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Required IELTS Scores at UK Universities

Required IELTS Scores at UK Universities

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What are the required IELTS scores to study degrees in the UK? Take a look at the requirement for some of the UK universities to get an idea!


Planning to study in the UK for a Bachelor or Master degree? Check below for a list of the IELTS requirement for some of the top UK universities and see how well you are doing and how much you need to improve:


University of Oxford: Bachelor's: 7.0, Master: 7.0

University of Cambridge: Bachelor's: 7.0, Master: 7.0

Imperial College London: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0

University College London: Bachelor's: 5.5, Master: 5.5

London School of Economics and Political Science: Bachelor's: 7.0, Master: 7.0

University of Edinburgh: Bachelor's: 6.5, Master: 6.5

King's College London: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0

University of Manchester: Bachelor's: 5.5, Master: 5.5

University of Bristol: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0

University of Glasgow: Bachelor's: 6.5, Master: 6.5

University of Warwick: Bachelor's: 5.5, Master: 5.5

Durham University: Bachelor's: 4.5, Master: 4.5

University of Sheffield: Bachelor's: 5.5, Master: 5.5

Queen Mary University of London: Bachelor's: 5.5, Master: 5.5

University of Southampton: Bachelor's: 6.5, Master: 6.5

University of Exeter: Bachelor's: 6.5, Master: 6.5

University of Leeds: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0

University of Birmingham: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0

University of St Andrews: Bachelor's: 7.0, Master: 7.0

University of Nottingham: Bachelor's: 7.0, Master: 7.0

University of Sussex: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0

Lancaster University: Bachelor's: 4.0, Master: 4.0

University of Leicester: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0

Cardiff University: Bachelor's: 6.5, Master: 6.5

Newcastle University: Bachelor's: 6.5, Master: 6.5

University of Liverpool: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0

University of Aberdeen: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0

University of Dundee: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0

University of East Anglia: Bachelor's: 6.5, Master: 6.5

Royal Holloway, University of London: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0


On average we can expect a minimum band 5.5 for UK courses, with band 6.5+ for the top few universities. Please note that different courses at a same university can have different IELTS requirement, so check with the institution for more details. The above list is for guidance only. 


Don't forget that we offer examiner one-to-one services that are tailored to boost your IELTS score in short period of time, do check them out: IELTS Premium Service





What are the required IELTS scores to study degrees in the UK? Take a look at the requirement for some of the UK universities to get an idea!


Planning to study in the UK for a Bachelor or Master degree? Check below for a list of the IELTS requirement for some of the top UK universities and see how well you are doing and how much you need to improve:


University of Oxford: Bachelor's: 7.0, Master: 7.0

University of Cambridge: Bachelor's: 7.0, Master: 7.0

Imperial College London: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0

University College London: Bachelor's: 5.5, Master: 5.5

London School of Economics and Political Science: Bachelor's: 7.0, Master: 7.0

University of Edinburgh: Bachelor's: 6.5, Master: 6.5

King's College London: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0

University of Manchester: Bachelor's: 5.5, Master: 5.5

University of Bristol: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0

University of Glasgow: Bachelor's: 6.5, Master: 6.5

University of Warwick: Bachelor's: 5.5, Master: 5.5

Durham University: Bachelor's: 4.5, Master: 4.5

University of Sheffield: Bachelor's: 5.5, Master: 5.5

Queen Mary University of London: Bachelor's: 5.5, Master: 5.5

University of Southampton: Bachelor's: 6.5, Master: 6.5

University of Exeter: Bachelor's: 6.5, Master: 6.5

University of Leeds: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0

University of Birmingham: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0

University of St Andrews: Bachelor's: 7.0, Master: 7.0

University of Nottingham: Bachelor's: 7.0, Master: 7.0

University of Sussex: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0

Lancaster University: Bachelor's: 4.0, Master: 4.0

University of Leicester: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0

Cardiff University: Bachelor's: 6.5, Master: 6.5

Newcastle University: Bachelor's: 6.5, Master: 6.5

University of Liverpool: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0

University of Aberdeen: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0

University of Dundee: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0

University of East Anglia: Bachelor's: 6.5, Master: 6.5

Royal Holloway, University of London: Bachelor's: 6.0, Master: 6.0


On average we can expect a minimum band 5.5 for UK courses, with band 6.5+ for the top few universities. Please note that different courses at a same university can have different IELTS requirement, so check with the institution for more details. The above list is for guidance only. 


