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Collocations on positive situations and feelings

Collocations on positive situations and feelings

(13 votes)

Collocation means a natural combination of words; it refers to the way English words are closely associated with each other. Learning collocations will also help you to increase your range of English vocabulary.

When you make mistakes with collocations, the other person will usually understand you – but your English won’t sound “natural” – because it’s different from the way a native speaker would say it.

Although it’s possible to communicate successfully with incorrect collocations, using collocations correctly can help you speak more fluently. We suggest completing one lesson in this book per day, but of course you can study at your own pace. 

Let's begin our study of collocations by learning some common expressions about the good feelings.



You should have a great sense of achievement at having reached the last unit of the book.


Feeling of having succeeded


John has always has a very strong sense of purpose in his life.


Feeling of having a clear aim


Kay heaved a sigh of relief as she saw Dick step of the plane.


Happy feeling that something bad has not happened


Tamara felt a shiver down her spine as she heard the orchestra tuning up.


feeling of excitement

( or sometimes fear)


As I stood up to speak I felt a surge of adrenalin.


A sudden increase in adrenalin.


I had a sudden burst of energy and decided to spring clean the whole flat.


A feeling of being full of energy.


We are all in a state of euphoria after our fantastic exam results.


A feeling of excited happiness.


I just loved my day at the beauty spa. It was sheer bliss.


A feeling of calm happiness.


Previous: Describing Maps: Changes in the Future Next: Collocations describing Physical Appearance


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