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IELTS Mock Test 2020 December

IELTS Mock Test 2020 December

(574 votes)
  • Published on: 22 Dec 2020
  • Tests taken: 205,959

Answer Keys:

Part 1: Question 1 - 13
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6 Quitting 
  • 7 vague 
  • 8 motivation 
  • 9 brands 
  • 10 success rate 
  • 11 relapse 
  • 12 failure 
  • 13 realistic 
Correct answer: 0/13
See all
Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 13
Correct answer: 0/13
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6 Quitting 
  • 7 vague 
  • 8 motivation 
  • 9 brands 
  • 10 success rate 
  • 11 relapse 
  • 12 failure 
  • 13 realistic 
Part 2: Question 14 - 26
  • 14
  • 15 iv 
  • 16 vii 
  • 17 iii 
  • 18 ii 
  • 19
  • 20
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24 physical and mechanical 
  • 25 car manufacturers self-regulate 
  • 26 the (German) government 
Correct answer: 0/13
See all
Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 14 - 26
Correct answer: 0/13
  • 14
  • 15 iv 
  • 16 vii 
  • 17 iii 
  • 18 ii 
  • 19
  • 20
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24 physical and mechanical 
  • 25 car manufacturers self-regulate 
  • 26 the (German) government 
Part 3: Question 27 - 40
  • 27
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36
  • 37
  • 38 YES 
  • 39 NOT GIVEN 
  • 40 NO 
Correct answer: 0/14
See all
Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 27 - 40
Correct answer: 0/14
  • 27
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36
  • 37
  • 38 YES 
  • 39 NOT GIVEN 
  • 40 NO 


Phạm Huy 9.017:19
Kiệt Trần 9.018:10
Nguyen Tat Khai Duong 9.018:19
4 Dera Auliya 9.018:53
5 Huy Đứm Qi 9.027:37
6 Nguyen Hong Phuc 9.030:54
7 hua khanhxuan 9.032:42
9 Thái Tiểu Bảo 9.035:15
10 Yash Gambhir 9.036:51
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How to Do Flow Chart Type of Questions in IELTS Listening?

You may come across flow chart type of questions in IELTS listening exam, probably in Section 2. This is another form of diagram questions...

(86 votes)
29 Jul 2018

Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-13

Questions 1-5

Questions 6-13

Complete the notes below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.



- 6 only likely to be a goal if the smoker is in what is termed contemplation mode (or any of the subsequent modes which result from this initial state of mind).

Smokers in contemplation mode have good intentions,

but their targets are often 7 distant.

Their 8 is still lacking somewhat.

- Action mode is the state of mind in which the smoker decides that he will make a real effort to quit.

It doesn’t have to involve grand gestures.

Simply switching 9 to a weaker-type of cigarette

is a move in the right direction.

Surprisingly though, giving up smoking completely straight away

has a low 10

- Most People who try to quit will have a 11 and start smoking regularly again at some point.

This is not a reason to stop trying though; most ex-smokers will have faced

12 in their efforts to quit at least

once before managing to kick the habit.

- The push to try to quit again is known as renewed-action mode.

People in this mode set 13

targets for themselves, having learned from their past mistakes.

It is the mode which is most conducive to success.

  • 6 Answer: Quitting

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q6: Remember:

    - _____only likely to be a goal if the smoker is in what is termed contemplation mode (or any of the subsequent modes which result from this initial state of mind).

    That said, quitting is possible so long as the smoker is at least in contemplation mode. There are six different modes smokers can find themselves in. The first, pre-contemplation, is typically the most difficult point from which to start quitting. This person has never really thought about quitting before, nor sensed any necessity or urgency to quit. He or she is likely going to be poorly motivated and willpower is a major hurdle that may prove too much to overcome with such low motivation levels. These smokers tend only to say that they will try to quit when pressured to do so by a loved one, but really they have no desire whatsoever to give up.


    The words to fill in the blank should be a noun. This noun is somehow related to a goal for smokers.

    To answer this question, we will look for paragraphs with the keyword “contemplation mode”. We can see they discuss about this keyword a lot in paragraph 2. In the paragraph, we easily notice that it only talks about how people can quit smoking by setting it as a goal. Therefore, we can conclude that the answer is "Quitting".

