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Just $8.99 $1.99 to know your IELTS Speaking Score!

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Powered by the latest AI technology
used by 82,393+ students

What Makes IELTS Speaking - IELTS-GPT Evaluation Difference?

Rapid Insights for Accelerated Learning
Consistent and Immediate Feedback
With IELTS-GPT Evaluation, get constant and quick feedback on how you speak.
No need to wait 48 hours for a tutor – improve your skills by checking your practice right after.
Improvement through Data
In-depth Numbers and Information
IELTS-GPT breaks down your speech with exact numbers on pronunciation, tone, fluency, grammar, and vocabulary. This helps you find exactly what to work on for better speaking.
Clear Steps to Elevate Your IELTS Speaking
Useful Advice for Getting Better
Find helpful and clear tips to make your IELTS speaking better. Get specific advice you can use for real progress.
Start a journey of your IELTS Speaking Mastery
with only $8.99 $1.99 /per test
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How to Use IELTS-GPT Evaluation Service

Option 1
Evaluate Previous Performances
Evaluate your performance on any IELTS Speaking test you took previously.
Buy IELTS-GPT Evaluation Service
Choose an IELTS speaking test to Get evaluated in the "Practice Test History"
Confirm to use IELTS-GPT Evaluation Service
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Option 2
Evaluate Real-time Performances
Evaluate instantly right after you finish an IELTS Speaking test.
Take an IELTS speaking test and submit your recording as usual
Buy IELTS-GPT Evaluation Service (or Confirm to use if you’ve bought it)
Select ‘Use for this test’ to evaluate the IELTS speaking test you just recorded
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Take a new test
Receive your IELTS Speaking Score within just 1 minute
Get instant tips, detailed review, personalised help, and practical advice to improve your IELTS speaking score today!
with only $8.99 $1.99 /per test
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If you still have a problem after checking throught the FAQ, please contact us via email: hi@ieltsonlinetests.com.

It costs $1.99 per instance to receive an evaluation from AI.

We will not refund after purchasing.

If there are any problems during study progress , please contact us via email: hi@ieltsonlinetests.com.

In any case of unhappiness with our service, please send us an email to hi@ieltsonlinetests.com with a detailed explanation. We will get back to you within one working day.

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