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IELTS Speaking Task Analysis Part 3 (Follow-up) – Band 6

IELTS Speaking Task Analysis Part 3 (Follow-up) – Band 6

(3 votes)

Let us analyse IELTS speaking response given by a student in the mock test and check out why this is a Band 6 response.

Should education be about memorising the ideas in the past?

I am not agree with this statement because when we do education, then it I think it’s… different people have different idea. We cannot memorise the past idea. So, ideas is according to the person rather than memorising them.


Candidate has given opinion but response in terms of reasoning is not as per what the question is.

There are grammar errors: I am not agree, when we do education, ideas is etc.

Should education encourage new ideas?

I think so because education enhances the level of thinking and also the knowledge. So, there is opportunity to create new ideas when people are educated and have new knowledge about the ideas.


Opinion is given and reasoning is clear

“There is opportunity to create new ideas when people are education” can be “So, when people are educated, they can create new ideas”

How do teachers help students to develop their own new ideas?

Definitely, teachers can help students to develop new ideas because they share their own experiences, so the techniques they give to the students to how to develop the new ideas. So, I think they help the students in many ways.


Opinion is given, reasoning is clear and at the end, conclusive statement is given

Grammar error: “to how to” should be “on how to”

Incomplete sentence: “so the techniques……….develop the new ideas” can be “so the techniques……….develop the new ideas are really helpful for them

Should employers help their employees to develop new ideas for improving the company?

Yes, it is a very good for the company because worker….workers can participate a big role in improving the company. Sometimes what happens small things can not changed by employers but employees can do. So, employers should encourage their workers to think about new things and just it follow the worker’s ideas also. It will be very beneficial for the company to get the ideas from the worker.


Opinion is clear and reasoning is given

Article (a): “it is a very good for the company” should be “it is very good for the company”

Self-correction: worker…workers

Incorrect word: “participate” should be “play”, “just it follow” should be “they should follow”

Grammar errors: Sometimes what happens is small things cannot be changed

Article (the): to get ideas from the worker

Expected Band Score – Band 6

The candidate has been speaking at length but there were errors related to grammar, incorrect word, irrelevant explanation etc. Generally, opinion is given which is clear but sometimes not. There was hesitation of choosing words to elaborate statement or provide explanation.

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