Don't forget that we offer examiner one-to-one services that are tailored to boost your IELTS score in short period of time, do check them out: IELTS Premium Service





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Nowadays, there are some fluctuations in economy, in consequence, the requires of the food decrease significantly day by day. That leads to the shortage of food in many countries. To solve the issue, there comes up with a solution which is eating insects instead of normal food. Those two graphs show the rate in some countries and what cost they are.
According to the ìnormation from the map, most of the tropical countries intend to add insect in their meal list. The highest is Mexico with 71%. In other words, it is estimated that 7 out of 10 Mexicans are ready to eat these kind of food. Peru and Thailand, additionally, half of people have no objection to replace a part of their usual meals with bugs. In contrast, the food shortage is not so serious that they do not eat insect based products as much as the others.
For the cost, it is obvious that the price of daily food and the one of the insects is chalk and cheese. The most expensive food in daily life is beef costs 3.03 USD per kilo, meanwhile, the weaver ant- the most expensive wild which is able to being eaten insect is sold 10.65 USD/kg about three times as expensive as beef. Rice(0.78 USD/kg) and glutinous rice(0.52 USD/kg) even is not as high as the female giant water bug(2,6 USD/kg) despite the necessary food.

Anh La Trick Lỏ

The map and the chart below represents the proportion for how much insect products are willingly consumed in some areas and countries around the world as well as the price of some certain food which is available on the market place.
It can be seen that insect products's willing consumption are popular with some areas located in south-America, Mexico while countries in Australia, Africa, Asia except Thailand have lower willingness. The price of insect product is higher than some certain food on the market place.
Mexico's population have the strongest enthusiasm for insect products, which has the percentage of 71%, Peru and ThaiLand  are the second and the third highest in willingness, which account for 58% and 56% of their population respectively. In other nations such as Brazil and China, their support for eating insect are from 45%-46% while some countries such as Spain, the UK, Australia, some countries in Asia and South- Africa have the under 40%, especially Japan, which has the lowest percentage of willingness, at 21%.
take a look for the chart, weaver-ant (wild) has the most expensive price in insect product's list, which is 10,65$/kg, bamboo caterpillar and palm weevil (wild) are the second and third most expensive, which cost 9,35$/kg and 10$/kg respectively, giant wate bug, 2,6$/kg, is the cheapest product. Some certain food such as pork and buffalo have the more reasonable price, from 1,91$/kg to 3, 03$/kg. Rice (thai Hom Mali) has the lowest  price, at 0,78$/kg


he map and the chart below represents the proportion for how much insect products are willingly consumed in some areas and countries around the world as well as the price of some certain food which is available on the market place.
It can be seen that insect products's willing consumption are popular with some areas located in south-America, Mexico while countries in Australia, Africa, Asia except Thailand have lower willingness. The price of insect product is higher than some certain food on the market place.
Mexico's population have the strongest enthusiasm for insect products, which has the percentage of 71%, Peru and ThaiLand  are the second and the third highest in willingness, which account for 58% and 56% of their population respectively. In other nations such as Brazil and China, their support for eating insect are from 45%-46% while some countries such as Spain, the UK, Australia, some countries in Asia and South- Africa have the under 40%, especially Japan, which has the lowest percentage of willingness, at 21%.
take a look for the chart, weaver-ant (wild) has the most expensive price in insect product's list, which is 10,65$/kg, bamboo caterpillar and palm weevil (wild) are the second and third most expensive, which cost 9,35$/kg and 10$/kg respectively, giant wate bug, 2,6$/kg, is the cheapest product. Some certain food such as pork and buffalo have the more reasonable price, from 1,91$/kg to 3, 03$/kg. Rice (thai Hom Mali) has the lowest  price, at 0,78$/kg


