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Master IELTS General Training Volume 5

Master IELTS General Training Volume 5

(425 votes)
  • Published on: 05 Aug 2019
  • Tests taken: 268,919

Answer Keys:

Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7 (course) fees 
  • 8 special introductory rate 
  • 9 24-hour/twenty four-hour helpline 
  • 10 5 (o’clock) 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7 (course) fees 
  • 8 special introductory rate 
  • 9 24-hour/twenty four-hour helpline 
  • 10 5 (o’clock) 
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11 13% 
  • 12 9% 
  • 13 state-of-the-art 
  • 14 28000 
  • 15 greenest 
  • 16 third campus 
  • 17 live and work 
  • 18 Student Union Building 
  • 19 private housing database 
  • 20 frequently asked questions 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 11 13% 
  • 12 9% 
  • 13 state-of-the-art 
  • 14 28000 
  • 15 greenest 
  • 16 third campus 
  • 17 live and work 
  • 18 Student Union Building 
  • 19 private housing database 
  • 20 frequently asked questions 
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21 voice 
  • 22 background 
  • 23 well-trained 
  • 24 patient 
  • 25 dress tidily 
  • 26 confirmation 
  • 27 study routine 
  • 28 criticize/criticise teachers 
  • 29 blame 
  • 30 enjoyable 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 21 voice 
  • 22 background 
  • 23 well-trained 
  • 24 patient 
  • 25 dress tidily 
  • 26 confirmation 
  • 27 study routine 
  • 28 criticize/criticise teachers 
  • 29 blame 
  • 30 enjoyable 
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31 an extended answer 
  • 32 relevant 
  • 33 explanations 
  • 34 analysts 
  • 35 assess the value 
  • 36 Western countries 
  • 37 arising 
  • 38 critical 
  • 39 sociologists 
  • 40 positions 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31 an extended answer 
  • 32 relevant 
  • 33 explanations 
  • 34 analysts 
  • 35 assess the value 
  • 36 Western countries 
  • 37 arising 
  • 38 critical 
  • 39 sociologists 
  • 40 positions 


Harsimran Kaur 9.019:38
Shruti Kumari 9.019:48
sushree dash 9.019:51
5 DJOMO KOUAMO Carine Ronnie 9.025:20
6 Abhi Patel 9.026:54
7 Bayo stephen 9.026:55
8 milvana ahmati 9.027:09
9 sandeep kaur 9.027:09
10 Bảo Trung Nguyễn 8.529:59
Tips for improving your ielts score
IELTS Reading- Multiple Choice Questions

IELTS Reading- Multiple Choice Questions

This article will help you answer multiple choice questions more effectively.

(32 votes)
24 May 2018

Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-2

Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.


Thieves often target students’ homes because students

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Answer: B


  • the words which lead you to the answer are underlined.

  • the word/number you must write for the answer is marked.

  • words which you might wrongly think could be the answer are in italics.

  • The keywords concerned in Q1 are “thieves”, “target”, “students’ homes” and “because.

  • Student’s question mentioned “theft” can be seen as a suggestion for the answer’s appearance.

  • Salesman mentioned: Student accommodation is a particular target because it often contains several highly portable and valuable items such as laptops. “Accommodation” is a synonym for “home”. So, the reason why thieves often target students’ homes is their several highly portable and valuable items. Option B mentions high-value, portable items, the “high-value” means valuable.

  • So, the answer is B.


If personal items are lost, destroyed or damaged, the insurance company will usually

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Answer: A
  • The keywords concerned in Q2 should be “personal items are lost, destroyed or damaged” and “insurance company will

  • Salesman mentioned “We provide insurance cover for your belongings on a ‘new for old’ basis, including desktop computers, against theft, burst pipes, fire, vandalism , storm and flood.” It means the insurance company will provide insurance cover to buy a similar replacement item. “Theft, burst pipes, fire, vandalism, storm and flood” are the things relate to “lost, destroyed or damaged”

  • So the answer is A.

Questions 3-6

Questions 7-10

Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Academic 7 are insured up to £5000.

The 8 is valid until the end of June.

The insurance company has a 9

The insurance company’s office is usually open until 10

  • 7 Answer: (course) fees
    • The keywords concerned in Q7 should be “academic”, “are” and “insured up to £5000”. So the answer must be a plural noun.

    • Salesman said “Course fees you have paid or are liable to pay in the academic year up to five thousand pounds in total are also covered”.

    • However, you might wrongly think the answer is academic year. Firstly, year is a singular noun. Secondly, academic year is not the subject which is insured up to £5000.

    • Course fees are the subject which are covered up to £5000 in the academic year

    • For these reasons, the answer is Course fees.

