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IELTS General Training Volume 6 Speaking Practice Test 2

Question list

  • What is your name?

  • What do you do?

  • What are your responsibilities?

  • Do you like your work?

  • How often do you use computer?

  • Do you think in the future we will rely on computers even more than we do today?

  • How do you organize your time?

  • Why is it important to be punctual?

  • Describe something you do to keep fit/ Describe something healthy you enjoy doing

    You should say:

    • What you do 
    • Where you do it 
    • Who you do it with

    and explain why you think doing this is healthy.

  • What do people do to keep fit?

  • Do you think there are differences between men and women when they keep fit?

  • Is lack of fitness attributed as the sole responsibility of individual?

  • What is the role off government with regard to people’s health?

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