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School facilities and School staff

School facilities and School staff

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Here's a lesson on vocabulary related to "School Facilities and School Staff" for the IELTS band score 3.0-4.5:

I. School Facilities:

  • Classroom: A room where students receive instruction from a teacher.

  • Library: A place where books, magazines, and other resources are stored and available for borrowing.

  • Laboratory: A space equipped for scientific experiments and practical learning.

  • Playground: An outdoor area where students can play and engage in physical activities.

  • Computer lab: A dedicated room with computers for students to use for learning and research.

  • Gymnasium: A large indoor space for physical education classes and sports activities.

  • Sports field: An outdoor area designated for sports activities and games.

  • Auditorium: A large room or hall used for school assemblies, performances, or presentations.

  • Art studio: A dedicated space for art classes and creative activities.

  • Music room: A room equipped with musical instruments and equipment for music lessons and practice.

  • Science lab: A specialized laboratory for conducting scientific experiments and research.

  • Language lab: A facility equipped with audio and video equipment for language learning and practice.

  • Staffroom: A designated area for teachers and school staff to relax, prepare lessons, or have discussions.

  • Cafeteria: A dining area where students can eat their meals.


II. School Staff:

  • Principal: The head or leader of a school.

  • Teacher: An individual who instructs students in various subjects.

  • Librarian: A person responsible for managing and organizing the library.

  • Counselor: A professional who provides guidance and support to students with academic, personal, or social issues.

  • Administrator: A staff member who handles administrative tasks and manages the school's operations.

  • Support staff: Non-teaching staff members who provide assistance and support, such as custodians, secretaries, and nurses.

  • Guidance counselor: A counselor who assists students with academic and career guidance.

  • School psychologist: A professional who provides counseling and support for students' mental and emotional well-being.

  • Physical education teacher: A teacher who specializes in physical education and sports-related activities.

  • School librarian: A librarian specifically responsible for managing the school's library resources.

  • Administrative assistant: A staff member who assists with administrative tasks and office management.

  • IT technician: A person who provides technical support and manages the school's computer systems.


III. School Positions and Roles:

  • Headmaster/Headmistress: The principal or head of a school.

  • Assistant principal: A staff member who supports the principal and assists in school administration.

  • Subject teacher: A teacher who specializes in a particular subject.

  • Special education teacher: A teacher who provides specialized instruction and support to students with disabilities or special needs.

  • School counselor: A professional who offers guidance and counseling services to students.

  • School nurse: A healthcare professional who provides medical assistance and support to students.


IV. School Services:

  • Transportation: The provision of transportation services for students to and from school.

  • After-school programs: Activities and programs offered after regular school hours, such as clubs, sports, or tutoring.

  • Career counseling: Guidance and support provided to students in exploring career options and planning their future.

  • Student support services: Services and resources available to help students with academic, social, or emotional needs.

  • Parent-teacher association (PTA): An organization that facilitates communication and collaboration between parents and teachers.

  • School bus service: Transportation provided by the school for students who live far away.

  • Student counseling services: Counseling and guidance services provided to students to support their personal and academic well-being.

  • School meals program: A service that provides meals or snacks for students during school hours.

  • Career development services: Services and resources offered to help students explore career options and plan for the future.

  • Learning support services: Specialized support and interventions for students who require additional assistance in their learning.


V. School Events and Activities:

  • Field trips: Educational outings or visits to places of interest outside the school.

  • Sports day: A day dedicated to sports competitions and activities among students.

  • Graduation ceremony: An event to mark the completion of studies and the conferring of diplomas or degrees.

  • Science fair: An exhibition of student projects and experiments in science-related subjects.

  • Cultural events: Celebrations or performances showcasing the cultural diversity and talents of students.





Remember to practice using these vocabulary words in sentences and conversations to improve your understanding and fluency in English.

