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Three things you must get right in IELTS Listening

Three things you must get right in IELTS Listening

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Most people find the Listening test more stressful than the Reading test. That’s because when you are reading, you have the texts in front of you and you can refer to them more than once. When you are listening, if you miss an answer, it’s gone — and because you only hear the recording once, you can never get it back. So you need to work out some strategies in advance. Here are three tips you will find useful:



Imagine that you are listening for the answer to Question 3, and you suddenly hear the answer to Question 6. This means you have been focusing so hard on one question that you have missed not only that one, but two more!

One way to avoid this is to make notes on the question paper as you listen. Don’t worry if your notes are untidy; the important thing is not to get left behind. At the end, you have ten minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet (at which time you do need to be neat and tidy).

The key to doing well in the Listening test is to make it a two-stage process. First listen and make notes, then transfer your answers to the answer paper.



In the Listening test, you need to be very precise when answering the questions. For example, let’s say the question paper asks you to complete the phrase ‘in the…’ and the answer is ‘morning’. When you write the information on the answer sheet, only ‘morning’ will be marked correct. If you write ‘the morning’ or ‘in the morning’ you will not be given a point (despite the fact that you know the answer). This rule also applies to spelling.



If you’re not sure of the answer, it’s important to guess. There are two reasons for this:

  • You do not lose points for having the wrong answer, so there is no risk.

  • Leaving spaces can get you into trouble as you might write a correct answer in the wrong place later.

Finally, make sure that Test Day is not the first time you do an IELTS Listening test. Try to do at least four or five practice tests in advance to get used to the preparation and test time, reading and listening to the questions, and writing accurate answers.


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Most people find the Listening test more stressful than the Reading test. That’s because when you are reading, you have the texts in front of you and you can refer to them more than once. When you are listening, if you miss an answer, it’s gone — and because you only hear the recording once, you can never get it back. So you need to work out some strategies in advance. Here are three tips you will find useful:



Imagine that you are listening for the answer to Question 3, and you suddenly hear the answer to Question 6. This means you have been focusing so hard on one question that you have missed not only that one, but two more!

One way to avoid this is to make notes on the question paper as you listen. Don’t worry if your notes are untidy; the important thing is not to get left behind. At the end, you have ten minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet (at which time you do need to be neat and tidy).

The key to doing well in the Listening test is to make it a two-stage process. First listen and make notes, then transfer your answers to the answer paper.



In the Listening test, you need to be very precise when answering the questions. For example, let’s say the question paper asks you to complete the phrase ‘in the…’ and the answer is ‘morning’. When you write the information on the answer sheet, only ‘morning’ will be marked correct. If you write ‘the morning’ or ‘in the morning’ you will not be given a point (despite the fact that you know the answer). This rule also applies to spelling.



If you’re not sure of the answer, it’s important to guess. There are two reasons for this:

  • You do not lose points for having the wrong answer, so there is no risk.

  • Leaving spaces can get you into trouble as you might write a correct answer in the wrong place later.

Finally, make sure that Test Day is not the first time you do an IELTS Listening test. Try to do at least four or five practice tests in advance to get used to the preparation and test time, reading and listening to the questions, and writing accurate answers.


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