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Market research

Market research

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Here are some vocabulary words related to market research for IELTS band scores 4.5-6.0:

  1. Market Research:

    • The process of gathering and analyzing information about a market, including consumers, competitors, and trends.

  2. Primary Research:

    • Data collected directly from original sources, such as surveys, interviews, and focus groups.

  3. Secondary Research:

    • Existing data gathered from sources like government reports, industry publications, and academic studies.

  4. Quantitative Research:

    • Research that focuses on numerical data and statistical analysis to draw conclusions.

  5. Qualitative Research:

    • Research that delves into the motivations, attitudes, and behaviors of consumers using open-ended questions and observations.

  6. Data Analysis:

    • The process of examining and interpreting collected data to draw insights and make informed decisions.

  7. Market Segmentation:

    • Dividing a larger market into smaller, distinct groups based on shared characteristics or preferences.

  8. Target Market:

    • The specific group of consumers that a product or service is intended to serve.

  9. Consumer Behavior:

    • The study of how individuals make decisions about what to buy and consume.

  10. Market Trends:

    • The general direction in which a market is moving, such as changes in consumer preferences or industry growth.

  11. Competitor Analysis:

    • Evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of competing businesses to identify opportunities and threats.

  12. SWOT Analysis:

    • An assessment of a company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

  13. Market Share:

    • The portion of a market that a company controls in comparison to its competitors.

  14. Product Development:

    • The process of creating and improving products to meet consumer needs.

  15. Product Launch:

    • Introducing a new product to the market.

  16. Brand Awareness:

    • The extent to which consumers recognize and recall a brand.

  17. Advertising Campaign:

    • A coordinated series of advertisements designed to promote a product or brand.

  18. Focus Group:

    • A small group of individuals brought together to discuss and provide feedback on a product or service.

  19. Survey Questionnaire:

    • A set of structured questions used to gather information from respondents.

  20. Sampling Method:

    • The process of selecting a subset of individuals from a larger population for research purposes.

  21. Data Collection:

    • The gathering of information through various research methods.

  22. Data Interpretation:

    • Analyzing data to understand its implications and draw conclusions.

  23. Market Analysis:

    • Studying and interpreting market data to understand current and potential market conditions.

  24. Market Opportunities:

    • Favorable conditions or gaps in the market that can be exploited for business growth.

  25. Market Challenges:

    • Obstacles or difficulties that businesses may face in a particular market.

  26. Market Entry Strategies:

    • Plans and approaches for introducing a product or service to a new market.

  27. Market Saturation:

    • A point in the market's lifecycle where demand for a product or service levels off due to widespread adoption.

  28. Market Research Report:

    • A comprehensive document summarizing the findings and analysis of market research.

  29. Marketing Plan:

    • A detailed roadmap outlining a company's marketing objectives and strategies.

  30. Customer Satisfaction:

    • The extent to which customers are content with a product or service.

  31. Brand Loyalty:

    • The degree to which customers are dedicated to a particular brand and consistently choose it over others.

  32. Market Demand:

    • The total quantity of a product or service that customers are willing and able to buy at a given price.

  33. Market Niche:

    • A specialized segment of the market that caters to specific customer needs.

  34. Product Differentiation:

    • The process of making a product stand out from its competitors through unique features or branding.

  35. Market Penetration:

    • The percentage of a target market that a company captures with its product or service.

  36. Market Research Analyst:

    • A professional who conducts research and analyzes data to provide insights for business decisions.

  37. Market Research Company:

    • A firm specializing in conducting market research on behalf of other companies.

  38. Market Survey:

    • A systematic approach to collecting data from a specific target audience to understand their opinions and preferences.

  39. Data Validity:

    • The extent to which research data accurately measures what it intends to measure.

  40. Data Reliability:

    • The consistency and repeatability of research results.



Remember to practice using these words in context to reinforce your understanding and improve your language skills. Good luck with your IELTS preparation!

