IELTS Mock Test 2022 August 3.8 (788 votes)Published on: 16 Aug 2022Tests taken: 523,678Practice Test 1 Listening0% Take Test Reading0% Take Test Writing0% Take Test Speaking0% Take Test NEW Full Test 0% Start You can take a complete test for the Listening, Reading and Writing sections now, just like in the real IELTS exam!Practice Test 2 Listening0% Take Test Reading0% Take Test Writing0% Take Test Speaking0% Take Test NEW Full Test 0% Start We currently DO NOT support recording on this browser. Please use Chrome/Safari/Firefox/Edge/Opera browser to take the test. Okay, I understand Choose a modePractice modeSimulation test modePractice modePractice mode is suitable for improving accuracy and time spent on each part.1. Choose part/task(s) you want to practice: Full Parts (4 parts - 40 questions)2. Choose a time limit: No limit10 mins15 mins - Please select a time limit that suits you - Beware, mismatched chosen time may skew standard actual-test time ratios.Simulation test mode Simulation test mode is the best option to experience the real IELTS on computer.Test information IELTS Full TestSimulation test mode is the best option to experience the real IELTS on computer.Test informationThis test includes the Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking sections.It takes about 3 hours to complete (same as the real IELTS test).This test includes the Listening, Reading and Writing sections. (Speaking simulation will be available soon).It takes about 2 hours and 45 minutes to complete (same as the real IELTS test). Sorry! This feature is not available on iOS at the moment, please use a computer to take this test.Comments: Post a comment on "IELTS Mock Test 2022 August" Allowed HTML <b>, <strong>, <u>, <i>, <em>, <s>, <big>, <small>, <sup>, <sub>, <pre>, <ul>, <ol>, <li>, <blockquote>, <code> escapes HTML, URLs automagically become links, and [img]URL here[/img] will display an external image. Most Popular Comment fong oh shit! here we go again 1278 Comments In order In reverse order Newest first By likes By replies By commenter In reverse order Newest first By likes By popularity By discussion By commenter hamllah Why doesn't the listening section work? Muhammad Umair I'm starting this for preparation Daria If anyone has a freetime, could you check my writing please? Be free to tell is it too primitive, or got any grammar mistakes, thanks! can anyone evaluate my speaking ? I would be really grateful i have an upcoming test on 28th June so ... Anonymous wanna go and die, no wonder how can i get a 7 Anonymous please correct this Anonymous please help me to give a feed back and band of my mock writing section Anonymous Shourya Plz rate: Anonymous Please review my writing test, it will be really helpful Show 1268 Other Comments HashOver Comments ‒ Source Code · JavaScript
oh shit! here we go again
Why doesn't the listening section work?
I'm starting this for preparation
If anyone has a freetime, could you check my writing please? Be free to tell is it too primitive, or got any grammar mistakes, thanks!
can anyone evaluate my speaking ? I would be really grateful i have an upcoming test on 28th June so ...
wanna go and die, no wonder how can i get a 7 please correct this
please help me to give a feed back and band of my mock writing section
Plz rate:
Please review my writing test, it will be really helpful