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IELTS Liz - one of the best websites for IELTS Preparation

IELTS Liz - one of the best websites for IELTS Preparation

(6 votes)

Preparing for the IELTS exam doesn’t stop outside the classroom. The internet is a great source of free extra materials for IELTS practice. But with so much choice, which are the best resources? Every week we will introduce you a website/blog for you to practice.

Liz's IELTS is a free website for IELTS test preparation. Her IELTS tips, lessons and information are for students aiming for band scores 6, 7, 8 & 9 in their IELTS test.


If you prefer a more visual approach to learning, English teacher and IELTS examiner ‘IELTSLiz’ has a lovely youtube channel. Her video lessons cover all 4 IELTS tasks and the IELTS lessons are friendly, well-paced and informative. She also offers some other general tips and advice for the IELTS exam and she covers IELTS vocabulary too.

If you like videos, check out this site. Liz has loads of great videos that tackle the most common IELTS problems and questions. They are simple to follow and Liz presents them in a really friendly way.

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