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Weather conditions

Weather conditions

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Here's a lesson on vocabulary related to "Weather Conditions" for the IELTS band score 3.0-4.5:

I. Sunny:

  • Definition: Characterized by bright sunlight and clear skies.

  • Vocabulary: Sunny, sunshine, clear, bright, warm, hot.

  • Example: It's a sunny day, perfect for a picnic at the park.


II. Cloudy:

  • Definition: Covered with clouds, lacking direct sunlight.

  • Vocabulary: Cloudy, overcast, gray, dull, gloomy.

  • Example: The sky is cloudy today, and it might rain later.


III. Rainy:

  • Definition: Characterized by rainfall, wet weather.

  • Vocabulary: Rainy, raining, showers, downpour, drizzle.

  • Example: Don't forget your umbrella, it's going to be a rainy day.


IV. Windy:

  • Definition: Having a strong or gusty wind.

  • Vocabulary: Windy, breezy, gusty, blustery, windy conditions.

  • Example: It's quite windy outside, so hold onto your hat.


V. Stormy:

  • Definition: Characterized by intense weather conditions, such as thunderstorms.

  • Vocabulary: Stormy, thunderstorms, lightning, thunder, heavy rain.

  • Example: Stay indoors, it's going to be a stormy night.


VI. Foggy:

  • Definition: Covered with thick fog, reduced visibility.

  • Vocabulary: Foggy, fog, misty, hazy, low visibility.

  • Example: Drive carefully, it's foggy out there.


VII. Snowy:

  • Definition: Characterized by falling or covering of snow.

  • Vocabulary: Snowy, snow, snowfall, blizzard, snowflakes.

  • Example: The whole town is covered in a snowy blanket.


VIII. Hailstorm:

  • Definition: A weather phenomenon where small balls of ice fall from the sky.

  • Vocabulary: Hailstorm, hail, ice pellets.

  • Example: Seek shelter during a hailstorm to avoid getting hit by hailstones.



Remember to practice using these vocabulary words in sentences and conversations to improve your understanding and fluency in English.

Here's a lesson on vocabulary related to "Weather Conditions" for the IELTS band score 3.0-4.5:

I. Sunny:

  • Definition: Characterized by bright sunlight and clear skies.

  • Vocabulary: Sunny, sunshine, clear, bright, warm, hot.

  • Example: It's a sunny day, perfect for a picnic at the park.


II. Cloudy:

  • Definition: Covered with clouds, lacking direct sunlight.

  • Vocabulary: Cloudy, overcast, gray, dull, gloomy.

  • Example: The sky is cloudy today, and it might rain later.


III. Rainy:

  • Definition: Characterized by rainfall, wet weather.

  • Vocabulary: Rainy, raining, showers, downpour, drizzle.

  • Example: Don't forget your umbrella, it's going to be a rainy day.


IV. Windy:

  • Definition: Having a strong or gusty wind.

  • Vocabulary: Windy, breezy, gusty, blustery, windy conditions.

  • Example: It's quite windy outside, so hold onto your hat.


V. Stormy:

  • Definition: Characterized by intense weather conditions, such as thunderstorms.

  • Vocabulary: Stormy, thunderstorms, lightning, thunder, heavy rain.

  • Example: Stay indoors, it's going to be a stormy night.


VI. Foggy:

  • Definition: Covered with thick fog, reduced visibility.

  • Vocabulary: Foggy, fog, misty, hazy, low visibility.

  • Example: Drive carefully, it's foggy out there.


VII. Snowy:

  • Definition: Characterized by falling or covering of snow.

  • Vocabulary: Snowy, snow, snowfall, blizzard, snowflakes.

  • Example: The whole town is covered in a snowy blanket.


VIII. Hailstorm:

  • Definition: A weather phenomenon where small balls of ice fall from the sky.

  • Vocabulary: Hailstorm, hail, ice pellets.

  • Example: Seek shelter during a hailstorm to avoid getting hit by hailstones.



Remember to practice using these vocabulary words in sentences and conversations to improve your understanding and fluency in English.

Previous: Temperature Next: Climate zones


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Sisteminize tufurum

Ateeq ali

I am practicing speaking for ielts preparation

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It's been amazing

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