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Importance of Being Realistic About IELTS Scores

Importance of Being Realistic About IELTS Scores

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IELTS is a unique exam in its own way where you are being rated from 0 to 9 Band scale and there is no pass or fail kind of concept here. The only thing your received IELTS scores indicate is where you stand now and how far you need to work hard for reaching the Band 9 level. Hence, in IELTS, your score card shows your improvements in being proficient about using English language.


While you are practicing IELTS tests during your IELTS training or self preparation, you must be getting the idea of where you stand and this will predict the likelihood of achieving band score in the real exam. In this scenario, it would really be important to be realistic about your IELTS scores. Many students develop a number of misconceptions about IELTS real exam while they are undergoing practice test sessions. Let us understand them and discuss the realism of predicting IELTS scores in detail.


Practice Listening and Reading Mock Tests Like Real Exam


Listening and reading modules of IELTS are considered to be the most scoring modules since these are objective type questions and only the exact answers give you the band score. You are likely to get the same band score in the real exam also the way you might have been scoring in practice tests.


For example, if you have always got Band 7 or above IELTS scores in listening and reading, you are very likely to receive so in your final exam as well. But make sure that you are keeping the same kind of strictness in terms of time duration the way it is in the real exam.The whole set up of mock tests need to very similar to that of the real exam.


Never Get Satisfied of Writing and Speaking Performance in Mock Tests


As compared to listening and reading, writing and speaking modules are the ones where students usually find it difficult to score high. There are cases where students who receive 9 Band in listening and reading modules end up getting 7 Band or sometimes even less than 7 Band in writing and speaking. IELTS writing and IELTS speaking are the exams which are checked manually and are subjective in nature.


Hence, during your practice sessions, the band score your IELTS trainer is giving you would give you an idea of your band score in IELTS real exam. It is not bad if your IELTS trainer gives you lower band score in order to be strict so that you may try to improve more and be more careful about your highlighted mistakes in the real exam leading to a good band score.


Are you Over Confident About your IELTS Scores?


Make sure you are not over confident about your IELTS scores. While you should not be nervous and be confident in order to give your best, you should also ensure that you are not expecting unachievable IELTS scores. This is applicable for all the modules, especially for IELTS writing and speaking. If you have been making a lot of basic mistakes in writing and speaking, you cannot expect your score to be Band 7. And similarly, if you have been losing concentration in listening exam, you cannot expect a good band score –

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