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Recent Writing task 2 Question & IELTS April 2017

Recent Writing task 2 Question & IELTS April 2017

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This article contains a recent IELTS Writing task 2 question appeared in the year 2017.

The Writing Task 2 of the IELTS test requires you to write at least 250 words. In Writing Task 2 You will be presented with a topic and will be tested on your ability to respond by giving and justifying an opinion, discussing the topic, summarizing details, outlining problems, identifying possible solutions and supporting what you write with reasons, arguments and relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

The assessment of Writing Task 2 Task 2 carries more weight in marking than Task 1. Writing scripts are marked by trained and certificated IELTS examiners.

 The question as appeared on the cue card of Writing Task 2 was-

More & more people are moving away from an agricultural background to relocate to cities in order to look for work. What will be the consequences of this? What solution can you offer ?

  • While writing an essay, Make a note of following things
  • Make sure you make 4 to 5 paragraphs in writing an answer.
  • The academic vocabulary should be good.
  • Remember 250 words is the word limit. You may lose out on marks if the word  limit exceeds or lessens.
  • Plan your answer for five minutes.
  1. Identify the issues in the essay question.
  2. Brain storming main points
  3. Choosing the best main points
  4. Planning the supportive points
  5. adjusting your paragraphs.

I am attaching a model answer for writing task 2 for the given question here.

Cities are often viewed as hub of opportunities which accelerates the phenomena of rural -urban migration.  economies undergo structural transformations. The movement of people primarily for better employment opportunities becomes inevitable. If properly managed, this trend can be safe else it might culminate into a gradual degradation . Specially, of the farming fraternity.

The impact of migration brings both opportunities & challenges for area of origin. Also, transit & destination. To begin with, the rural areas will risk losing the younger & more often dynamic . The share of their workforce will improve. Whereas the urban destination on the other hand can impose a challenge for local authorities. Specially,  to provide quality public services for not only the migrants. And, also of the already existing population. This will further strain the natural resource base.

Initiatives needs to be undertaken before the situation gets out of control. The government must work to create alternative & sustainable livelihood options. Especially,in rural areas with special focus on women & youth. For example, how promoting local industries at the district level & later on by focusing on the town level can help mitigate the consequences. Providing 24 hours electricity, good education with moral values & basic infrastructure. Examples.such as good roadways & transport system. They will make it easily accessible to the rural population & thereby prevent this demographic shift.

To conclude with, root cause of distress migration is am important thing to find out. And  resolve the problem before the farming community gets into a further precarious situation.


This article contains a recent IELTS Writing task 2 question appeared in the year 2017.

The Writing Task 2 of the IELTS test requires you to write at least 250 words. In Writing Task 2 You will be presented with a topic and will be tested on your ability to respond by giving and justifying an opinion, discussing the topic, summarizing details, outlining problems, identifying possible solutions and supporting what you write with reasons, arguments and relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

The assessment of Writing Task 2 Task 2 carries more weight in marking than Task 1. Writing scripts are marked by trained and certificated IELTS examiners.

 The question as appeared on the cue card of Writing Task 2 was-

More & more people are moving away from an agricultural background to relocate to cities in order to look for work. What will be the consequences of this? What solution can you offer ?

  • While writing an essay, Make a note of following things
  • Make sure you make 4 to 5 paragraphs in writing an answer.
  • The academic vocabulary should be good.
  • Remember 250 words is the word limit. You may lose out on marks if the word  limit exceeds or lessens.
  • Plan your answer for five minutes.
  1. Identify the issues in the essay question.
  2. Brain storming main points
  3. Choosing the best main points
  4. Planning the supportive points
  5. adjusting your paragraphs.

I am attaching a model answer for writing task 2 for the given question here.

Cities are often viewed as hub of opportunities which accelerates the phenomena of rural -urban migration.  economies undergo structural transformations. The movement of people primarily for better employment opportunities becomes inevitable. If properly managed, this trend can be safe else it might culminate into a gradual degradation . Specially, of the farming fraternity.

The impact of migration brings both opportunities & challenges for area of origin. Also, transit & destination. To begin with, the rural areas will risk losing the younger & more often dynamic . The share of their workforce will improve. Whereas the urban destination on the other hand can impose a challenge for local authorities. Specially,  to provide quality public services for not only the migrants. And, also of the already existing population. This will further strain the natural resource base.

Initiatives needs to be undertaken before the situation gets out of control. The government must work to create alternative & sustainable livelihood options. Especially,in rural areas with special focus on women & youth. For example, how promoting local industries at the district level & later on by focusing on the town level can help mitigate the consequences. Providing 24 hours electricity, good education with moral values & basic infrastructure. Examples.such as good roadways & transport system. They will make it easily accessible to the rural population & thereby prevent this demographic shift.

To conclude with, root cause of distress migration is am important thing to find out. And  resolve the problem before the farming community gets into a further precarious situation.

Previous: IELTS Writing Task 1 Analysis (Complaining About Product) – Band 7 Next: How to Identify Which Type of IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay is being Asked?


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The bar chart compares the yearly income of US dollars in languages related careers in five various cities.

It is clear from the chart that Interpreter career reach the most number in Toronto compared to the rest of cities. The salary of the translator job shown the same level according to the figure on the contrary the language teacher salary seems to be the higher in Toronto city.

According to what’s shown, Interpreter jobs hits to the highest salaries in Toronto about 80 thousand dollars yearly while in Munich appears slight dipper around 50 thousand dollars difference. Mexico become the lowest income.

And in the rest of cities, there are steadily difference in Paris and Dubai. Additional, Translator annual income significantly similar in Toronto, Munich and Paris while in Dubai shown gradually dip to 50 thousand yearly. Moreover, Jobs salaries income in Mexico remain static in all careers which markedly the lowest city in the figure.


