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IELTS Mock Test 2022 March Speaking Practice Test 1

Question list

  • What do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends?

  • What will you do next weekend?

  • Did you do anything special last weekend?

  • What do you usually do on weekends?

  • What snacks do you like to eat

  • Did you often eat snacks when you were young

  • When do you usually eat snacks now

  • Do you think it is healthy for you to eat snacks

  • Describe a place in a village that you visited

    You should say:

    • Where it is
    • When you visited this place
    • What you did there

    And how you feel about this place

  • Is there anything special about the villages in China?

  • Why do people want to go to the countryside?

  • What do people usually do when they visit village?

  • Do you think people will live in villages in the future?

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Lại Thành Vinh

Hello. This is my writing test. I really hope that some of you will come across and give me some appropriate feedback for my test.
I highly appreciate your help.
Thank you so much.

Pé bụp

In my opinion, there are still  violence in some schools today, and these often stem from the children's own personal conflicts or the unsatisfactory of parents how to teaching the children
. Besides, there are solutions to avoid school violence such as building a healthy and safe educational place, actively propagandizing anti-bullying behavior in schools or teaching children about prevention school violence when they were young.

Anna Jade

The bar graph provides the information about the global sales of different types of digital games.
Overview, the global sales of mobil phone games, online games and handheld games tend to be upward while those of console games have a tendency to be downward.
Looking at the figures for handheld games, the globle sales were about 10 billion of dollars in 2000. In the next 6 years, this number went up to the almost 18 billion of dollars. Besides, those of online games also increased dramatically from 1 in 2001 to 9 in 2006. Mobil phones games were occurred in 2002 and their global sales were 2 billion dollars in the same year. Then they rose to 6 times higher in 2006.
Turning to the other set of data, console games are the only ones that theirs globle sales margically went down. Their global sales started quite hight, at 6 billion of dollars in 2000. Throughout the period, they fell and witnessed at 3 billion of dollars in 2006.
