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IELTS Practice Tests Plus Volume 2

IELTS Practice Tests Plus Volume 2

(638 votes)
  • Published on: 15 Dec 2017
  • Tests taken: 270,210

Answer Keys:

Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 Lower Green(e) Street/St 
  • 2 01778 552387 
  • 3 field/a field 
  • 4 van/a van 
  • 5 Flyer 2000/a Flyer 2000 
  • 6 blue 
  • 7 flat tyre/tire 
  • 8 8/eight days 
  • 9 Hill Farm Estate 
  • 10 local 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 1 Lower Green(e) Street/St 
  • 2 01778 552387 
  • 3 field/a field 
  • 4 van/a van 
  • 5 Flyer 2000/a Flyer 2000 
  • 6 blue 
  • 7 flat tyre/tire 
  • 8 8/eight days 
  • 9 Hill Farm Estate 
  • 10 local 
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11 fisherman 
  • 12 six/6 months 
  • 13 captain 
  • 14 education 
  • 15 interpreter 
  • 16 sister cities 
  • 17 Festival 
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 11 fisherman 
  • 12 six/6 months 
  • 13 captain 
  • 14 education 
  • 15 interpreter 
  • 16 sister cities 
  • 17 Festival 
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
  • 27
  • 28 progress reviews 
  • 29 (critical) reflection 
  • 30 exhibition 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
  • 27
  • 28 progress reviews 
  • 29 (critical) reflection 
  • 30 exhibition 
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31 physical 
  • 32 instincts 
  • 33 relief 
  • 34 (social) bonds 
  • 35 power 
  • 36 negative 
  • 37 release 
  • 38 hormones 
  • 39 immune system 
  • 40 bad dreams 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31 physical 
  • 32 instincts 
  • 33 relief 
  • 34 (social) bonds 
  • 35 power 
  • 36 negative 
  • 37 release 
  • 38 hormones 
  • 39 immune system 
  • 40 bad dreams 


Quoc Anh 9.015:31
MAYUR PARAB 9.016:10
Khanh Thuyen Do 9.018:03
4 Trung Trung 9.019:07
5 Thạch Vũ Lê Quân 9.019:54
6 Munira Mirza 9.020:53
7 Nguyễn Linh Phương 9.020:59
8 Anindi K 9.021:59
9 Ashari Zuprin 9.022:19
10 Tran Anh 9.023:20
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How to Do MCQ Type of Questions – IELTS Reading

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(21 votes)
14 Apr 2018

Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-10

Complete the form below.


Report on abandoned vehicle



Name of caller

Mrs Shefford


41, 1 Barrowdale





Vehicle location

in 3 near main road (A69)

Type of vehicle






Present colour of vehicle


Vehicle number

S 322 GEC

General condition

poor - one 7 cracked windscreen

Length of time at site


Land belongs to


Last owner

no information available

Other notes

vehicle does not belong to a 10  resident

  • 1 Answer: Lower Green(e) Street/St
    • Keywords in Q1 are ‘address’ and ‘41’

    • Based on the keywords, we predict to hear the name of a street.

    • After asking for lady’s name, the officer collects detail about her address ‘So the next thing l need to know is your address’. The customer responds ‘Right It’s 41 Lower Green Street’ Hence, ‘Lower Green Street’ is the answer.

    • As the speaker doesn’t spell the name of the street, we can write ‘Green’ or ‘Greene’ and also can use the common abbreviation form of ‘Street’ which is ‘St’. Note that ‘S’ in ‘Street’ must be in capital letter.

    • Hence, the answer for Q1 is Lower Green(e) Street/St

  • 2 Answer: 01778 552387
    • Keyword in Q2 is ‘telephone’

    • From the question we assume that the answer would be a series of number.

    • Note when the officer wants to ‘just ask for a telephone number’, the lady says ‘It's 01778 552387’

    • Therefore, 01778 552387 is the answer for Q2

  • 3 Answer: field/a field
    • Keywords in Q3 are ‘vehicle location’ and ‘near the main road (A69)’. We also note the preposition ‘in’, which helps us identify that the answer would be a place which goes with preposition ‘in’

    • The officer asks the lady ‘Can you give me an idea of where it is?’ which means he asks for the ‘location’ of the vehicle.

