wanna practice speaking with me. Email- contactshubham1511@gmail.com Lets connect and practice english for ielts.
I have exam on 21st Dec.
Hola, estoy buscando alguien que quiera y pueda ayudarme con la práctica del speaking. No tengo buena fluidez, pero con paciencia se puede llegar a una buena conversación:D
I am looking for someone to help me improve my speaking skill
Can Someone help me in doing Reading? how to do, again and again i am facing difficulties.
who can practise speaking with me? I need someone to practise speaking with me
i am here to pra tice speaking with you share your whatsapp number
https://ieltsonlinetests.com/sot/result/speaking-practice-test-3-914820 Please help evaluate this Speaking Test of me. Any evaluations from all you guys would be very appreciated. Thank you so much!
wanna practice speaking with me.
Email- contactshubham1511@gmail.com
Lets connect and practice english for ielts.
I have exam on 21st Dec.
Hola, estoy buscando alguien que quiera y pueda ayudarme con la práctica del speaking. No tengo buena fluidez, pero con paciencia se puede llegar a una buena conversación:D
Hola! ya hiciste el test? we could practise together :)
I'm looking for some1 who can help me to improve my speaking skill
wanna do speaking practice with me?