In some developed nations, online shopping is replacing physical shopping in stores. I consider it as a positive and a negative development as it comes with various advantages as well as with some disadvantages.

Firstly, online shopping has given people, a convenient facility of shopping using the internet on the e-commerce websites and we can access numerous clothes and its types within a single click which is a tremendous opportunity to purchase things. With the boom of internet and its ease of access to the people over the years has made online shopping even more comfortable to public. People got accustomed to buy things online due to some mind-blowing advantages such as, we don't need any type of travelling to various shops across the streets, we can order things right from our home, and the product will be delivered at our door step with the facility to exchange the product if the customer is not satisfied with the product delivered.

Secondly, online shopping comes with some negative points as well which are to be considered when buying things online. The most significant negative point is that we cannot physically see and try the products before purchasing them, amidst other points like we have dangerous fake e-commerce sites on the web which try to manipulate us in the name of popular online store sites and these sites may pose a threat to our personal data and money.

To conclude, online shopping is defintely is a positive impact on our lives but we should be careful while purchasing products online and people are encouraged to buy things online only on the trusted e-commerce websites.


The graph illustrates the overall income of jobs (measured in USD) related to language in five cities namely Mexico, Dubai, Paris, Munich, and Toronto.

Overall, Mexico is the place which pays the least amount of money to all the three jobs whereas Toronto stands first in opposite category as it pays more money to all these job holders when compared with the other four places.

Firstly, Toronto is the highest income payer among other places where Translators and Language Teachers are paid equally around 65000 USD. Munich stands second in this category where the highest annual income is received by the Interpreters. Interpreters and Translators in Paris also receive equal amount of income every year.

Secondly, Dubai and Mexico occupies fourth and fifth places respectively where all the three job holders in Mexico receive almost equal annual income and is the lowest income comparatively in other cities. Moreover, Dubai also pays around 60000 USD to Interpreters and Language Teachers.


The bar chart illustrates the statistical information of the yearly income of three language-related careers (interpreter, translator, and language teacher) in five cities (Mexico, Dubai, Paris, Munich, and Toronto), with the unit displayed in US dollars.

Overall, it can be seen that interpreters and language teachers in Toronto have the highest annual income compared to other cities, while translators in Toronto, Munich, and Paris have the highest yearly salary. Meanwhile, Mexico has the lowest annual income among the three language-related jobs.

Examining the bar chart in detail, interpreters in Toronto have the highest incomes at $80,000 per year, followed closely by Munich with around $75,000 per year. Interpreters in Paris and Dubai receive annual incomes of $65,000 and $60,000 respectively, while the lowest yearly income is in Mexico, at approximately $18,000 per year.

As for the translator profession, Toronto, Munich, and Paris offer the highest annual income for this role at around $65,000 per year. Dubai pays $50,000 per year, while Mexico offers the lowest salary for translators at around $19,000 per year.

Regarding language teacher annual income, Toronto continues to have the highest level at $65,000, followed by Dubai and Munich at $60,000. Meanwhile, language teachers in Paris receive around $45,000 per year, which is significantly less than the other two professions in this city. The lowest income remains in Mexico, with just under $20,000 per year among the five cities.


Hello guys. Please review my essay and I'd love to hear some feedback from your side!

The bar chart gives information about the amount of US dollars earn by people working in language-related sectors in Mexico, Dubai, Paris, Munich and Toronto every year.

Overall, linguistic professionals working in Toronto earn the highest income annually, whereas interpreters, translators and language teachers in Mexico are among the lowest-paid occupations in comparison to other nations.

First of all, it can be clearly seen that interpreter in Toronto, as well as in Munich, Paris and Dubai, is the highest-paid job across the nation. Interpreter in Toronto receive annual income of 80000 US dollars while working as a translator and language teacher are not as lucrative, getting paid by only a total of 65000 US dollars throughout the year. On the contrary, people getting a job in linguistic field in Mexico will be quite hard to sustain their daily expenditure, for their annual earning from whichever occupation barely reach 20000 US dollars, lesser than one third of the average income of linguistic professionals in Dubai.

Remarkably, translators in Paris, Munich and Toronto are being paid the same amount of salary annually, receiving approximately 65000 US dollars for their contributions throughout the year. Moreover, total amount of 60000 US dollars are rewarded to language teachers in Dubai as well as Munich before the beginning of new year.


Hello! I'd like to receive your scores.
Due to a rapid developmant of technology in some states, oflline shopping is replaced with making purchases online. This change is a controversial topic among different people.
On the one hand, shopping online is much more faster and convenient. First of all, simple scrolling of the store's site take less energy and helps a person choose clothes, food and so on with bigger comfort. Fast delivery is also an advantage of this type of buying things. Online shops have wider range of things and some of them cannot be presented offline in the particular city or town. Secondly, sites of shops usually provide various discounts and special offers, which are not accessible in offline stores. Such approaches for customers make them get more satisfaction from spending money.
On the other hand, online shopping also has some disadvantages. It is worth mentioning that some shops which provide online purchases can ask for extra money for delivery, especially if the distance between stock and buyer's house is long. People usually get upset whenpaying more than they expected. Moreover, a great disadvantage of online shopping for me is that I cannot try some clothes and understand whether they fit me or not. I am also limited in touching products or items which I plan to buy, so their quality is going to be a secret for me. It is more connected with groceries because such purchases cannot be returned to a shop even if their appearance and condition are extremely bad.
In conclusion I would like to say that replacement of usual stores with online shopping has both pros and cons. I personnaly think that this process is not negative, because as we live in information era, some technological changes will happen and develop out of the people's control. I believe countries and their population should accept such a change and try to adapt online shopping systems.

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