    • the lady describes quite a lot:

    + First she reports it is ‘near the main road that goes through Barrowdale’. ‘Barrowdale’ can not be the answer as it goes with ‘through’ not ‘in’

    + Then she describes the location of the vehicle mentioning ‘primary school’, ‘village’,’ children's playground’ but these places are used to help identify the direction, therefore are not the answer. The last place mentioned is ‘a field’ and afterwards the customer says ‘it’s in there’

    • Hence, ‘field’ or ‘a field’ is the answer for Q3.

  • 4 Answer: van/a van
    • Keyword in Q4 is ‘type of vehicle’.

    • Based on the keyword, we anticipate that the answer would be a kind of car (van, truck…)

    • We pay attention when the officer wonders ‘what type of vehicle are we talking about here?’

    • As the lady states ‘It's a van actually’, ‘van’ or ‘a van’ is the answer for Q4

  • 5 Answer: Flyer 2000/a Flyer 2000
    • Keyword in Q5 is ‘model’

    • Based on the keyword, we anticipate that the answer would be a model of a van

    • As the officer wants to know the ‘make and model’ of the van, the lady answers firstly about the make (it's a Catala) and then the model which is ‘Flyer 2000’. She then spells it ‘F-L-Y-E-R’.

    • Based on the spelling, we write down the answer for Q5 which is ‘Flyer 2000’ or ‘a Flyer 2000’

  • 6 Answer: blue
    • Keyword in Q6 is ‘Present colour’

    • We know the lady is going to talk about colour when we hear the officer says ‘And the colour’.

    • Although it is challenge to see the colour as ‘it’s absolutely filthy’ and ‘it looks as if it’s had a paint job at some stage’, the lady then can provide its colour which is ‘blue’

    • Note that she also mentions ‘white’ but says white can be seen only where the vehicle’s been scratched. Thus, ‘white’ is an incorrect answer.

    • Hence, the correct answer for Q6 is blue.

  • 7 Answer: flat tyre/tire
    • Keywords in Q7 are ‘general condition’ and ‘poor’. As ‘one’ goes before the blank we anticipate that the answer would be a singular noun which show the poor condition of a van. Besides, from the question we know that noun should be mentioned before ‘cracked windscreen’

    • The officer guesses that the general condition of the vehicle isn’t too good and it is agreed by the lady ‘it’s pretty poor’. She then describe its conditions as It’s got a flat tyre , and there's a crack in the windscreen’.

    • Note that before cracked windscreen’ she reports a flat tyre which is suitable for the answer as it is a singular noun.

    • Hence, ‘flat tyre’ or ‘flat tire’ is the answer for Q7.

  • 8 Answer: 8/eight days
    • Keywords in Q8 are ‘Length of time’, ‘at site’

    • Based on the keyword, we anticipate that the answer would be an amount of time (how many days/months….)

    • At first the lady says ‘It's been there for nearly a week’ but then she changes her answer by saying ‘no’ which meannearly a week’ is not the final answer.

    • Afterwards, she restates ‘it must be eight days’.

    • Hence, ‘eight days’ or ‘8 days’ is the answer for Q8 (as the task requires NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER so both answers are accepted)

  • 9 Answer: Hill Farm Estate
    • Keyword in Q9 is ‘Land belongs to’

    • Based on the keyword, we anticipate that the answer would be a place or an owner.

    • We pay attention when the office asks ‘Does the field actually belong to the school?’. ‘field’ is the same as ‘land’ in the question.

    • Then the lady responds ‘No, it’s part of Hill Farm Estate’

    • Therefore, the land does not belong to the school but belong to ‘Hill Farm Estate’

    • Hence, ‘Hill Farm Estate’ is the correct answer.

  • 10 Answer: local
    • Keywords in Q10 are Last owner’, vehicle does not belong to’, ‘residents’

    • Based on the keyword, we anticipate that the answer would be an adjective describing the noun ‘residents’.

    • The lady is asked about ‘any information about who might own the vehicle’ Even though she hardly know the owner, she is sure that ‘this doesn't belong to anyone round here’ We see the word ‘doesn’t belong to’ is the similar to keyword in the question. However, as we can’t find any adjective fit the blank in that part of speech, we need listening more.

    • Then the officer repeats the lady’s speech in another way which is ‘you don't think it was anyone local’. Anyone’ can be referred to ‘residents’ so ‘local’ is the answer. Besides, ‘local’ is an adjective which fits well in the blank.

    • Thus, ‘local’ is the answer for Q10

Part 1
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Section 1

Council Officer: Environmental Health Department, Paul speaking.

