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Months and seasons

Months and seasons

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Here's a lesson on vocabulary related to "Months and Seasons" for the IELTS band score 3.0-4.5:

I. Months of the Year:

  • January: The first month of the year.

  • February: The second month of the year.

  • March: The third month of the year.

  • April: The fourth month of the year.

  • May: The fifth month of the year.

  • June: The sixth month of the year.

  • July: The seventh month of the year.

  • August: The eighth month of the year.

  • September: The ninth month of the year.

  • October: The tenth month of the year.

  • November: The eleventh month of the year.

  • December: The twelfth month of the year.


II. Seasons:

  • Spring: The season between winter and summer when flowers bloom and temperatures begin to rise.

  • Summer: The warmest season of the year, characterized by longer days and higher temperatures.

  • Autumn/Fall: The season between summer and winter when leaves change color and temperatures cool down.

  • Winter: The coldest season of the year, characterized by shorter days and lower temperatures.


III. Weather and Activities:

  • Rainy season: A period of the year when rainfall is more frequent.

  • Snowy season: A period of the year when snowfall occurs.

  • Harvest season: The time when crops are gathered from the fields.

  • Vacation season: A period when many people take time off from work or school for holidays or trips.

  • Festive season: A period associated with celebrations and holidays, such as Christmas and New Year.


IV. Holidays and Observances:

  • New Year's Day: January 1st, the first day of the new year.

  • Valentine's Day: February 14th, a day to celebrate love and affection.

  • Easter: A Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, usually in March or April.

  • Halloween: October 31st, a holiday associated with costumes and trick-or-treating.

  • Christmas: December 25th, a holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ.



Remember to practice using these vocabulary words in sentences and conversations to improve your understanding and fluency in English.

Here's a lesson on vocabulary related to "Months and Seasons" for the IELTS band score 3.0-4.5:

I. Months of the Year:

  • January: The first month of the year.

  • February: The second month of the year.

  • March: The third month of the year.

  • April: The fourth month of the year.

  • May: The fifth month of the year.

  • June: The sixth month of the year.

  • July: The seventh month of the year.

  • August: The eighth month of the year.

  • September: The ninth month of the year.

  • October: The tenth month of the year.

  • November: The eleventh month of the year.

  • December: The twelfth month of the year.


II. Seasons:

  • Spring: The season between winter and summer when flowers bloom and temperatures begin to rise.

  • Summer: The warmest season of the year, characterized by longer days and higher temperatures.

  • Autumn/Fall: The season between summer and winter when leaves change color and temperatures cool down.

  • Winter: The coldest season of the year, characterized by shorter days and lower temperatures.


III. Weather and Activities:

  • Rainy season: A period of the year when rainfall is more frequent.

  • Snowy season: A period of the year when snowfall occurs.

  • Harvest season: The time when crops are gathered from the fields.

  • Vacation season: A period when many people take time off from work or school for holidays or trips.

  • Festive season: A period associated with celebrations and holidays, such as Christmas and New Year.


IV. Holidays and Observances:

  • New Year's Day: January 1st, the first day of the new year.

  • Valentine's Day: February 14th, a day to celebrate love and affection.

  • Easter: A Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, usually in March or April.

  • Halloween: October 31st, a holiday associated with costumes and trick-or-treating.

  • Christmas: December 25th, a holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ.



Remember to practice using these vocabulary words in sentences and conversations to improve your understanding and fluency in English.

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the diagram illustrates how organic waste is recycled to produce graden fertilizer.

Overall, the process consists of 5 main steps, beginning with preparing a plastic container with holes on it, and ending with compost ready for garden use

At the beginning of the process, a platic container with a capacity of 2m^3 is holed to create a number of holes around its body so that air freely circulates. The next step is that food and grass are respectively put in the container in layers, and it is important to ensure that each layer is 15cm thick, and subsequently newspaper
is put into to cover on grass layer, before waste being put into

The process continues with adding hot water and a chemicals called nitrogen to the container. Thereafter, the container is put on a lid to allow the decomposing process to take place  At this stage, the heat created from this chemical reaction is released through prior holes. After 6 months, organic waste tranforms into compost, which is used for garden purposes then

Chris Tang

Nowadays, with the wide-spread use of internet and personal smartphones, there’re more news produced and consumed than at any point in human history. Critics now say that news are not worth our time because they don’t relate to people’ daily lives. I strongly disagree this view. I think that although news does have its drawbacks, it’s nonetheless useful to us. And I will argue that it’s even necessary to consume news in today’ world.
Typically, a piece of local news is something that’s worth reporting and happened in somebody’s life, possibly you and me. This very definition of news is already a clear rebuttal to those criticisms claiming news’ disconnectedness. And not just local news is relevant to us.  Even a world news, such as a recent news about the Federal Reserve of the US made rate hikes in America’s central bank, can have far more impact on people all over the world than we realize.
Of course, news isn’t perfect. Different news’ authenticity and reliability might vary. Sometimes news can do harm, oftentimes it may encroach people’s privacy. However, that doesn’t mean news is unimportant. People who report and produce news believe that the main function of news is to inform the public, to provide them with facts, even at the expense of somebody’s privacy.
Now we’ve entered the digital age, everyone can post a piece of news on their social networks. This is a huge information boon for human. Now we can share news with others instantly. And the amount of news we can consume everyday has also ballooned, which means that news actually has grown more integral to our lives.
All of this development are quite new to us, and it may take a while to digest all the changes that news has undergone. But one thing is clear: news is too important to be called a waste of time.

