy gifts, the parents won't give it to them. So every time when they ask for toys, they would probably ask for the prices, probably at that time, they know the value of money.

Question:Should parents reward children with money?



Sample Answer:

As far as I'm concerned, it is not a good way to reward children with money. The thing is, if the children are always rewarded with money, they will probably become materialistic. By way of example, if they demand for things which are more expensive, it will bring the pressure for the parents if one day they couldn't satisfy the requirement of their children, so the children would be demotivated to finish their tasks. So it is not good way to reward children with money. Instead, the children should reward with a warm, hug or home-cooked meals, or a good story, or just a short trip instead of money.

Question:Is it good and necessary to teach children to save money?



Sample Answer:

As far as I'm concerned, it is an absolute necessity to teach children to save money. First things first, saving money can help children to have a good finance management, as they can spend their money wisely, instead of spending too much money on the things they don't really need. On top of that, money saving can help children to save for the future. In the event of the future accidents, money saving can help them to live through the thick and thin. Having said that, making an investment is really important for the children as well instead of just knowing how to save money.


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