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[Chedy S] Writing Practice Test 552820

Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The first chart below shows the results of a survey which sampled a cross-section of 100,000 people asking if they traveled abroad and why they traveled for the period 1994-98.

The second chart shows their destinations over the same period.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below

You should write at least 150 words.

Writing task 1

The top chart illustrates informations about a sample of abotu 100000 people on wether they traveled abroad and what was the purpose for it for the timeline of 1994-98 while the bottom chart displays their go to destination over the same period.

Overall Holdiays isthe main reason uk residents travel abroad over the 4 year period while visits to friends and relatives is the least known mentioned reason traveled for, western europe seems to be the sweet spot for uk's citizens with it claiming the number one spot far away from any other destinations.

To start with, holdiay's stand for more than half of the total visits done by uk resident's in 1994 with 15,246 visits compared to 22,072 in total, business and visits to friends and relatives however accounts for 31,55 and 2689, respectively while what is left is for other reasons, the following year there's no big difference with business, visits to friends and relatives, and the other reasons almost keeping the same numbers, holday's however decrease slighty to 14,898, moving on to 1996 we can see a noticable bumb in holiday's visit's to aronud 17,896 while busines, visits to friends and relatives and the other reasons being at, 3249,2774,1030, respectively with a total of 24,949 visits. Moreover these numbers keeps growing in 1997 with a noticable increase in holday's visits to 19703, same goes with business's to about 3639, visits to friends and relatives aswell to 3051, the leftover reasons however only increase by a tiny bit. Finshing off with the last year which is 1998 we don't see a drastic change holday's and visits to friend and relatives give us a small bump to 20,700, 3181, respectively business's climb's to 3957 and the other reasons slighty decreases to 9970 totaling 28,828 visits in the last year.

Western europe top's out the chart with about 17000 visits compared to about 1000,2000 of north america and other areas, respectively, the following year visit's to western europe slighty decreases then it's keep's on gradually climbing for all the next years, north america and the other areas however are on the rise, relatively.

Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.

Writing task 2

Life should be enjoyed to it's limits therefore enjoying the moment is the key to experiencing a fun journey that's why some thinks that you shouldn't worry or get any lessons from your past because it's certently not going to affect us living the present.In this essay we will discuss wether the past in general can affect us in our daily lives or they are not needed at all.

Past shouldn't be ignored it's the opposite, we have to be open about it with it's good and bad sides, Man kind over the thousand years built empires, such a carthage in which at the time had a democratic system hundreds of years ago, described,discovered and invented countless of medical related stuff, not only in the medcail sectrion but alghorithm was invented by a guy named alkhawarizmi in which we still use it's invention in different computed related stuff.The last world war that was led by a man in germany is probably the best example on why past as a hole should not be looked over, it left more than 50 milllions death and destabilazed the hole conitent at the time, countless families were shreded, the holocaust aswell is a reason of many on why now we're dealing with the pelastine and isreal conflict, all this could've been avoided.

Taking an example of someone that has lost a loved one if he's just too attached he won't be able to live the rest of his life, depression would eventially get him and it could end up in him leaving the world in a way or another for the reason of that he couldn't move on but instead he should've been open about it and that one day everyone is having the same fate so focusing on doing great stuff that benefits the sociaty is the better path.

I completely disagree with that learning about the past has no weight on us living in the present

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