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Housing and places Vocabulary

Housing and places Vocabulary

(40 votes)


In the left column are the words that are quite common or the candidate uses incorrect semantics. In the right column are the words you should use when taking the IELTS test to get a high score.

Quite commonShould useExample
Long historyTime-honouredMy home town is well known for its time-honoured buildings.
Big placeSpacious/roomyThe garden near my house is pretty spacious.
Near waterWaterfrontIt is my dream to live in a waterfront villa.
QuietSerene and tranquilAt such a serene and tranquil place, I may find inner peace.
Cold, hotFreezing/chilly, stuffyThe climate in my home town is typical of northern Vietnam, which is stuffy during summer and freezing during winter.
ComfortableComfy/cosy/homeyI prefer watching movies at home since it is comfy.
FlowerBlossomThis garden is enclosed by blossoms.
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