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IELTS Mock Test 2020 July

IELTS Mock Test 2020 July

(496 votes)
  • Published on: 29 Jul 2020
  • Tests taken: 199,853
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Mock test 2020 July


IELTS mock test


This is nice!

Jay Mangukiya

Could you please evaluate my essays and also mention errors if possible!

Ayesha budhathoki

I think its really helpful for me to score a higher band

Sameera Fathima

Hoping better

MD Faisal hossain

I'm looking for Ilets I want  online exam this is possible please tell me

Anna Maria

In today's society everything needs to be done as fast as possible with good quality. Many people choose to work long hours because of a few reasons. It can be because of supporting their family's needs, getting higher position in the company they work for or the need of being busy all the time. Reasons for that can be differentWe for everybody. There are good and bad sides of that and some of them will be shown in this paper.

What we know is that with hard work and many hours in the office or our work place we can earn better position with higher payment. With that comes more responsibilities but more benefits as well. We are able to afford more trips, own a home, provide better life for our children and live a life with less worries. It can motivate us and to give us passion about our work. Depending on the job we do it can make us feel good about ourselves and to help the people around us. For example working for NGO as Green peace it helps many people and our planet. However there are many good and bad sides of working more than our usual hours.

The negative side it can be bad mental health, often feeling tired and with less energy at home. Partners can split or divorce because of too much ambition at work and less time spend together. If the expectations after many working hours are not met then the person would be disappointed and out of inspiration. That would affect everyone around us and it can lead to the use of alcohol or other addictive things.

Overall we have to find the balance between healthy working hours and free time. Ambition is never a bad quality to have unless it gets dangerous for us. It can take us far or change our lives in bad direction.

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