You can take a complete test for the Listening, Reading and Writing sections now, just like in the real IELTS exam!
Practice Test 2
Full Test
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Simulation test mode
Simulation test mode is the best option to experience the real IELTS on computer.
Test information
IELTS Full Test
Simulation test mode is the best option to experience the real IELTS on computer.
Test information
This test includes the Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking sections.
It takes about 3 hours to complete (same as the real IELTS test).
This test includes the Listening, Reading and Writing sections. (Speaking simulation will be available soon).
It takes about 2 hours and 45 minutes to complete (same as the real IELTS test).
This feature is not available on iOS at the moment, please use a computer to take this test.
Post a comment on "IELTS Practice Test Volume 5"
Most Popular Comment
guys do you agree that listening tests are a bit chaotic, with no enough pauses and low quality recordings???
Anonymous => This is the better audio file everyone, just noticed the poor test layout made me so confused to fill answers in :( please fix it !!
Volume 5 Test 2 has poor audio quality! Not recommended since it affects your actual performance. What a waste of my time T^T
Listening tests are stupid fr. I wrote "302 pounds" and it's wrong. So silly.
Lovepreet Singh
I need to reading book volume 5
Test 111
I want test ielts practce
is that from Cambridge books
Akbar Evatov
very good site! I like it
The quality of the recording is not good.
MC Can anyone please review my essay and share your thoughts about it by sharing a band score of 0 to 9. Your review would really mean a lot to me. So that I can improve my level of writing and improve my band score. Thank you so much, a lot, if you were spending your own time for correcting my essay and reading my comment.
guys do you agree that listening tests are a bit chaotic, with no enough pauses and low quality recordings??? => This is the better audio file everyone, just noticed the poor test layout made me so confused to fill answers in :( please fix it !!
Volume 5 Test 2 has poor audio quality! Not recommended since it affects your actual performance. What a waste of my time T^T
Listening tests are stupid fr. I wrote "302 pounds" and it's wrong. So silly.
I need to reading book volume 5
Test 111
I want test ielts practce
is that from Cambridge books
very good site! I like it
The quality of the recording is not good.
Can anyone please review my essay and share your thoughts about it by sharing a band score of 0 to 9. Your review would really mean a lot to me. So that I can improve my level of writing and improve my band score. Thank you so much, a lot, if you were spending your own time for correcting my essay and reading my comment.