Answer Keys:
# | User | Score | Time | |
Nkho Nioh | | 9.0 | 15:14 | |
Ramziddin Xabibullayev | | 9.0 | 16:03 | |
Mayowa Olatunde | | 9.0 | 16:26 | |
4 | Long Luyện | | 9.0 | 17:09 |
5 | Liv Leva | | 9.0 | 17:24 |
6 | Nguyễn Hải Hà | | 9.0 | 24:02 |
7 | Nguyen Minh Phong | | 9.0 | 24:14 |
8 | Nora Thu | | 9.0 | 30:01 |
9 | Regina Martins | | 9.0 | 31:44 |
10 | Natasha Parajuli | | 9.0 | 39:26 |
It is often a big hurdle faced by many IELTS students to struggle for completing the IELTS reading exam in 1 hour and finishing it in less than...
Review & Explanations:
Complete the following information about the cars available for rental using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS for each answer.
Name | Size | Miles per gallon | Price* |
IOTA | Small | 20 | £23 |
COMBI | medium | 17 | £28.75 |
ROADSTER | 1 | 2 | £ 3 |
*Prices include tax and 4 |
Complete the following information using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS for each answer.
Name | David 5 |
Company | 6 |
Address | 7 Arlington Close, Beddleton, Yorkshire. |
Telephone | 0676934888 |
Complete the following sentences.
In the car, there is a 8 and a torch.
The registration number of the car is 9
The car uses a 10 locking system.
Source 1
Source 2
Saleswoman: Good morning, sir. How can I help you?
Man: I’d like to rent a car, please.
Saleswoman: Certainly. What kind of car were you thinking of?
Man: Oh, a small or medium sized one. Could you show me a brochure or leaflet with the different available types?
Saleswoman: Of course. We have one type of small car and two types of medium sized ones. As you can see, the small type is called the Iota and the medium ones are called the Combi and the Roadster.
Man: Thank you. I see the Iota offers twenty miles to the gallon in urban areas.
Saleswoman: Yes. It’s certainly very economical . The Combi is almost as good at 18 miles to the gallon. The Roadster offers 17-is that right?
Man: You’re right.
Saleswoman: Of course, those mileages go up substantially when driving on motorways.
Man: Of course. I’ll be driving around town. The only time I’ll be using a motorways is from here, the airport, to the centre.
Saleswoman: I see. Well, I’d recommend the small Iota. Parking can be difficult in town and it’s a touch easier with a small vehicle .
Man: Yes, of course. Let me just look at prices before making a final decision . I’m here on business and will need the car for four days. The daily rate for the Iota is …
Saleswoman: £20 plus tax. The Combi is twenty five pounds and the Roadster is £27. Again, those prices are before tax.
Man: The tax is 15% , right?
Saleswoman: Yes. So the total costs are £23, £28.75 and £31.05 per day respectively.
Man: Do those prices include insurance ?
Saleswoman: Yes, they do. However, the insurance only covers one driver – the one who signs the rental agreement . We can cover other drivers for an additional fee.
Man: That’s OK. I’m here alone. OK, I’ll take the Iota. Oh, what about fuel costs?
Saleswoman: All of our cars have a full tank when customers take them. If the car is returned with a full tank, there’s no additional fee. Otherwise, we have to charge for the tank to be refilled .
Man: I see. There’s a filling station here at the airport , so I’ll take care of that there when I return the car.
Saleswoman: That’s what most of our customers do. Could I take a few details ? Then I’ll print out two copies of the rental agreement for you to sign. I’ll need your name and the name of your company first of all.
Man: My name is David Browne-that’s Browne with an ‘e’. My company name is hector Electronics-that’s spelt H E C T R I X.
Saleswoman: And what is the company’s address, please?
Man: It’s Unit 2. Arlington Close, Baddleton, Yorkshire.
Saleswoman: And the telephone number?
Man: oh six seven five nine three four eight eight eight .
Saleswoman: Will you be using a company credit card or your own one?
Man: I have a company credit card . … There you are.
Saleswoman: Thank you. I’ll just run this through the machine. Could you enter your PIN, please? … Thanks. … OK I’ve entered the details of the rental, but I’ve left the rest blank in case there are any extra charges, such as fuel.
Man: Right. I should sign here, shouldn’t I?
Saleswoman: Yes, please. Now, let me tell you a few things about the car. There’s a first aid kit in the boot. That has to be there by law. There’s also a torch in the glove compartment , just in case. Do you have a map of the town?
Man: No, I don’t. I was hoping you could provide one.
Saleswoman: That’s no problem. Here you are. You won’t need one for the surrounding area, will you?
Man: No, I won’t. Thank you. Is that everything?
Saleswoman: Yes. The car is parked over there. It’s the blue one. The registration number is k7 5/8 smd oh .
Man: Ah, yes. I see it.
Saleswoman: Here are the keys. The car has an alarm that you can switch on and off using this button here.
Man: Does the car have central locking?
Saleswoman: Yes. it does.
Man: Well, thank you very much. Goodbye.
Saleswoman: Goodbye, sir.