Mrs Shefford: Oh, hello. Erm, wanted to report a vehicle that's been left parked near where I live - I think it’s been abandoned, I wondered if the council could arrange to get it towed away Have I got through to the right department?

Council Officer: Yes. you have. If I could just take a few details . your name, please?

Mrs Shefford: Mrs Shefford.

Council Officer: Thank you

Mrs Shefford: It's not my vehicle, though .. I just thought someone ought to report it

Council Officer: No. that’s fine. What I need to do is take some details first, then we can decide what to do about the problem.

Mrs Shefford: Oh, I see.

Council Officer: So the next thing l need to know is your address

Mrs Shefford: Right It’s 41 Lower Green Street.

Council Officer: Yes

Mrs Shefford:     Barrowdale. And the post code's WH4 5JP.

Council Officer:     Fine And if I could just ask for a telephone number ?

Mrs Shefford:     It's 01778 552387 I’m out quite a lot, but you can just leave a message on the answer phone if you need to or I could give you my mobile number?

Council Officer:     That’s all right, don’t worry Now. could you tell me a little more about this vehicle You say it’s been abandoned?

Mrs Shefford:     Well, it certainly looks like it.

Council Officer:     Can you give me an idea of where it is?

Mrs Shefford:     Yes. It's near the main road that goes through Barrowdale.

Council Officer:     Is that the A69?

Mrs Shefford:     Yes. That's right Now. there's the primary school just towards the end of the village, and then next to that, next to the children's playground, there’s a field, and it’s in there.

Council Officer:     Aah ... I wonder how it got in there?

Mrs Shefford:     There's a gate to allow farm machinery in and out l thought something ought to be done about it - the children from the school might start playing in the vehicle and lock themselves in or something

Council Officer:     Yes, you were quite right to report it. And what type of vehicle are we talking about here?

Mrs Shefford:     It's a van actually. You know, the sort with just a couple of little windows at the back.

Council Officer:     Right You don't happen to know the make and model, do you?

Mrs Shefford:     Oh. yes I went and had a look and got all the details. I thought you might need them I’m surprised the school hasn’t contacted you about it Anyway. I wrote the details down Er. right, it's a Catala, and the model’s a Flyer 2000.

Council Officer:     Is that F-L-Y-E-R?

Mrs Shefford:     That’s right.

Council Officer:     Very good. And the colour?

Mrs Shefford:     Well, it’s not all that easy to see because it’s absolutely filthy. And actually, it looks as if it’s had a paint job at some stage .. it’s blue, but you can just see white underneath where it’s been scratched.

Council Officer:     Right Well, I'll just make a note of the present colour. And if you could just tell me the vehicle number. Did you make a note of that?

Mrs Shefford:     Oh, yes. It’s S 322 GEC.

Council Officer:     OK. And it sounds as if the general condition of the vehicle isn’t too good, from what you say.

Mrs Shefford:     No, it’s pretty poor. It wouldn’t be drivable. It’s got a flat tyre, and there's a crack in the windscreen I reckon someone just wanted to get rid of it.

Council Officer:     That's usually the way.

Mrs Shefford:     It's been there for nearly a week . no. it must be eight days. I remember it was a Sunday morning when l noticed it. It wasn't there the day before. I walk past it most days on the way to the shops I'd have thought the school would have reported it.

Council Officer:     Does the field actually belong to the school?

Mrs Shefford:     No, it’s part of Hill Farm Estate.

Council Officer:     Right! It just make a note of that. And I don't suppose you have any information about who might own the vehicle?

Mrs Shefford:     No, I’ve no idea. So what will you do now?

Council Officer:     Well, we’ll come and have a look, and see if we can trace the owner. And if we can't, the vehicle will be removed as rapidly as the law permits. It could be anything up to 20 days.

Mrs Shefford:     One thing I should say, I'm quite sure this doesn't belong to anyone round here I'd definitely recognise it if it was from someone who lived here.

Council Officer:     So you don't think it was anyone localRight, I'd say at a guess we're looking at a stolen vehicle here.

Mrs Shefford:     I did wonder if it might have been. You hear such a lot about car thieves nowadays.

Council Officer:     Well, we certain!y will be looking into that possibility. Anyway, thank you for contacting us, Mrs Shefford, and we'll keep you informed of what happens.

Mrs Shefford:     Right. Thank you very much.

Council Officer:     Goodbye.

Mrs Shefford:     Goodbye.


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