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IELTS Mock Test 2020 June

IELTS Mock Test 2020 June

(533 votes)
  • Published on: 07 May 2020
  • Tests taken: 205,718

Answer Keys:

Part 1: Question 1 - 11
  • 1 Johnstone 
  • 2 126 
  • 3 0414 847 749 
  • 4 (about) 10 
  • 5 (Uncle’s) shop (work) 
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
Correct answer: 0/11
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Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 11
Correct answer: 0/11
  • 1 Johnstone 
  • 2 126 
  • 3 0414 847 749 
  • 4 (about) 10 
  • 5 (Uncle’s) shop (work) 
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
Part 2: Question 12 - 21
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15 yes 
  • 16 9:15 am 
  • 17
  • 18 umbrella/backpack/ camera/snacks/drinks 
  • 19 (on) notice-board/(in) mailbox 
  • 20 first iron bridge 
  • 21 C,D,H 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 12 - 21
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15 yes 
  • 16 9:15 am 
  • 17
  • 18 umbrella/backpack/ camera/snacks/drinks 
  • 19 (on) notice-board/(in) mailbox 
  • 20 first iron bridge 
  • 21 C,D,H 
Part 3: Question 22 - 30
  • 22 no change 
  • 23 Monday 12th March 
  • 24 (Wednesday) afternoons 
  • 25 no change 
  • 26 Wednesday mornings (21st March) 
  • 27
  • 28 company (first/then college) 
  • 29 30% 
  • 30 diagrams 
Correct answer: 0/9
See all
Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 22 - 30
Correct answer: 0/9
  • 22 no change 
  • 23 Monday 12th March 
  • 24 (Wednesday) afternoons 
  • 25 no change 
  • 26 Wednesday mornings (21st March) 
  • 27
  • 28 company (first/then college) 
  • 29 30% 
  • 30 diagrams 
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36
  • 37
  • 38 boiling water 
  • 39 rub 
  • 40 the excess 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36
  • 37
  • 38 boiling water 
  • 39 rub 
  • 40 the excess 


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thái nguyễn 9.018:04
4 Le Pham Hai Dang 9.018:55
5 Gary Zhang 9.021:49
6 Anindi K 9.022:59
7 maythu ko 9.023:20
8 Đoàn Quang Khải 9.023:43
9 Vũ Phương 9.024:22
10 Reem abdalmhsen 9.025:02
Tips for improving your ielts score
Working out unfamiliar vocabulary

Working out unfamiliar vocabulary

When reading a passage in the IELTS test, it is most likely that you will come across words with which you are unfamiliar. Be prepared for this....

(38 votes)
12 Nov 2018

Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-11

Questions 1-5

Complete the form below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.




Science (EXAMPLE)

Given name:





2 Heathfield St., Maryland

Telephone numbers:





Number of hours preferred:

4 per week

Employment experience:


  • 1 Answer: Johnstone
    • The keyword concerned in Q1 must be “Surname ”

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a name.

    • Accordingly, as the man asks the woman to tell him her surname, the woman confirms that her surname is “Johnstone”, even then the woman spells that surname “J-O-H-N-S-T-O-N-E.” Therefore, the answer for this question must be “Johnstone

  • 2 Answer: 126
    • The keywords concerned in Q2 must be “address”and “Heathfield St., Maryland

    • From the question, we can guess that the answer must be an address.

    • Accordingly, the man asks the woman to tell him her address, she replies that “It’s 126”, even then the man repeats again that address “1-2-6.” Therefore, the answer for this question must be “126”. Therefore, 126 is the correct answer for this question.

  • 3 Answer: 0414 847 749
    • The keyword concerned in Q3 must be mobile”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a mobile number.

    • As the man ask the woman to tell the mobile phone, the woman states that I think it’s 0414 847 748, I’ll just check, ... no, sorry, not 748, it’s 749. It means that we replace 749 with 748. Or if you are missed, the man repeats again that number “0-4-1-4 8-4-7 7-4-9” Thus, the correct answer for this question must be 0-4-1-4 8-4-7 7-4-9

  • 4 Answer: (about) 10
    • The keyword concerned in Q4 must be “Number of hours preferred

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be number .

    • Accordingly, after the man asks “How many hours a week were you thinking of? And the woman also replies that Oh, I’m not sure, maybe about ten. “Therefore, the answer for this question must be “(about) ten”.

  • 5 Answer: (Uncle’s) shop (work)
    • The keyword concerned in Q5 must be Employment experience.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be experience.

    • Accordingly, the passage mentions that Not much, though I used to help in my Uncle’s shop when I was at school.” In another way, the women used to be an employee in her Uncle’s shop, thus her employment experience is to work at shop. Therefore, the answer for this question must be “(Uncle’s) shop (work)”.

Questions 6-8

Circle the correct letter A-C.


What time should Annetta finish work in the hamburger shop?

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: C
  • The keywords concerned in Q6 must be time”, “Annetta finish work” and “hamburger shop”.

  • The woman mentions 3 options in the question, but:

  • About the option A, 7pm is not the time of finishing work, it is just starting time. The woman states that I start at 7 pm” Therefore, the option A is the incorrect answer.

