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IELTS Model Answer of Band 7

IELTS Model Answer of Band 7

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IELTS Model Answer of Band 7

It is often seen quite commonly that those students who want to achieve 7 Band in each module of IELTS are finding the writing module challenging. They reappear in the exam again and again, unaware of what they are lacking in their writing skills and hence repeatedly end up getting 6.5.

In most of the cases, it’s about the grammar mistakes which are too many for their writing to touch the level of band 7. On the other hand, the problem with some other students is that they are not able to put equal efforts in both task 1 and task 2. If they write letter (report in case of academics) well, they miss out in essay.

Hence, it is important that factors of assessment for achieving band score of 7 should be well understood and considered at the time you are attempting both writing task 1 and task 2. These factors include task response, grammar, sentence connectors, vocabulary etc.
Let us firstly understand the band descriptors that lead us to obtain band score of 7. Below are the factors of assessment explained to give you an idea of how far you need to perform well for achieving 7 band:

1. Task Achievement

  • You have answered all the parts of essay question
  • Your response to the question is clear throughout
  • You have explained the relevant ideas, extended them properly and have also written examples in the body paragraphsHowever, you present ideas more generally and along with that, it may be the case that your examples are not focused enough to support your ideas

2. Coherence and Cohesion

  • Your ideas  are logically organised and the overall flow is clear as  per the question
  • You have used cohesive devices such as in addition, moreover, on the other hand etc. but their use may be less or excessive
  • Controlling ideas of the paragraphs  are clear

3. Lexical Resource

  • You are using sufficient vocabulary that allows flexibility and precision.
  • You are using words that are uncommon but awareness about style and collocation (combining words together) is limited. And, you sometimes make mistakes in the choice of word, formation of word or spelling

4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy

  • You are forming a variety of complex sentences
  • Frequently, your sentences are free from grammar and punctuation errors
  • However, there are a few mistakes in grammar and punctuation

Overall Band 7 Description

Below is the overall description of a 7 Band scorer. However, you may see the exact description written on the back side of your IELTS score card:

Band 7 candidate is described as “Good User” of English language

It means the candidate has operational command of the language but he occasionally makes some mistakes related to accuracy, appropriateness and misunderstanding. He usually understands complex arguments and also understands reasoning given in detail.


In the opinion of some people, internet has narrowed the gap among people in the world by increasing social interaction.

To what extent do you agree/disagree with this view?

Sample Answer:

In this modern world, technology is advancing day by day. Internet is also one such invention of technology which has become the most powerful tool in the world today as it is drawing the people closer. With the help of the internet, the way people used to socialise with each other has changed and improved to a much greater extent.

To begin with, internet has brought various benefits to the people letting them to socialise more. It has provided excellent social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and others which have just revolutionised the way people used to communicate in the earlier times. Moreover, sending messages using internet has become easier, convenient and economical. Otherwise, people had to wait a lot for sending or receiving messages. For example, people nowadays can send instant messages on Facebook in just no time.

On the other hand, there are several drawbacks of using the internet and its effect on social interaction. One of the drawbacks is that people do not interact face to face. Hence, social interaction has been limited to online communication. In addition to this, people have become addicted to the internet to this much extent that they suffer from health related problems such as poor eye-sight, back ache and others. For instance, it has been found that people often use internet devices, being as comfortable as possible, lying on the bed which affects their body posture causing back ache.

Conclusively, it can be said that though internet has benefitted the mankind in several aspects by reducing the distance among people but it has also led to the birth of new problems related to health and others.

(275 words)



IELTS Model Answer of Band 7

It is often seen quite commonly that those students who want to achieve 7 Band in each module of IELTS are finding the writing module challenging. They reappear in the exam again and again, unaware of what they are lacking in their writing skills and hence repeatedly end up getting 6.5.

In most of the cases, it’s about the grammar mistakes which are too many for their writing to touch the level of band 7. On the other hand, the problem with some other students is that they are not able to put equal efforts in both task 1 and task 2. If they write letter (report in case of academics) well, they miss out in essay.

Hence, it is important that factors of assessment for achieving band score of 7 should be well understood and considered at the time you are attempting both writing task 1 and task 2. These factors include task response, grammar, sentence connectors, vocabulary etc.
Let us firstly understand the band descriptors that lead us to obtain band score of 7. Below are the factors of assessment explained to give you an idea of how far you need to perform well for achieving 7 band:

1. Task Achievement

  • You have answered all the parts of essay question
  • Your response to the question is clear throughout
  • You have explained the relevant ideas, extended them properly and have also written examples in the body paragraphsHowever, you present ideas more generally and along with that, it may be the case that your examples are not focused enough to support your ideas

2. Coherence and Cohesion

  • Your ideas  are logically organised and the overall flow is clear as  per the question
  • You have used cohesive devices such as in addition, moreover, on the other hand etc. but their use may be less or excessive
  • Controlling ideas of the paragraphs  are clear

3. Lexical Resource

  • You are using sufficient vocabulary that allows flexibility and precision.
  • You are using words that are uncommon but awareness about style and collocation (combining words together) is limited. And, you sometimes make mistakes in the choice of word, formation of word or spelling

4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy

  • You are forming a variety of complex sentences
  • Frequently, your sentences are free from grammar and punctuation errors
  • However, there are a few mistakes in grammar and punctuation

Overall Band 7 Description

Below is the overall description of a 7 Band scorer. However, you may see the exact description written on the back side of your IELTS score card:

Band 7 candidate is described as “Good User” of English language

It means the candidate has operational command of the language but he occasionally makes some mistakes related to accuracy, appropriateness and misunderstanding. He usually understands complex arguments and also understands reasoning given in detail.


In the opinion of some people, internet has narrowed the gap among people in the world by increasing social interaction.

To what extent do you agree/disagree with this view?

Sample Answer:

In this modern world, technology is advancing day by day. Internet is also one such invention of technology which has become the most powerful tool in the world today as it is drawing the people closer. With the help of the internet, the way people used to socialise with each other has changed and improved to a much greater extent.

To begin with, internet has brought various benefits to the people letting them to socialise more. It has provided excellent social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and others which have just revolutionised the way people used to communicate in the earlier times. Moreover, sending messages using internet has become easier, convenient and economical. Otherwise, people had to wait a lot for sending or receiving messages. For example, people nowadays can send instant messages on Facebook in just no time.

On the other hand, there are several drawbacks of using the internet and its effect on social interaction. One of the drawbacks is that people do not interact face to face. Hence, social interaction has been limited to online communication. In addition to this, people have become addicted to the internet to this much extent that they suffer from health related problems such as poor eye-sight, back ache and others. For instance, it has been found that people often use internet devices, being as comfortable as possible, lying on the bed which affects their body posture causing back ache.

Conclusively, it can be said that though internet has benefitted the mankind in several aspects by reducing the distance among people but it has also led to the birth of new problems related to health and others.

(275 words)


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