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Verb agreement definition and examples

Verb agreement definition and examples

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Verb agreement, also known as subject-verb agreement, is the grammatical concept that ensures that the verb in a sentence agrees in number and person with its subject. When the subject of a sentence is singular, the verb must be in the singular form. When the subject is plural, the verb must be in the plural form.

Here's a detailed explanation of verb agreement:

  1. Singular Subject and Singular Verb:

    • When the subject of a sentence is singular (referring to one person, thing, or entity), the verb must also be in the singular form.
    • Example:
      • "She walks to school every day." (The singular subject "she" agrees with the singular verb "walks.")
  2. Plural Subject and Plural Verb:

    • When the subject of a sentence is plural (referring to more than one person, thing, or entity), the verb must be in the plural form.
    • Example:
      • ​​​​​​​"They walk to school every day." (The plural subject "they" agrees with the plural verb "walk.")
  3. Examples of Subject-Verb Agreement:

    • Singular subject with singular verb:
      • "The dog barks at strangers."
      • "He eats breakfast every morning."
    • Plural subject with plural verb:
      • "The dogs bark at strangers."
      • "They eat breakfast every morning."
  4. Exceptions and Special Cases:

    • In the third-person singular present tense, the verb form usually takes an "-s" or "-es" ending (e.g., "he runs," "she watches"). However, some verbs are irregular and do not follow this pattern (e.g., "he has," "she goes").
    • In certain situations, collective nouns (e.g., team, family) can be treated as either singular or plural, depending on the context and intended meaning.
    • Indefinite pronouns (e.g., everyone, somebody) are usually treated as singular, even though they may refer to multiple individuals.


Proper subject-verb agreement ensures grammatical correctness and clarity in writing and speaking. It helps to maintain the logical connection between the subject and the verb, making sentences more coherent and understandable.