Chris Tang

This diagram illustrates a method of using a 2 liters plastic container to turn organic waste into garden fertilizer for use in garden.
  The first step is to make several tiny holes on the sides of the container, in order for air to go in and out freely. Next, put the waste in. The wastes should be put in the exact order of: food at the bottom, grass on top of it, and newspaper at the very top. Also, the volume that food and grass each occupy should be roughly the same, about 15cm in height. Then, pour some nitrogen and water in, and the water should be hot. The next step is to seal the container and heat the entire device.
  After we’ve done all of the steps above, we can just put the container in our garden and leave it there. Because it’ll need 6 months to finalize the process and produce garden fertilizer, i.e., compost that we want.


The picture indecates the process in making organic based compost from used products.
Overall, there are 5 steps, each step follows the previous required to create the expected result: The materials needed for this small project are a plastic container with the volume of 2 cubic meters, organic garbage such as nespaper, grass, food and nitrogen.
First and foremost, the plastic container should have many holes on the side for ventilation. For the next step, you need to put food, grass, shreded newspaper in the bottom of the container in that order. Each layer of different type of garbage should be 15 centimeters in height. After that we move on to step 3, in this step you can only pour hot water in, keep that in mind because it is essential for the process. Along with heated water, nitrogen is also added in. The fouth step requires you to cover the open of the container but not the holes and wait for 6 month and reach the final step. Ones the fifth step is reached, the produced compost can be aplied to plants in your garden.

Sayan Banerjee

News, these are sequences of information spread in a formal manner via newspapers, televisions, internet for those who wish to be up on their toes about things that go around them and the world they live in at large. While some think that such news have nothing to do with people's lives and the effort to be privy to those via reading newspapers and watching news programs is a waste of time, I disagree with them because of the following reasons.

Firstly, news relate to acquisition and dissemination of information, reactions and feedbacks relating to activities undertaken by people themselves, albeit those who do it happen to be at times, influential figures. Since the activities undertaken by them are solely based on the decisions taken by them in their lives, the news inevitably focuses on delving deeper into what made them commit the act. For example, if a scandal that embroils a celebrity in the act of smuggling and peddling drugs goes viral over the internet and takes the media industry by storm, they would obviously investigate further into what made the individual become complicit in such an illegal activity, giving hints about whether he was in it for some quick money or because of his predilection for doing drugs, satisfying such latent intentions is definitely a part of the individual own life.

Secondly, news also help uncover the wins and woes of the commons as well. Given there is a tinge of inquisitiveness to the term itself, it is no wonder that the ambit of finding out about people's lives would spill over to include that of the common people as well, so that news can keep their patrons updated about the standards and conditions of those living around them. For example, if a particular province of a country gets inflicted with famine, it is the residents and inhabitants of that area who would bear the brunt of it, probably not the ones from a well-to-do background, consequently the media would rush to the afflicted area, either to acquire information to be read before the camera or to televise the same live. Though news media has its own reasons to do so, the effect would at least make the matter of people's lives look exigent enough to garner international attention.

Lastly, unless the news was concerned with people's lives, the impact of several issues on our lives would not have been mitigated unless prompt actions were taken. The broadcasting of information arising out of such issues have necessitated corrective actions to mediate matters, be it by the government, allied nations or the public in general. Had the indispensable action not been taken, we would not have had specialized bodies to watch over the specifically designated problem. For example, the flagrant disregard for appropriate corporate internal control while preparing annual financial reports would not have been a matter of debate in the light of financial scams if it was not for the news, which ultimately led to the establishment of the Commission Of Sponsoring Organizations to watch over the corporate internal control framework.

Thus, it is because of these reasons, I beg to differ with those who think news have no connection with people's lives and indulging in those would be a waste of time.

Sayan Banerjee

The above picture depicts the procedure of converting organic waste to garden fertilizer. The method spans 5 stages starting from getting a plastic container to the obtainment of compost after adding the requisite the ingredients and making the apparatus go through several processes.

In stage one, a ventilated plastic container of 2 cubic meters is obtained

In stage two, the container is filled with wastes such as newspaper, grass and food leftovers, however the sequence of the addition should start with leftovers, followed by grass and then finally newspapers, all requiring a proportion 15 centimeters in terms area to be filled.

stage three requires nitrogen and hot water to be poured into the container with the contents organic waste.

In stage 4, after the addition of hot water and nitrogen, the mouth of the container is sealed for the mixture of nitrogen and hot water to heat the contents, and the hot air emanating from the process is made to escape through the ventilation opening on the sides of the container for a period of 6 months.

After the period of exposure to the reaction for 6 months, the contents of organic waste turns into compost which is to be used as garden fertilizer.