  • 8 Answer: special introductory rate
    • The keyword concerned in Q8 is “is valid until the end of June”. So the answer must be a noun.

    • Student asked whether the special introductory rate still apply and mentioned it’s valid until the end of June.

    • This question quite easy to answer, the answer is special introductory rate.

  • 9 Answer: 24-hour/twenty four-hour helpline
    • The keywords concerned in Q9 are “Insurance company” and “a 24”. So the answer must be a noun.

    • It is clearly stated that they have a "24-hour helpline" which provides advice and counseling.

    • So, the answer is 24-hour helpline.

  • 10 Answer: 5 (o’clock)
    • The keywords concerned in Q10 are “office” and “usually open until”. So the answer can be a number.

    • Q10 mentioned “open until” means “close”.

    • Salesman said the office normally close at 5.

    • However, he also said that “I’ll be here until 6 today”. Firstly, Q10 asked for when office usually close, the subject which close in Q10 is the office while Salesman said he would be here until 6, the subject mentioned is Salesman. Secondly, Q10 mentioned usually while Salesman said until 6 today.

    • Therefore, the answer is 5 (o’clock).

Part 1
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Student: Good morning. Is that Copewell well insurance ? I’d like to ask you a few questions about getting insurance.

Salesman: Certainly. What kind of insurance are you looking for?

Student: Well, I’m a student and I need comprehensive cover-you know, against theft, damage, legal problems …

Salesman: I see. Students are unfortunately attractive targets for thieves. Student accommodation is a particular target because it often contains several highly portable and valuable items such as laptops. We offer cover specially designed for the needs of students, covering students in several key areas.

Student: Oh, that sounds like it’s exactly what I need. Please tell me more.

Salesman: Well, the first area we cover is room contents . We provide insurance cover for your belongings on a ‘new for old’ basis, including desktop computers, against theft, burst pipes, fire, vandalism , storm and flood.

Student: Does that also cover me if I live in university accommodation?

Salesman: Yes, it does. It also covers any shared areas in your accommodation and anything you leave in locked storage on campus at any time.

Student: Is there a limit on claims of this nature?

Salesman: Yes, there is. Individual items are limited to two thousand pounds per claim and the following items are limited to 600 pounds per group per claim: valuables, musical instruments and any data storage devices apart from computers, such as CDs. DVDs, cassettes and computer games. Clothes are limited to a maximum of two hundred and fifty pounds . However, cover for items above these amounts is available for an additional premium .

Student: I see. And how about accidental damage?

Salesman: We cover contents against accidental damage occurring while they are in your rooms and we cover replacement keys and locks, up to £150, if you lose your keys.

Student: Does this cover items that I leave in my accommodation during holidays?

Salesman: Yes, it does, but the limit is lower-up to three thousand pounds in total-and there is only cover for up to 35 days. That is if the rooms are unoccupied continuously for 35 days.

Student: I understand. Am I also covered against theft whilst travelling?

Salesman: Yes, you are. I should also point out that your mobile phone is fully coveredand the insurance covers any airtime abuse by the thief up to 150 pounds .

Student: Great. What about legal and health problems?

Salesman: Your legal expenses are covered up to fifty thousand pounds for defending claims against you, for claiming against other people for damage or injuiy they cause you, and tenancy disputes . The last one is particularly useful for students. Course fees you have paid or are liable to pay in the academic year up to five thousand pounds in total are also covered, if as a result of your illness , death or accident you have to leave your course early, or if a parent on whom you rely for financial support suffers illness or redundancy .

Student: That’s sounds very comprehensive indeed. Does the special introductory rate still apply? It savs here that it’s valid until the end of June.

Salesman: Yes, it’s still valid. There have been no changes in the terms of the offer. Can I just mention that the following extra cover is automatically included free of charge in all our policies -our 24 hour helpline, providing advice and counseling on health, drugs, debt, housing, legal and welfare matters; cover for your personal legal liability of up to a ; loss or damage to property on loan to you, up to 500 ; loss or damage to your landlord’s property, up to 5,000 ; credit card theft, up to £500; injury and damage to possessions by mugging or assault, up to £5000; and accidental death of a parent or guardian 5,000 pounds , £5000.

Student: That’s exactly what I’m looking for-a fully comprehensive package . I’ll come to your office this afternoon. Should I come to see you personally, or…?

Salesman: You can ask for me. My name is stephens .

Student: Right. My name is Shipton, Annie Shipton.

Salesman: OK I’ll see you this afternoon. We normally close the office at 5 but I’ll be here until 6 today.

Student: Thank you. I should make it before then. Goodbye.

Salesman: Goodbye.



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