Hi everone
I would like to know my IELTS writing score, so pls give some feedback for my writing
tks all

Võ Lê Quốc Thắng

In this analysis we will examine three pie charts. The first one is headed ‘World Spending. ’ The second is ‘World Population’ and the third is ‘Consumption of Resources. ’

In the first chart we can see that people spend most of their income (24%) on food. In some countries this percentage would obviously be much higher. Transport and then housing are the next major expenses at 18% and 12% respectively. Only 6% of income is spent on clothing.

In the second chart entitled ‘World Population’, it is not surprising to find that 57% of people live in Asia. In fact China and India are two of the most populated countries in the world and they are both situated on this continent. Europe and the Americans account for nearly 30% of the total, whilst 10% of people live in Africa.

Finally, the third chart reveals that the USA and Europe consume a huge 60% of the world’s resource.

To sum up, the major expenditure is on food, the population figures are the highest for Asia and the major consumers are the USA and Europe.

Minh Phương Hoàng

I don't have many experience about make the food, and I don't like food prepared from insects because I have a strong allergy, therefore I protest the idea that food prepare from insects. However, some insects that good for health such as: Giant Beetles, Caterpillars, Cicadas. People can catch them and food prepared from them. Some people can eat them and feel very delicious but some people detest them. For me, I think eat the insect is so awful, I hate them and my family hate them too so we never eat them!
Thanks you for your reading!


The man and chart illustrate the information for the global willingness to consume insec products and curren price for certain food which are available in the market . Overall , Mexico was the highest number to eat insect products and the lowest amount of eating insect products was Japan
Acording to the detailed data , the number of eating insect products in Mexico was highest which 71% willingness and following by Peru and Thailand had amount 58% & 56% willingness . Brazil and China had the similar percentage : 45% and 44% . After that ,  Africa , UK, USA , Austrailia , Spain , India and Russia were in descending order : 39% , 36% , 35% , 34% , 32% restectively , among Spain percentage equal India which was 33% . And the last , the lowest consumption is Japan with 21% .
Generally , Weaver Ant had the highest price : 10,65 USD/kg and the lowest price was Rice ( Thai Hom Mali ) which was 0,78 USD/kg . Available products on the market had prices below 3 USD/kg in ascending order were : rice , glutinous rice , chicken , pork , buffalo , giant water bug which were : 0,78 USD ; 0,82 USD ; 1,08 USD ; 1,91 USD ; 2,38USD ; 2,6 USD per each kg respectively . Between 3 USD and 5 USD included : house cricket with 3 USD/kg , male giant water bug with 3,3 USD/kg , feild cricket with 3,67 USD/kg , silk worm pupae with 4USD/kg and mole cricket with 5 USD/kg . Available products had the highest cost in descending order were : weaver ant , bamboo caterpillar , palm weevil ( palm bred ) , bombay locust , palm weevil ( bin bred ) which respectively : 10,65USD ; 10USD ; 9,35USD ; 7,8USD ; 6,4USD .


The man and chart illustrate the information for the global willingness to consume insec products and curren price for certain food which are available in the market . Overall , Mexico was the highest number to eat insect products and the lowest amount of eating insect products was Japan
Acording to the detailed data , the number of eating insect products in Mexico was highest which 71% willingness and following by Peru and Thailand had amount 58% & 56% willingness . Brazil and China had the similar percentage : 45% and 44% . After that ,  Africa , UK, USA , Austrailia , Spain , India and Russia were in descending order : 39% , 36% , 35% , 34% , 32% restectively , among Spain percentage equal India which was 33% . And the last , the lowest consumption is Japan with 21% .

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