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IELTS Mock Test 2024 August Speaking Practice Test 4

Question list

  • What is your full name?

  • Where are you from?

  • Do you work or study?

  • Have you ever tried any exciting activities?

  • What do you think were exciting activities?

  • Has anything exciting happened to you recently?

  • Would you like to try scuba diving and bungee jumping?

  • Which do you prefer, e-books or paper books?

  • When do you usually read online?

  • Will you read more online in the future?

  • Do you think paper books will disappear in the future?

  • Are you interested in news?

  • How do you usually find news?

  • How do your friends get news?

  • Have you read the news this morning?

  • Talk about a party that you regretted going to

    You should say:

    • When did that happen?
    • Whose party was it?
    • Why did you go there?
    • Why did you regret going there?
  • Why do people often feel regret about their past decisions?

  • Do you think regret can motivate someone to make positive changes? How?

  • Can feeling regret have any negative effects on a person’s well-being?

  • How can someone learn from their regrets without letting them hold them back?

  • Is it important to talk about feelings of regret with others? Why or why not?

  • Do different cultures view regret in different ways?

  • Can you give an example of how this might vary?

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Global willingness to eat insects products and the current price for certain food available on the Market place

Putting my thoughts forward Global willingness to eat insects might vary greatly from region to region. As for Western Countries, there is still a degree of hesitancy or cultural resistance to incorporate insects into their diet. Although this was changing slowly as awareness of the environmental benefits and nutritional value of insects increased.  On the other hand, in some Asian and African countries, insects have been a traditional food source for centuries, and there was greater acceptance.

Coming from India, a land of diversity , there are many tribes especially in the north east region , availability of insect based products are quite common in the market. Especially in Nagaland market, you will find a variety of insects, many are considered medicinal. Common Asian countries are famous for insect food products like Thailand, China and many more.

A few months back while scrolling through my Youtube i came across a video that shows the insects market of Nagaland and it quite shocking to know the prices of it, kg for 400 an insect looks like grasshopper. So the prices might vary according to the demand and availability. In Thailand, insects like crickets, grasshoppers, and meal worms were often sold in local markets, and prices could vary depending on factors such as seasonality and location. In china , insects particularly silkworm pupae and crickets, were also consumed and available in markets. prices could vary by region and availability , but generally competitive with other protein sources.

In conclusion, the willingness to eat insects and the affordability of insect products depend on cultural, economic and environmental factors. As awareness grows and production methods become more efficient , it's likely that insect consumption will continue to evolve, potentially offering a more sustainable and nutritious food.


The map depicts worldwide countries which willing to eat insect products and the bar graph compares the prices of each kg insect type in USD.

Overall, across the globe, only a few countries want to taste the insects, namely, in the North American continent: USA and Mexico, in the south: Peru and Brazil,
in Asia: China, Russia, UK, Spain, Japan, India, and Thailand. In Africa: only S.Africa. However, Australia is on this list as well. The most willingness can be witnessed from Mexico, Peru, and Thailand. In comparisons of insect prices, wild Weaver ants, Bamboo caterpillars, and Palm Weevils are leaders on the list.

To begin with, the percentage of willingness to eat insects in Mexico, Peru, and Thailand was all above 50%, specifically, 71% in Mexico, 58%, and 56% in Peru and Thailand.
By contrast, the meat of Buffalo, beef, and Broiler were on the same rank, ranging from 1.08 to 2.38 US dollars per kg.
However, Rice ( thai hom Mali) and Glutinous Rice were on the lowest price rank, only around 0.78 and 0.82 US dollars per kg.

This could be a band 6.5 sample, checked with Chat GPT

Would love it if someone could have a look at my essays, and give a rough score.


This chart compares willingness to consume insect food globally and prices of insect vs traditional meat products. Clear variations exist between the countries shown. Mexico, Peru and Thailand have high openness to entomophagy (50-70%). In contrast, Japan, Russia and India show minimal appetite for insects (<30%).
Interestingly, insect prices align with demand. Insect food costs $20-50/kg where acceptance is high in Mexico/Peru/Thailand. Traditional meats like chicken and pork are cheaper at $3-12/kg. However, in Japan/Russia/India insect prices are inflated despite low interest. Conventional meats are more affordable.
In summary, the data indicates willingness to pay for insect food corresponds to cultural acceptance rates. Targeted marketing could expand appeal worldwide. But time and education may be needed to shift attitudes in resistant nations.


The given diagrams illustrate the desire of people to consume insect products and the cost of some commodities sold on the market.

  As can be seen from the map, the least  popular insect products are in Russia, India, the USA,Japan,Spain, Africa,the UK and Australia, where the proportion is fluctuating from 21% to 36%. China and Brazil,however, are second highest with 44% and 45% respectively. The majority of aforementioned goods are going to be consumed in Peru,Mexico and Thailand, where the percentage is varying from 56% to 71%.

  Turning to the bar chart, the most costly and profitable across the whole market is Weaver Ant, with the price decreasing significantly to the rice ( 10.65 USD/kg and 0.78 USD/kg  correspondingly).Looking into details, beef is the most expensive among meats, in  sharp contrast to chicken (3.03 and 1.08 accordingly). It is  also worth noting ,that wild species are more pricy than bred ones.

  Overall, the most ready-to-consume insect products are in Peru(71%) and the least in Japan(21%). According to the graph, the cheapest product is Rice(0.78 USD/kg) while the cost of wild Weaver Ants is astronomical(10.65 USD/KG)


The given diagrams illustrate the desire of people to consume insect products and the cost of some commodities sold on the market.

  As can be seen from the map, the least  popular insect products are in Russia, India, the USA,Japan,Spain, Africa,the UK and Australia, where the proportion is fluctuating from 21% to 36%. China and Brazil,however, are second highest with 44% and 45% respectively. The majority of aforementioned goods are going to be consumed in Peru,Mexico and Thailand, where the percentage is varying from 56% to 71%.

  Turning to the bar chart, the most costly and profitable across the whole market is Weaver Ant, with the price decreasing significantly to the rice ( 10.65 USD/kg and 0.78 USD/kg  correspondingly).Looking into details, beef is the most expensive among meats, in  sharp contrast to chicken (3.03 and 1.08 accordingly). It is  also worth noting ,that wild species are more pricy than bred ones.

  Overall, the most ready-to-consume insect products are in Peru(71%) and the least in Japan(21%). According to the graph, the cheapest product is Rice(0.78 USD/kg) while the cost of wild Weaver Ants is astronomical(10.65 USD/KG)

Is there anyone to help me out here in writing test, I've no idea how to deal with it. I'm bit confused about what topic to write and what will be write.

Lydia Tao

Given the map shows the information for the global willingness to eat insect products, Mexico ranked as the highest willingness to take insects as food with 71% of willingness %, followed by Peru 58%, Thailand 56%, Brazil 45% and China 44%. These 5 countries are top 5 countries that have the highest willingness to eat insects.
USA, Russia, India, Spain, UK, South Africa and Australia are on the average willingness with around 30%. But it's clear from the map that countries having the willingness of eating insects are spread all over the world.
As looking into the 2nd analysis bar of food prices, it surprised us that prices of insects are much higher than normal food. The average price of insects is around 6 USD/KG vs. 3 USD/KG of other normal food, almost twice times higher than normal food. Why prices of insects are much higher than other meats? This is due to moar of insects are all wild which cannot be raised by human and the volume availability . Beef, Pork and chicken are raised in farms and have mature supply chain as food to human for hundreds of years.

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