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Recent Exam Question in IELTS Writing Task 2 (Fewer Responsibilities to Children)

Recent Exam Question in IELTS Writing Task 2 (Fewer Responsibilities to Children)

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Practice the following IELTS writing task 2 question that appeared in the latest exam this year. You can practice this essay question in 40 minutes and make sure that you write minimum 250 words.


IELTS Writing Task 2 Question:


In the present era, children are found to have fewer responsibilities than it used to be in the past time. Some people consider it as positive development, however, some other people believe it to be a negative trend.


Discuss both the views and give your own opinion.


Sample Answer:


In this modern era, children are not bound with as much responsibilities as compared to the earlier times. According to some people, it is positive trend in the society. On the other hand, some people think that it is not a good sign and needs attention.


Nowadays, young children are not feeling enough responsibilities over their shoulders. Some parents think of this as advantageous for their kids. One of the reasons behind this thinking is that youngsters are able to enjoy their life more in this manner. They know that life is short and one should live free from any kind of tension because they equate loads of responsibilities with tension. Another advantage is that they are able to think about their personal goals such as career, financial and others. For example, if they are focusing on improving their salary, they can do so by working for extra hours without having any burden of resolving family disputes and matters.


On the other hand, the other group of parents do not find anything positive in the trend of reducing responsibilities towards their home and family members. They think that this kind of trend would not make them a responsible citizen and they would rather become self-centric. Apart from this, the loveable relationship in such families is likely to get diminished as the young children may become selfish and pampered. For instance, it is commonly seen that young kids are becoming insensitive towards their old parents and sending them to old age homes when they get married.


Conclusively, though different people have different opinions about children being given lesser responsibilities, I feel that it is a good trend since in this way, they become more independent and self sufficient.


Practice the following IELTS writing task 2 question that appeared in the latest exam this year. You can practice this essay question in 40 minutes and make sure that you write minimum 250 words.


IELTS Writing Task 2 Question:


In the present era, children are found to have fewer responsibilities than it used to be in the past time. Some people consider it as positive development, however, some other people believe it to be a negative trend.


Discuss both the views and give your own opinion.


Sample Answer:


In this modern era, children are not bound with as much responsibilities as compared to the earlier times. According to some people, it is positive trend in the society. On the other hand, some people think that it is not a good sign and needs attention.


Nowadays, young children are not feeling enough responsibilities over their shoulders. Some parents think of this as advantageous for their kids. One of the reasons behind this thinking is that youngsters are able to enjoy their life more in this manner. They know that life is short and one should live free from any kind of tension because they equate loads of responsibilities with tension. Another advantage is that they are able to think about their personal goals such as career, financial and others. For example, if they are focusing on improving their salary, they can do so by working for extra hours without having any burden of resolving family disputes and matters.


On the other hand, the other group of parents do not find anything positive in the trend of reducing responsibilities towards their home and family members. They think that this kind of trend would not make them a responsible citizen and they would rather become self-centric. Apart from this, the loveable relationship in such families is likely to get diminished as the young children may become selfish and pampered. For instance, it is commonly seen that young kids are becoming insensitive towards their old parents and sending them to old age homes when they get married.


Conclusively, though different people have different opinions about children being given lesser responsibilities, I feel that it is a good trend since in this way, they become more independent and self sufficient.

Previous: Recent Exam Question asked in IELTS Writing Task 2 in February 2017 Next: Recent Exam Question in IELTS Writing Task 1 (Complaint About Hotel Seminar)


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James Hale

Spoiled children, whether by their parents or grandparents, have a significant impact on their way of thinking and behavior, resulting in a lack of responsibility. They became reliant on those around them because they were accustomed to being served rather than serving. Furthermore, their ability to become productive has dwindled. Children who grew up in families where cooking skills were not taught are one example. Because most of them have nannies or live with their parents, their food is served to them, and when they grow up, they will be the example of people who always buy food from restaurants or eat instant food because that was their experience when they were young.

Parents who teach their children to cook and expose them to various types of home cooked food, on the other hand, will most likely remain in their minds until they reach adulthood. Children learn the importance of cooking food and its health benefits when compared to the cook food that we can buy outside as a result of this learning. This improves their self-sufficiency and responsibility throughout parenthood. Having such tasks completely contributes to one's life and future development.

Igor Fernando

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Nowadays ,we as parent  face everyday with the challengies of educating our children  in the right way. But is seemed difficult when we are threaten of the huge impact that technology has in our life and the time they pass over it. The statistics represent great hours spent from chlidren of both genders over electonic games and in web pages.
Besides the positive impact regarding the information they get from internet  ,this new life style makes them less responsible for everyday life  activities , such as housecare , inclusion in community works etc. The today children ,in my opinion are very selfish and they spent the most of time in PC -s,ipods,tablets and cel phones. My childhood ,was quite different from my children's one. Everyday ,my mother used to include me in house work such as washing  dishes or house cleannig and these assignements made me feel very responsible.
In contrast, it seemed very difficult to put a nowadays child in such avtivities, as far as their time is very busy and it looks that there is no more space for other things to carry on . The lack of these activities ,in my opinion makes them more lazy.
Beside the fact that ,this new trend  makes them more focused on their personal goals ,such as school achievement and academic related arrangement, the lack of taking over  responsibilities makes the children less productive ,less socialized, and more lazy.


Children nowadays have a better way living and were called spoiled because they are not pushed to do things independently. This caused fewer chores to the children while on the other hand, parents became more handful in taking care of them and unknowingly neglect the importance of imparting self independence among their kids. This essay will encourage parents to train their children to become responsible of themselves as they grow up.

Spoiled children by either parents or grandparents greatly affects the child's way of thinking and behavior that results to have lack of responsibility. They became dependent to the people around them because they get used to be served than to serve. Moreover, their ability to become productive has decreased. One example are those children who grew up in a family where cooking skill was not taught. Because most of them have their nannies, or their parents way of living, their food is served for them to eat and when they grow up, they will be the example of the people who always buy food from restaurant or eat instant food because that was their experience when they were young.

On the other hand, parents who educate their children to cook and exposed them into various types of home cooked food probably will remain in their mind until they reached adulthood. From this learning, children acquires the importance of cooking food and its healthy benefits compare to the cook food that we can by outside. This enhances their self sustainability and responsibility throughout their parenthood. Having such responsibilities entirely contribute to one person's life and development for future purposes.

We as parents want to show our love and care for the children by serving them but we should also make some ways to impart our skills to them for them to become responsible of themselves because we will not be with their side always. Helping them to unlock and achieve skills during the early age will help them learn the skill and apply it in the future when needed. Therefore, instilling responsibility to the children will improve their self help skills in becoming better person in this society.


I attended this test where this question appeared. The question also said to also give examples from your own experience.