  • About the option B, The woman confirms that I’m supposed to finish at 11 pm but sometimes they keep me until 2 or 3 am. Although 3am is also the time of finishing working hours but only “sometimes”. 11 pm is the correct answer for this question.

Therefore the answer for this question must be “C”.


What is the problem with Annetta’s pay at the hamburger shop?

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: B
  • The keywords concerned in Q7 must be “the problem”, “Annetta’s pay” and “the hamburger shop”
  • As the passage, the speaker states that They’re supposed to pay me on Thursdays, but they never pay me on the correct day, often not until Friday or Saturday.”
  • Note: It means that Annetta should have been paid wages on Thursdays but they always pay later, such as Friday or Saturday, even Sunday. Moreover, maybe many people choose the option C, but please consider carefully, because the speaker only mentions to incorrect day but not incorrect pay. Therefore, the answer for this question must be B”.


How many children will Annetta have to look after?

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: C
  • The keywords concerned in Q8 must be “children”, “Annetta”and “look after”
  • According to the passage, the man states that Collect the boy aged four from kindergarten at three pm. Pick up the other two girls, who are aged six and nine,from the primary school at three fifteen.”. In another way, Annetta have to look after 3 childrens consisting of two girls and a boy.
  • Therefore, the answer for the question 8 must be “C”

Questions 9-11

Part 1
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Part 1

A conversation between two first year university students and an officer from the Student Union Employment Service

A: Hi Bill. This is my friend Charlotte. She’s doing first year Science, too.

B: Pleased to meet you Charlotte. Annetta told me you want some part-time work. Now I just have to complete your details on the computer ... um... what’s your surname? 

C: Johnstone.

B: With an ’e’?

C: Yes ... J-O-H-N-S-T-O-N-E.

B: I know that you live in the Heathfield street student residence, but I can’t remember the street number there.

C: It’s 126.

B: 1-2-6 ... good. And the phone number?

C: Well, actually I never give people that number because sometimes nobody answers or they forget to pass on the messages; so I bought a mobile phone yesterday, but I can’t remember the number. I think it’s 0414 847 748, I’ll just check, ... no, sorry, not 748, it’s 749.

B: 0-4-1-4 8-4-7 7-4-9?

C: Yes, that’s right, I must try and remember it.

B: And what sort of work are you looking for? 

C: Well, anything really I suppose, though it depends when it is. I’d rather work during the day if that’s possible.

B: How many hours a week were you thinking of?

C: Oh, I’m not sure, maybe about ten. But I need to keep at least two days a week free for study.

B: Do you have any work experience?

C: Not much, though I used to help in my Uncle’s shop when I was at school.

B: OK. Well, I’ll put it in, but we don’t usually get shop work. What about gardening? 

C: I’d rather not, everything I touch dies! What other kinds of work are there?

B: Well, there’s a lot of demand for house cleaning, fast food preparation and kitchen work and pizza delivery, if you’ve held a driving licence for twelve months.

C: I’m not sure. Can I have a look at the vacancies while you talk to Annetta?


Charlotte looks at the vacancies while Annetta talks to Bill.

A: Bill, I’d like to change my job.

B: You’re at the Hamburger Express on the High St., aren’t you? What’s the problem?

A: Well, I never know what hours I’m going to work. I start at 7 pm and I’m supposed to finish at 11 pm but sometimes they keep me until 2 or 3 am.

B: Yes, that is a bit late if you have to make a 9 am lecture the next day!

A: And the other thing is the pay. They’re supposed to pay me on Thursdays, but they never pay me on the correct day, often not until Friday or Saturday. A few weeks ago I had to wait until Sunday! They said their son was sick so they couldn’t get to the bank, but they’re always making excuses.

B: Yes, that doesn’t sound too good. Would you be interested in pizza delivery? You need to have a driving licence.

A: Yes, I’ve got a licence, but I think I’d like to change from working in the evening. Are there any day jobs available?

B: Well, as I told Charlotte there are several cleaning and gardening vacancies ... er... and this childcare job that just came in this morning. Do you like children?

A: Yes, I do actually. What’s the job?

B: Let’s have a look. 'Collect the boy aged four from kindergarten at three pm. Pick up the other two girls, who are aged six and nine,from the primary school at three fifteen.’ You take them home and look after them. The parents will be home by seven.

A: That sounds quite good. What about the pay?

B: It’s the same as you’re earning now, four hours a day, Monday to Friday, so twenty hours a week. You need to contact Mrs. Alicia Thompson. Her phone number is 9104 5629, and she lives in Springfield.

A: I’ve never been to Springfield. I hope I don’t get lost.

B: Don’t worry, it sounds quite straightforward. Let’s have a look at the street directory. The Thompsons live here in Tulip St., number 252, so you catch the 631 bus, get off here next to the Post Office in Daisy Terrace. Walk past the Post Office to the corner, and on the opposite corner is the kindergarten. Then walk down Daffodil Place and cross over to the Primary School. Then keep going down Daffodil Place to the corner and turn right into Tulip St.


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