Rajandeep singh

Reading newspaper is the best habit that an individual embrace. Many people believe that news has no value with people's lives, so it is a waste of time to read the news in newspaper and watch news programs. According to my perspective, I am totally disagree with the statement. The benefits of news are going to be discussed in the further paragraphs. 
To begin with, there are various advantages that news provides to people. Firstly, it provides the information of what is happening in the world, as there are many foreign news channels are telecasted on television, with the help of news a person knows about other countries, and can compare with his or her nation. Secondly, it enhances the general knowledge of the students which proves as very beneficial for them, for example, last year most of interview questions of Indian administration service exam were taken from BBC news documentary that depicts how news can make a massive contribution in making someone’s career.
Further, reading news paper strengthen the understand and helps an individual to become proficient in a particular language, it is very handy for students who wants to go abroad for further studies. Furthermore, reading newspaper enhances the vocabulary, and also develops the good reading skills as well. Moreover, watching news on television and listening on radio is very much able to built up good communication skills and listening ability of overseas languages. In addition, nowadays news provides the weather reports, so it is easy for everyone to organize any travel or event successfully.
In conclusion, I would like to conclude that news plays a very vital role in human life, and it is definitely not waste of time, although it is very good source to utilize the free time in proper manner.


A group of individuals might think that the daily news being published in newspapers and broadcasted on the tv has nothing to do with their daily life routines.

In my opinion, The newspapers, magazines and television news programs are of paramount importance for most of the people and has lots of pros that I am going to mention some of them because They are considered as a mean of delivering an informative material to the audience regarding various aspects of life. As, This informative material could be news regarding policies related to economic sector that might be interesting for the entrepreneurs, future plans for investments and job opportunities or even an announcement for a vaccination campaign and safty measure rules being regulated by the ministry of health that the citizens must know about and to know the weather forecasts and the exchange rates for different currencies,...etc

Also,there are some cons related to this topic, Firstly,The audience may exprience depression because some the news being published are not good enough or not being in the favour of the listeners.Moreover, some people may find the frequent commercial breaks boring every now and then during watching the news programs so possibly they could change the channel or even close the tv set so to overcome this problem They could watch the news on the internet by this mean, they could get the information they need without wasting so much time.

All in all, I do believe that reading news papers and watching tv news programs has so many pros that overweigh the cons.

Junaid Ahmad

The provided diagram illustrates the information about the process of preparing garden fertilizers from the recycling of organic waste. Overall, it is evident that the procedure required five major stages from the initial step to getting the plastic container (with the air access) to the eventual steps of heating and keeping the waste for 6 months for the final use as compost.

According to the diagram, firstly, a plastic container is taken with access to air in it. The second step is to collect organic waste (food, grass and newspaper) in it with a depth of 15cm of the container. Afterward, in the third step, Nitrogen and hot water are mixed together in the waste. In the fourth step, the container is put on heat. Finally, in the last step, it is kept for six months where it is turned into compost (garden fertilizer) and prepared to use in the garden.

Urvesh Ramesh Nai

The given diagram demonstrates the manufacturing process of garden fertilizer form recycle organic waste. Overall, the process takes around five steps to recycle organic waste completely.

In the very first step, the plastic container is needed with holes on the periphery, through witch air can circulate. In the next stage, around 30 cm from the bottom part is filled with the organic waste such as food, grass and newspaper.

Further, nitrogen and water is poured inside the chamber simultaneously, but there is condition in which the water used should be only hot. Then, due to the chemical reactions, the heat will be generated in the container, which will be released form the holes of the bottle, and that is the forth step of the process. Next, it takes around six months of time to convert that waste into desirable results. And after the six months, the compost will be there in the container which can be used as garden fertiliser.

Task 2
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people think news has no connection to people's lives, so it is a waste of time to read the news in newspapers and watch television news programs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

You should write at least 250 words.

It is irrefutable, that newspaper and television media have become an essential part of our life, as they keep us updated with ongoings in the world. There are few people who believe that this news have nothing to do with people's lives and it is just a waste of time. But I disagree with the statement.

One of the biggest reason I disagree with the statement is that this newspaper and TV news programs aware people in advance and help them to be prepared for the divastating situations. It shows people the current situation of the world, like for example, if talk about the recent corona virus pandemic, news has helped people to get ready for the unprecedented event that was about to come. Moreover, even in the cases of earthquakes and tsunami, this media helps people to take precautions.

Furtermore, different type of news channels are broadcasting on the TV, like business news , technology and science and sports. Those who are passionate about the stock market investment, this news channels can be the greatest source of information as they show the real time condition of the any particular firm. They provide deep management information of any company and even inform people to avoid unnecessary investment.

On the other hand, though, there are list of benefits of this news, but still it has few demerits. Sometime news media brodcasts fake news just to gain few more number of TRP. However,They provide false infromation without confirming it just in a hurry of showing it first on their news channels. In order to do that they spread wrong news which has nothing to do with people.

In conclusion, eventhough, this TV news programs and newspaper have number of disadvantages, but still it is more advatageous for the people in number of ways. And at last, few government restictions would be helpfull to change the perspective of people towards this news.

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