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Medical terminology

Medical terminology

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Below is a detailed list of medical terminology and vocabulary that can help you discuss various medical concepts and practices in English, suitable for the IELTS band score range of 6.5-8.0:

  1. Diagnosis:

    • Definition: The identification of a disease or condition based on symptoms, patient history, and medical tests.

    • Example: The doctor made an accurate diagnosis of the patient's illness.

  2. Symptom:

    • Definition: Any subjective evidence of a disease or abnormality experienced by the patient.

    • Example: Fever is a common symptom of many infections.

  3. Treatment:

    • Definition: Medical care given to improve or cure a disease or condition.

    • Example: The doctor prescribed antibiotics as part of the treatment for the bacterial infection.

  4. Medication:

    • Definition: Drugs or pharmaceutical substances used to treat diseases or symptoms.

    • Example: The patient is taking medication to manage his high blood pressure.

  5. Prognosis:

    • Definition: The likely course and outcome of a disease or condition.

    • Example: With proper treatment, the prognosis for recovery is good.

  6. Surgery:

    • Definition: Medical procedures that involve cutting into the body to treat a disease or injury.

    • Example: The patient underwent surgery to remove the tumor.

  7. Anesthesia:

    • Definition: The use of drugs to prevent pain during surgery or medical procedures.

    • Example: The anesthesiologist administered anesthesia before the surgery.

  8. Infection:

    • Definition: The invasion and multiplication of harmful microorganisms in the body.

    • Example: The wound became infected, causing redness and swelling.

  9. Vaccination:

    • Definition: The administration of a vaccine to stimulate the body's immune system and prevent diseases.

    • Example: Children should receive regular vaccinations to protect against preventable diseases.

  10. Immune System:

    • Definition: The body's defense system against infections and diseases.

    • Example: The immune system produces antibodies to fight off viruses.

  11. Chronic:

    • Definition: Persisting over a long period of time or characterized by slow progression.

    • Example: Diabetes is a chronic condition that requires lifelong management.

  12. Acute:

    • Definition: Severe and sudden onset of symptoms, often short-lived.

    • Example: The patient was admitted to the hospital for treatment of acute chest pain.

  13. Rehabilitation:

    • Definition: The process of restoring physical or mental abilities after an injury or illness.

    • Example: The athlete underwent rigorous rehabilitation to recover from the sports injury.

  14. Diabetes:

    • Definition: A chronic metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels.

    • Example: Type 2 diabetes can be managed through diet and medication.

  15. Hypertension:

    • Definition: High blood pressure, a risk factor for heart disease and stroke.

    • Example: Regular exercise and a balanced diet can help manage hypertension.

  16. Cardiovascular:

    • Definition: Relating to the heart and blood vessels.

    • Example: Cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of mortality worldwide.

  17. Respiratory:

    • Definition: Relating to the organs and structures involved in breathing.

    • Example: Smoking can lead to respiratory problems such as chronic bronchitis.

  18. Neurological:

    • Definition: Relating to the nervous system and the brain.

    • Example: The patient underwent a neurological examination to assess cognitive function.

  19. Gastrointestinal:

    • Definition: Relating to the digestive system.

    • Example: Gastrointestinal disorders can cause symptoms like abdominal pain and bloating.

  20. Radiology:

    • Definition: The branch of medicine that uses medical imaging techniques, such as X-rays, to diagnose and treat diseases.

    • Example: The radiologist reviewed the X-ray to look for any abnormalities.

  21. Pathology:

    • Definition: The study of diseases and their causes, processes, and effects.

    • Example: The pathologist examined tissue samples to determine the nature of the tumor.

  22. Emergency:

    • Definition: A sudden and severe medical condition requiring immediate attention.

    • Example: The patient was rushed to the emergency room after a car accident.

  23. Cholesterol:

    • Definition: A fatty substance present in the blood, high levels of which can contribute to heart disease.

    • Example: The doctor advised the patient to lower their cholesterol through diet and exercise.

  24. Allergy:

    • Definition: A hypersensitivity reaction of the immune system to a substance, often resulting in symptoms like sneezing and itching.

    • Example: The patient experienced an allergic reaction after eating peanuts.

  25. Genetics:

    • Definition: The study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics.

    • Example: Genetic testing can identify the presence of certain inherited diseases.



By familiarizing yourself with these medical terms, you can communicate more effectively about health-related topics, contributing to a higher band score in the IELTS exam. Good luck with your studies!

