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All IELTS Explained Videos are OFF 50% in May 2020 ONLY

All IELTS Explained Videos are OFF 50% in May 2020 ONLY

(31 votes)

As you know, we're experiencing a change to our way of lives that nobody could have imagined just a couple of months ago. The UK, where we live, is on 'lockdown' due to the spread of the new coronavirus, and we imagine that many of you are in a similar situation.

So we want to offer you a 50% discount on our IELTS Explained videos, only in May 2020.

This video series includes all the videos from our IELTS expert Jamie, who gives thorough instruction on how to tackle specific questions type to achieve target score in the Listening test, as well as the easiest and most effective ways to locate information and find the correct answers in a long reading passage.

  • High quality video series
  • Guide by an experienced IELTS expert
  • Exclusive content with strategy and tips for IELTS tests
  • Lifetime access

You can view more details about this product at:

BIG DISCOUNT unitl 31st May 2020.

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The given chart illustrates the amount of magazines which were sold in five countries during three different periods of time, 2003, 2005, and 2007.

Overall, it is clear to see that the highest number of sold papers for each year had country B, whilst country E remained always with the lowest ones. People in country D started to buy more and more magazines every year, however, in country A the number of sales went down.

In 2003, country B showed the highest results in sailing magazines, that was exactly 50 for per person, nevertheless, for the following years, the numbers slightly dropped and for 2007 projected sales were nearly 45.

Country D and country E started with the lowest sales compared with other countries, but they appeared with a little progress in sales. Country D had nearly 18 magazines sale per person in 2003 and it steadily climbed to 22 in 2007. Whereas country E had almost doubled the number of sale papers in 2005, in 2007, it decreased again and stood with 5, the same amount of sale papers, that it was in 2003.

May you take a look at my answer please ;-; thank you very much

It’s fantastic but the beginning of part 1 you should say the amount of magazines each individuals purchased would be better