  • 7 Answer: vague

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q7 and Q8: Smokers in contemplation mode have good intentions, but their targets are often 7. _____distant. Their 8. _____ is still lacking somewhat.

    Someone who genuinely wants to quit is in what we term “contemplation" mode. These people, the contemplators, are of a mind to quit but still lack the motivation to try. They are constantly saying that they will quit, and often set vague far-off dates for when the act of quitting is likely to occur. A husband might say to his wife, for example: 'when we have our first child, I will stop smoking'. Part of him means it, and, to even acknowledge the need to stop and the implication that smoking would have adverse effects on his children’s health is a step in the right direction. However, in reality, while the smoker knows he should quit, his motivation to do so is still not high and he seriously doubts his own willpower which is why he draws attention to a time when, as he perceives it, his willpower will have increased - such as after the birth of his firstborn.


    The answers for Q7 should be an adjective and Q8 should be a noun.

    The keyword here is “contemplation mode”. Although we can see that it discusses about “Contemplation Mode” a lot in paragraph 2, paragraph 4 seems to resemble to the parts that contains the gaps of Q7 and Q8.

    • In Q7, the word we should be looking for is in the middle of a phrase “their targets are often ____ distant”. We can see the similar phrase in the passage: “set vague far-off dates”. So, it is noticeable that the answer for Q7 is "vague”.

    • For Q8, we should notice the part “is still lacking somewhat” in the question. We can spot the part where they are talking about it in the end of paragraph 4. “His motivation to do so is still not high” indicates that he still lacks some motivation to quit smoking. Therefore, we can conclude that the answer for Q8 is "motivation”.

  • 8 Answer: motivation

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q7 and Q8: Smokers in contemplation mode have good intentions, but their targets are often 7. _____distant. Their 8. _____ is still lacking somewhat.

    Someone who genuinely wants to quit is in what we term “contemplation" mode. These people, the contemplators, are of a mind to quit but still lack the motivation to try. They are constantly saying that they will quit, and often set vague far-off dates for when the act of quitting is likely to occur. A husband might say to his wife, for example: 'when we have our first child, I will stop smoking'. Part of him means it, and, to even acknowledge the need to stop and the implication that smoking would have adverse effects on his children’s health is a step in the right direction. However, in reality, while the smoker knows he should quit, his motivation to do so is still not high and he seriously doubts his own willpower which is why he draws attention to a time when, as he perceives it, his willpower will have increased - such as after the birth of his firstborn.


    The answers for Q7 should be an adjective and Q8 should be a noun.

    The keyword here is “contemplation mode”. Although we can see that it discusses about “Contemplation Mode” a lot in paragraph 2, paragraph 4 seems to resemble to the parts that contains the gaps of Q7 and Q8.

    • In Q7, the word we should be looking for is in the middle of a phrase “their targets are often ____ distant”. We can see the similar phrase in the passage: “set vague far-off dates”. So, it is noticeable that the answer for Q7 is "vague”.

    • For Q8, we should notice the part “is still lacking somewhat” in the question. We can spot the part where they are talking about it in the end of paragraph 4. “His motivation to do so is still not high” indicates that he still lacks some motivation to quit smoking. Therefore, we can conclude that the answer for Q8 is "motivation”.

  • 9 Answer: brands

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q9: - Action mode is the state of mind in which the smoker decides that he will make a real effort to quit.

    It doesn’t have to involve grand gestures.

    Simply switching _____to a weaker-type of cigarette is a move in the right direction.

    People have different approaches to action mode; some change brands initially, some cut down on the amount they smoke, others wear patches or take other nicotine substitutes, and a few try to go cold turkey, a practice that does not actually have a very high success rate. The key thing that everyone in the action mode has in common is the will to try. Likely though it may be that this will be broken at some point or another, the smoker that is resolute in his determination to keep trying to quit will, statistically, succeed. For example, more than 70 percent of ex-smokers (that is, former smokers who have been off cigarettes for in excess of one year) tried and failed to give up once before they were successful. Almost one fifth of all ex-smokers fall into the tried-and-failed-between-two-and-four-times category. There is one clear message then to be got from this: keep trying!


    This blank should be filled with a noun, and describe a type of movement to quit smoking.

