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Business networking

Business networking

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Here's a detailed list of vocabulary related to business networking for the IELTS band score 4.5-6.0:

  1. Business Networking:

    • The process of establishing and maintaining professional relationships to exchange information and seek opportunities.

  2. Networking Event:

    • A gathering or function where professionals meet to network.

  3. Contacts:

    • Individuals or organizations with whom one has established a relationship for potential business purposes.

  4. Networking Opportunity:

    • Occasion or situation that allows for networking interactions.

  5. Elevator Pitch:

    • A concise and compelling introduction about oneself or one's business, typically delivered in the time it takes to ride an elevator.

  6. Business Card:

    • A small card containing contact information that professionals exchange during networking.

  7. Mutual Benefit:

    • A situation where both parties in a networking relationship gain advantages.

  8. Referral:

    • A recommendation of someone's products or services to others.

  9. Follow-up:

    • Subsequent communication or action taken after an initial networking interaction.

  10. Introduction:

    • The act of presenting one person to another in a networking context.

  11. Networking Group:

    • An organized gathering of professionals with the purpose of networking and sharing information.

  12. Networking Skills:

    • Abilities to communicate effectively and build relationships in a networking setting.

  13. Professional Association:

    • A group or organization formed by individuals with similar business interests or in the same industry.

  14. Business Luncheon:

    • A networking event held during lunchtime.

  15. Mentor:

    • An experienced individual who offers guidance and advice to less experienced professionals.

  16. Networking Strategy:

    • A plan or approach to achieve specific networking objectives.

  17. Industry Conference:

    • A large gathering of professionals from a specific industry for networking and education.

  18. Online Networking:

    • Building professional relationships through social media and other digital platforms.

  19. Information Exchange:

    • The sharing of knowledge and insights during networking.

  20. Warm Introduction:

    • An introduction made by someone both parties know and trust.

  21. Cold Calling:

    • Making unsolicited calls or visits to potential contacts for networking purposes.

  22. Networking Skill Development:

    • Efforts to improve one's abilities in building professional relationships.

  23. Business Mixer:

    • A social event where professionals network in a relaxed atmosphere.

  24. Networking Etiquette:

    • The acceptable and polite behavior in a networking setting.

  25. Networker:

    • An individual who actively participates in business networking.

  26. Business Forum:

    • An event or platform where professionals discuss industry-related topics and network.

  27. Business Relationship:

    • A connection established between two or more parties for business purposes.

  28. Online Profile:

    • A digital representation of oneself on social media or professional networking sites.

  29. Handshake:

    • A traditional gesture of greeting and introduction in networking.

  30. Lead Generation:

    • The process of identifying potential clients or customers through networking.

  31. Industry Influencer:

    • A prominent figure in a specific industry who can help with networking opportunities.

  32. Networking Follow-up:

    • The subsequent communication or actions taken after a networking event.

  33. Professional Development:

    • Activities undertaken to enhance skills and knowledge in one's field.

  34. Networking Circle:

    • A group of professionals who regularly interact and support each other's goals.

  35. Business Networking Platform:

    • Online platforms designed for professionals to connect and network.

  36. Networking Skill Set:

    • The collection of skills necessary for successful networking.

  37. Trade Show:

    • An exhibition or fair where companies showcase their products and services to potential clients.

  38. Business Relationship Management:

    • The process of building and maintaining professional connections.

  39. Building Rapport:

    • Establishing a positive and harmonious connection with others in networking.

  40. Networking Reception:

    • A social gathering where professionals network in a casual environment.



Understanding these vocabulary words will be helpful for discussing business networking, strategies for effective communication, and building professional relationships during networking events. Good luck with your IELTS preparation!

