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Financial institutions

Financial institutions

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Here is a detailed list of vocabulary related to financial institutions for the IELTS band score 4.5-6.0:

  1. Bank:

    • A financial institution that provides a wide range of services, including accepting deposits, making loans, and offering various accounts.

  2. Credit Union:

    • A cooperative financial institution owned and operated by its members, who are usually individuals with a common bond.

  3. Savings and Loan Association (S&L):

    • A financial institution that accepts deposits and provides mortgage loans.

  4. Insurance Company:

    • A company that provides financial protection against various risks in exchange for premiums.

  5. Investment Bank:

    • A financial institution that assists companies and governments in raising capital through underwriting and issuing securities.

  6. Commercial Bank:

    • A bank that offers services to individuals, businesses, and government entities.

  7. Central Bank:

    • A national bank that is responsible for issuing currency, managing monetary policy, and regulating financial institutions.

  8. Retail Bank:

    • A bank that primarily serves individual customers and small businesses.

  9. Online Bank:

    • A bank that operates exclusively online, without physical branches.

  10. Mortgage Lender:

    • A financial institution that provides loans to individuals for purchasing real estate.

  11. Mutual Fund Company:

    • A company that pools money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other assets.

  12. Brokerage Firm:

    • A company that facilitates the buying and selling of financial securities for investors.

  13. Credit Card Company:

    • A company that issues credit cards to consumers and processes transactions.

  14. Pension Fund:

    • A fund that collects and invests money on behalf of employees to provide retirement benefits.

  15. Hedge Fund:

    • A private investment fund that uses various strategies to maximize returns for its investors.

  16. Venture Capital Firm:

    • A firm that invests in early-stage startups and small businesses with high growth potential.

  17. Microfinance Institution:

    • An organization that provides financial services, such as small loans, to low-income individuals and entrepreneurs.

  18. Thrift Institution:

    • A financial institution that specializes in accepting savings deposits and making home mortgage loans.

  19. Financial Services Company:

    • A company that offers a range of financial products and services to consumers and businesses.

  20. Asset Management Company:

    • A company that manages investments on behalf of individuals or institutions.

  21. Securities Exchange:

    • A marketplace where financial instruments such as stocks and bonds are bought and sold.

  22. Clearinghouse:

    • An organization that facilitates the settlement of financial transactions between parties.

  23. Merchant Bank:

    • A bank that provides financial services to businesses, including advisory services and capital raising.

  24. Credit Rating Agency:

    • A company that assesses the creditworthiness of individuals, companies, or governments.

  25. Consumer Finance Company:

    • A company that provides loans and credit to consumers for personal use.

  26. Foreign Exchange Broker:

    • A company that facilitates currency exchange between different countries.

  27. Investment Company:

    • A company that pools money from investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of securities.

  28. Savings Bank:

    • A bank that traditionally focuses on accepting savings deposits and providing mortgage loans.

  29. Retail Lender:

    • A lender that provides loans to consumers for various purposes, such as home improvement or education.

  30. Financial Planner:

    • A professional who helps individuals and families create and implement financial plans.

  31. Stock Exchange:

    • A marketplace where stocks and other securities are bought and sold.

  32. Asset Backed Securities (ABS) Issuer:

    • A company that issues securities backed by pools of assets, such as mortgages or auto loans.

  33. Investment Adviser:

    • A professional who provides advice on investing in securities.

  34. Finance Company:

    • A company that provides loans and credit to individuals and businesses.

  35. Debt Collection Agency:

    • A company that collects debts on behalf of creditors.

  36. Factoring Company:

    • A company that buys accounts receivable from businesses at a discount.

  37. Foreign Bank:

    • A bank that is based in a foreign country but has operations in other countries.

  38. Stock Brokerage:

    • A service that allows individuals to buy and sell stocks and other securities.

  39. Commercial Lender:

    • A lender that provides loans to businesses for various purposes.

  40. International Bank:

    • A bank that operates in multiple countries and provides financial services globally.



Knowing these financial institution terms will not only enhance your financial literacy but also improve your language skills for the IELTS exam. Best of luck with your studies!