    The keyword in the question is "Action mode". It is in paragraph 6 that mentions this keyword. We can see some similarities between the question and the paragraph:

    • The smoker decides that he will make a real effort to quit: at this stage, people will do everything to quit smoking, and with high chance that they can succeed. The paragraph specifically describes it and even gives an example statistically.

    • switching _____to a weaker-type of cigarette: In the beginning of the paragraph, it already mentions about how people react in action mode. They will change brands initially, some cut down on the amount they smoke, others wear patches or take other nicotine substitutes. These are weaker-type of cigarette. Since “switch” and “change” are synonyms, the answer for this question is "brands".

  • 10 Answer: success rate

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q10: Surprisingly though, giving up smoking completely straight away has a low________.

    People have different approaches to action mode; some change brands initially, some cut down on the amount they smoke, others wear patches or take other nicotine substitutes, and a few try to go cold turkey, a practice that does not actually have a very high success rate. The key thing that everyone in the action mode has in common is the will to try. Likely though it may be that this will will be broken at some point or another, the smoker that is resolute in his determination to keep trying to quit will, statistically, succeed.


    To answer this question, we should search for synonym of “giving up smoking completely”. We can see that in paragraph 6, they mention the word “cold turkey”. It’s a method of giving up smoking straight away. It also states that this method does not have a high success rate, which means that it has a low success rate. We can easily conclude that the answer is “success rate”.

  • 11 Answer: relapse

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q11: - Most people who try to quit will have a ________ and start smoking regularly again at some point.

    Relapse is a return to daily smoking after a period of non-smoking. Almost three quarters of smokers will find themselves here the first time they try to quit.


    The tip to answer this question is to scan for the part that mentions about people start smoking again at some point. We can easily see in the beginning of the last paragraph, they explain the definition of relapse mode. It is a return to daily smoking after a period of non-smoking Therefore, it is easy to find out that the answer is “relapse”.

  • 12 Answer: failure

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q12: This is not a reason to stop trying though; most ex-smokers will have faced ______ in their efforts to quit at least once before managing to kick the habit.

    When you get to the maintenance phase, the phase in which you have stopped smoking completely, but are still within that first year of having quit, there is a tendency to assume that you are out of the woods. Sadly, this is where many people are let down by their over-confidence. Phrases such as ‘I’ll just have one - sure I don’t need them anymore’ are not uncommon at this point, and all the hard work it took to quit is undone in a moment or two of madness where one cigarette quickly becomes two, two become three and before you know it, you are a fully-fledged addict again. It is important, therefore, to be conscious of the possibility of reverting to type during the first year, and to be on your guard. That said, failure is not the end, so despair not; you have simply entered another phase - relapse.


    To answer this question, we should look at the last 2 paragraphs, where they describe relapse mode. Take a look closer at paragraph 7, we can find the similarity between the question and the paragraph. They all mention about how people succumb and turn back to smoking habit. People will face failure but it doesn’t mean that they should stop trying, because it’s not the end. It is simply a phase that they have to overcome.

    For that reason, it is obvious that the answer is “failure”.

  • 13 Answer: realistic

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q13: - The push to try to quit again is known as renewed-action mode.

    People in this mode set ________ targets for themselves, having learned from their past mistakes. It is the mode which is most conducive to success.

    Relapse is a return to daily smoking after a period of non-smoking. Almost three quarters of smokers will find themselves here the first time they try to quit. There is, however, a danger of giving up on trying to give up at this stage, which is the wrong attitude to take. Failing in the quitting smoking stakes actually makes you less likely to fail the next time you try -practice really makes perfect in this game. Pluck up the courage to try again and you will find yourself in a very familiar place to smokers: renewed-action mode. In this mode, you are as determined as ever to quit, but you have an edge - you can learn from your past mistakes and keep your expectations realistic.


    For this question, we should scan for keyword “renewed-action mode”. We can find the information in the last paragraph easily. After facing failure in quitting smoking, people learn from their mistakes, and try to keep their expectation more realistic. For that reason, we can conclude that the answer is realistic.

Part 1


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.

If at first you don’t succeed...

Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of smokers - smokers who smoke for pleasure and smokers who draw when stressed. The former use cigarettes when they feel good -for stimulation and relaxation. The latter use cigarettes as a coping mechanism to deal with stress, anger, tiredness, anxiety and so on. Pleasure smokers typically smoke fewer cigarettes a day and may go for extended periods without smoking at all, only having a puff when they are in a place (the bar, for example) they associate with the habit. Smokers who use their habit as a coping mechanism tend to be far more reliant on cigarettes though, smoking regularly throughout the day, and larger quantities overall than pleasure smokers. Their overdependence on cigarettes makes the task of quitting much harder because, whereas pleasure smokers can simply look for a substitute stimulant, smokers who use their habit as a coping mechanism must solve the underlying problems that compel them to want to smoke as much as they must kick the habit itself.

That said, quitting is possible so long as the smoker is at least in contemplation mode. There are six different modes smokers can find themselves in. The first, pre-contemplation, is typically the most difficult point from which to start quitting. This person has never really thought about quitting before, nor sensed any necessity or urgency to quit. He or she is likely going to be poorly motivated and willpower is a major hurdle that may prove too much to overcome with such low motivation levels. These smokers tend only to say that they will try to quit when pressured to do so by a loved one, but really they have no desire whatsoever to give up.

Such individuals are unlikely to be affected by public health warnings and rarely listen to the negative publicity smoking receives in the media or place any importance on the wider society’s view of them and their habit. They are relatively content and the prospect of success in their quitting, in the long term, is low, unless they have some direct personal experience of the ill effects of smoking, like, for example, a close-family bereavement or a smoking-related health scare they (or someone close to them) have had, as only this sort of fright will give them the motivation to genuinely want to change their attitude and quit.

Someone who genuinely wants to quit is in what we term “contemplation" mode. These people, the contemplators, are of a mind to quit but still lack the motivation to try. They are constantly saying that they will quit, and often set vague far-off dates for when the act of quitting is likely to occur. A husband might say to his wife, for example: 'when we have our first child, I will stop smoking'. Part of him means it, and, to even acknowledge the need to stop and the implication that smoking would have adverse effects on his children’s health is a step in the right direction. However, in reality, while the smoker knows he should quit, his motivation to do so is still not high and he seriously doubts his own willpower which is why he draws attention to a time when, as he perceives it, his willpower will have increased - such as after the birth of his firstborn.

Really, the only way to ever successfully give up smoking is to just get on with it. Don’t put it off until tomorrow; the task starts now. Each time we allow ourselves another excuse to have even just one more cigarette, our willpower has folded and we have succumbed to our nicotine cravings. The action mode, then, is the one all current smokers must try to place themselves in. Here, they really are trying to quit and not just talking about it.

People have different approaches to action mode; some change brands initially, some cut down on the amount they smoke, others wear patches or take other nicotine substitutes, and a few try to go cold turkey, a practice that does not actually have a very high success rate. The key thing that everyone in the action mode has in common is the will to try. Likely though it may be that this will will be broken at some point or another, the smoker that is resolute in his determination to keep trying to quit will, statistically, succeed. For example, more than 70 percent of ex-smokers (that is, former smokers who have been off cigarettes for in excess of one year) tried and failed to give up once before they were successful. Almost one fifth of all ex-smokers fall into the tried-and-failed-between-two-and-four-times category. There is one clear message then to be got from this: keep trying!

When you get to the maintenance phase, the phase in which you have stopped smoking completely, but are still within that first year of having quit, there is a tendency to assume that you are out of the woods. Sadly, this is where many people are let down by their over-confidence. Phrases such as ‘I’ll just have one - sure I don’t need them anymore’ are not uncommon at this point, and all the hard work it took to quit is undone in a moment or two of madness where one cigarette quickly becomes two, two become three and before you know it, you are a fully fledged addict again. It is important, therefore, to be conscious of the possibility of reverting to type during the first year, and to be on your guard. That said, failure is not the end, so despair not; you have simply entered another phase - relapse.

Relapse is a return to daily smoking after a period of non-smoking. Almost three quarters of smokers will find themselves here the first time they try to quit. There is, however, a danger of giving up on trying to give up at this stage, which is the wrong attitude to take. Failing in the quitting smoking stakes actually makes you less likely to fail the next time you try -practice really makes perfect in this game. Pluck up the courage to try again and you will find yourself in a very familiar place to smokers: renewed-action mode. In this mode, you are as determined as ever to quit, but you have an edge - you can learn from your past mistakes and keep your expectations realistic.


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