[aaasdasd a] Writing Practice Test 922429
Task 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The first chart below shows the results of a survey which sampled a cross-section of 100,000 people asking if they traveled abroad and why they traveled for the period 1994-98.
The second chart shows their destinations over the same period.
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below
You should write at least 150 words.

The table and the chart presents the number of UK people traveling to other countries with various reasons and places they went from 1994 to 1998. The sample was taken with 100.000 sample takers.
Overall, it can be observed clearly that holiday was the best reason for people to go overseas while Western Europe countries welcomed the most tourists.
The number of people going out for holiday always dominated others. Starting with 15.246 in 1994 and slightly dropping to 14,898 in 1995, the number of this group continuously increased and reached the peak in 1998 with 20,700 people. Visiting to friends and relatives and going for business experienced a similar trend when both grew gradually and became highest in 1998 with 3.181 and 3.957 respectively. Other reasons fluctuated insignificantly with 982 in 1994 and went up to 990 in 1998.
Western Europe countries always received the most tourists from the UK. The number was about 19000 in 1994. After a minor decline in 1995, a gradual upward trend appeared and people from the UK came to these countries reached the peak at just under 25000 in 1998. Other countries stood behind and the number almost remained unchanged during the period while North America welcomed the least people from the UK but the number had an increase over the years.
Task 2
The past, the present, and the future are experienced by everyone. There is an idea that the past has no role and is not valuable for people living in the present. In my personal viewpoint, I completely disagree with this opinion.
It is undeniable that human beings do have to go through the past to come to the present. Therefore, there are histories and events that we need to take into account. To be more specific, people learn history at school in order to acknowledge what their ancestors have done like building high ancient infrastructure which even modern people are struggling to follow. Wars are another thing in the past we should learn to avoid since its destructions were proven in many battles. For examples, since the day Americans dropped nuclear bombs in two regions of Japan, there have never been any similar attack happening. People do draw experience from the past to prevent catastrophic present events.
Another reason to illustrate the values of the past is that people take happened things the base for present and future developments. A practical application in the past was fire when people created frictions between two hard things to make fire. At this modern time, lighters are made from that mechanism. In some other harsh areas, people discovered number of ways to preserve food so that they could use in scorching summers or freezing winters. Despite tracing back thousands of years, these methods like drying under the sun and placing into ice are still being applied. Even food drying machine and refrigerators were invented based on the use of heat and cold following the initiatives.
The past plays a significant role in human beings’ present and even future. For that reason, the past should be studied and discovered as much as people can since we might find out something new and apply it for a better life. In my opinion, the thinking of not learning the past should be corrected.
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